#venus in aries



■ scorpio moons & Pluto in the 3rd house have a really hard time sharing personal info, if they do it means your trustworthy or they want to get something out of it. Be careful.

Mars in cancer can be really rough at sex so some people would consider them ‘bad’ at it bc of this, but it’s just about preferences. But they’re also givers so it’s easy for them to adapt.

■ Mars in sagittarius are very sexual and is the type to flirt w everyone they meet just for fun (esp. males)

□ aries placements (venus & mars mostly) have a necessity to be liked romantically by other people (esp. females) they might not even like that person but they want to be liked asap

■ sagittarius risings have more of an oval head shape and pretty smiles. They actually enjoy being annoying lol

pisces moons/moon in the 7th want to be liked and accepted by others so they actually try really hard for it.

venus in pisces males are into 'girly girls’ or just that type of “feminine” energy while Mars in pisces males prefer someone with much more energy that leads them without hesitation.

□ your best friend zodiac sign is most likely your rising/moon (conjunct or opposite) or the sign in your 11th house. Also, your 11th house talks about the role you play in your group of closest friends.

Gemini risings have either a really petite nose or a flat somewhat big nose.

□ leo suns/risings have lots of hair. Leo risings especially have defined (noticeable jaw) yet soft features and usually small defined lips.

■ leos are all very extroverted, if you know an introvert one it’s bc they’re not comfortable enough to show their true side yet.

□ aquarius is even more egocentric and self-centered than leo (as most people consider) but they have their way to people so nobody ever notices.

virgo moon/venus/risings can’t stand not doing the right thing. They have a constant fear of not being good enough.

□ libra mars like to think of themselves as very smart and politically correct when arguing.

venus in taurus are very touchy especially when they have a crush on someone.

capricorn sun/risings tend to be very physically attractive bc they have a really good bone structure. Great proportions. You can easily tell them apart by their famous blank stare.

■ the 2nd house rules the throat & voice:

Air signs in this house tend to have more of an airy/soft/clear tone and can play with their voice with ease, so high notes are easier to reach. (Ex. Mariah Carey, Camila Cabello, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande)

Fire signs tend to have a more prominent tone, that definitely stands out for being either loud or very sweet to the ear. (Ex. Billie Eilish, Zayn Malik, Jaehyun NCT, Katy Perry)

Earth signs tend to have a voice that’s stable. Low notes specially, they can just talk and it’d still sound good. (Ex. Freddy Mercury, Demi Lovato)

Water signs tend to have a whiny tone yet defined tone so it’s easy for them to project emotions. (Ex. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Christina Aguilera)

□ Gemini placements are hella funny and tend to have great sense of humor as well.

■ mercury in cancer is the best listener.

Mars (sometimes rising) in virgo actually enjoys cleaning.

■ siblings usually have same house overlays (ex. my sister and I have venus in the 12th house), have sun-moon conjunctions (ex. Your sibling’s an aquarius and your moon is in aquarius) and/or have sun-rising conjunction or sun in the 7th house.

□ cancers never miss a thing and always remember everything. It’s both a blessing and a curse.


Ways they say “I love you”

♡  Venus in Aries
Bringing you alongside their adventures, asking if you feel safe, holding your hand when you are overwhelmed and can’t keep up, takes heed and respect of your advice 

♡ Venus in Taurus
Ensuring you always have a safe place to go, checking in to make sure you’re okay, being motherly - keeping you nourished and nurtured, attempting to take the stress of life from you  

♡ Venus in Gemini
Putting their phone away to give you their full attention, engaging in your opinions and subjects of interest, always has time to talk to you and remains eternally fascinated with your stories 

♡ Venus in Cancer 
Attempting to get themselves out of a bad or down mood when they are around you, ensuring that you are taking care of yourself, cooking your favourite meal when they can see you are struggling 

♡ Venus in Leo
Dressing up and beautifying themselves for you, playing up to your seductive vices, involving you in their interests and pleasures, trying to hug the sadness out of you, making a big celebration out of your birthday

♡ Venus in Virgo
Remembers your routine and schedule, and the little things that make you comfortable and content, pulling the blanket over you when you are cold, leaving the light on in case it gets dark

♡ Venus in Libra 
Considers your needs before making a decision, comments at length and emphasises your good qualities, talks about themselves in a pair - “we both had a great time”

♡ Venus in Scorpio
So protective that they would probably die for you, tells you secrets they have hidden from the world, refuses to let you settle for less than you deserve, comments about things you have never told them but they have observed, affectionate and responsive to you in their dark and down moods  

♡ Venus in Sagittarius 
Integrates you in their vision for the future - ‘when we travel here…’, ‘once we have done this…’, disagrees with your beliefs but respects them and explores them with you, can check in often out of fear you will run away 

♡ Venus in Capricorn 
Discusses your goals and desires at length and works with you to achieve them, considers your success as their success, affectionate and responsive to you when they have withdrawn 

♡ Venus in Aquarius 
Keeping you close when everyone else is kept at distance, being vulnerable and opening up about their feelings, recognising special and unique things about you and encouraging them to radiate 

♡ Venus in Pisces 
Knowing that you are in a bad mood before you know yourself, remembers your silent nuances and essentials - like how many sugars in your coffee, stays up late with you regardless of how tired they are 


Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

most compatible mars signs for: aries venus

  1. sagittarius: one word, adventure. the sagittarius mars craves exploration and new experiences, and this benefits the aries venus because it means there’s never a dull moment. both are very positive and bring out the best in each other. both signs are also very straightforward about their needs and are willing to face any conflict head-on to work through it.
  2. leo: people with aries venus love the encouragement and push that someone with a leo mars can provide them, and these two have a lot of fun together. both of them are flirtatious and know just how to make the other feel special. this is a situation where both parties can be childlike and happy together.
  3. aries:both are on the same page and understand the need for independence and action. they don’t mind things moving fast or just jumping into something together. they would drop anything for each other and are able to handle the heat of the relationship.
  4. scorpio:this might seem a bit surprising, but the aries venus is incredibly attracted to the magnetic and intense energy given off by the scorpio mars. there’s a little bit of danger here, and aries is all for it! both are highly passionate and willing to put their all into it. here, actions speak louder than words.
  5. gemini:this mars sign knows how to keep things lighthearted and exciting, and both bond over their need for stimulation. the aries venus will find themselves laughing very often. i can see this relationship being one where they’re always talking/texting. there is usually not a lot of conflict because the gemini mars knows how to defuse almost anything through words.


