
#07 recycle Glass, paper, metal and even plastics are valuable materials. Sending them to landfill e

#07 recycle

Glass, paper, metal and even plastics are valuable materials. Sending them to landfill ends their lifecycles was too early. When you have the possibility, recycle. Even though creating less waste in the first place is even better, it might not always be possible to avoid some trash. So whenever possible, split your trash and put it in the right bin.

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#06 skip single-use plastics Straws, Starbucks, red solo cups, one time plates or food wrapping are

#06 skip single-use plastics

Straws, Starbucks, red solo cups, one time plates or food wrapping are all made out of plastic. It’s a very durable material which stays on our planet for several hundred years, but those products are made for one single use only, they are tossed into trash to be burnt, in the best case or worse, they are littered elsewhere and might end up in the ocean eventually. One thing to do is of course recycling as much as possible. But plastics can never really be recycled, they are only downcycled. So the only real solution against plastic pollution is to stop making those plastic items in the first place.

What everyone can do is refuse straws in bars and cafes or serve party drinks in real glasses and food in real plates. We can also ask for a real mug when having our drink to stay not to go.

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#04 buy less, choose well.That means, basically, buying one high quality item instead of several l

#04 buy less, choose well.

That means, basically, buying one high quality item instead of several lower quality things. One sweater you’d wear for years is less expensive and saves so much resources and energy compared to a Zara sweater you wash three times before it loses its shape.

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#03 repair instead of replace In today’s super fast life, we tend to throw everything out when

#03 repair instead of replace

In today’s super fast life, we tend to throw everything out when it’s broken. Cellphones, clothing, furniture: everything will be replaced. But taking the extra effort to repair something saves so much energy and resources - worth a try. And it will also save some cash.

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#02 bring your own cup In the U.S. alone, more than 150 million single use coffee cups are ending up

#02 bring your own cup

In the U.S. alone, more than 150 million single use coffee cups are ending up in the trash every. single. day. I don’t even dare to calculate what that would mean for a year.

Bringing your own cup every day will easily save 365 cups a year. That’s huge. Bonus: many places will even give you a discount for bringing your cup.

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There are more than a million ways to help saving our world and all beings living on it. Sure, most of them involve big actions and politics, but there are a lot of things we can do in our everyday lives. I have been trying to live in the most sustainable way I can for the past two years and I want to share them with the world, so I’ll be posting one thing everyone can easily change everyday for the next 100 days.

Happy world vegan day from my vegan pup Pepsi and me! I still remember the exact day I decided to ma

Happy world vegan day from my vegan pup Pepsi and me!

I still remember the exact day I decided to make the switch to veganism, on January 5th of 2008.

I was definitely not the type of person who ever thought I’d go vegan. I was a meat lover and didn’t overly care about animals, except for fish.

Now I’ve been vegan for nearly 9 years and my pup has been vegan for 3 years. It goes to show that anyone can thrive on a vegan lifestyle. If I could do it, you definitely can too!

#govegan #veganism #vegandog #loveanimalsdonteatthem

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