What irritates you in people?

Opposite signs are so different but also have something in common. So they are like scales that can’t be stopped at times. If your Venus sign may show what you like and your taste, the opposite sign of your Venus may show what irritates you the most. Remember that it is not hate! It is just an irritation; this feeling often turns into liking. Remember about unstoppable scales!

Also, check the house your Venus is in and aspects!

Venus in Aries – opposite sign is Libra

You may be really irritated by indecisiveness. You don’t like seeing someone pleasing others and trying to fulfill their wishes instead of their own. Dependence irritates you because you are such an independent and determined human being. You want exact, direct, and straightforward answers to your questions, and an unclear attitude irritates you. You are irritated by the inability of someone to stand up for themselves.

Venus in Taurus – opposite sign is Scorpio

You are irritated by mysteries. You are not so insightful to read thoughts so you dislike when someone tries to show you something through signs and hints. You don’t understand why some people choose to suffer if they can choose not to do that. You can’t fully understand why they do something so passionately without any important reason.

Venus in Gemini – opposite sign is Sagittarius

You are irritated by a straightforward and direct attitude. You are a social butterfly in some way and you can’t understand why some people choose to be abrupt. You are irritated by showing off. You dislike when people don’t think about others at all and when they are too honest and carefree because you think that it is a way to get attention.

Venus in Cancer – opposite sign is Capricorn

You are irritated by dry, unemotional, and cold people. You can’t understand how it is possible not to empathize with everyone and genuinely support them. You are irritated when people act too practically and without heart. You can’t understand why some people are not loving, emotional, and giving.

Venus in Leo – opposite sign is Aquarius

Both signs have ego issues so you are irritated by the uniqueness of some people because you think that they try to get attention. You think that they are not so special and they are just pretending. You are irritated when people are overly free, independent, and not trying to get approval. Because you unconsciously seek for approval of others.

Venus in Virgo – opposite sign is Pisces

You are irritated by chaos. You dislike when everything is not in order and when some people don’t follow rules. You don’t like when people are late, lose their things, or forget something. You are irritated by irresponsible people. Also, sometimes you don’t like when others pretend that they are helping others but actually not.

Venus in Libra – opposite sign is Aries

You are irritated by overly honesty and straightforwardness. You don’t like hurting the feelings of others so you don’t understand why some people just say what they say. You dislike when others don’t choose their words carefully. Also, you are irritated by people who want to win no matter what and it doesn’t matter what it is.

Venus in Scorpio – opposite sign is Taurus

You are irritated by overindulgence. You don’t like lazy and stubborn people. You dislike when someone is too practical, unemotional, and down-to-earth. You are irritated by people who can’t understand hidden motifs. Also, you dislike when they understand information too literally.

Venus in Sagittarius – opposite sign is Gemini

You are irritated by liars. You don’t understand why it is so hard for people to tell the truth. Also, you don’t like superficiality. You are a great philosopher and quickly understand when people know just a little bit but pretend to know a lot.

Venus in Capricorn – opposite sign is Cancer

You are irritated by moody and overly emotional people. You don’t understand why they make drama from everything and play victim. You see things practically so you dislike when others act like a child just because of emotions. You are irritated by showing weaknesses and too personal feelings.

Venus in Aquarius – opposite sign in Leo

You are irritated by people who think that they are the center of the universe. You dislike when someone is showing off and pretending to be the best at everything. You don’t like when people put themselves on a pedestal without asking anyone. You are irritated by immature and childish behavior.

Venus in Pisces – opposite sign in Virgo

Boring and strict people who are trying to be right all the time irritate you. You dislike when someone is too anxious about something. Also, you don’t like when people follow discipline and rules too strictly. You are irritated when people are trying to teach you how to live.

Venus secret

How to attract boys based on their Venus signs

Venus in Aries: you need to keep him curious, so firstly, try to pay attention to this guy because everybody loves to be noticed and then all of the sudden be as cold as possible. He will be confused and curious why did you act like that so that’s the moment you become interesting for him.

☕Venus in Taurus: this guy loves visuality: big boobs, aesthetic face and trendy clothes. He’s looking for classic relationship with somebody kind, well-mannered and feminine so no smoking or swearing. This type is one of the easiest to get because you can gain his love by delicious food.

Venus in Gemini: his perfect type is somebody smart and talkative who can be a part of every conversation whether it’s about sports or computer science. Funny and always cheerful. If you want this guy likes you than forget about all sad things and be the most positive person in the room

Venus in Cancer: this type is looking for real feelings with somebody who is kind and caring just like a mother. You need to make him feel like home so always ask how is he and show other signs of care. Also you need to be small&cute so he would want to hug you.

Venus in Leo: you can’t get attention of this guy without fashion clothes and glam makeup. You need to be the most beautiful, the most generous and the richest person in the room (or at least you need to look like the richest), moreover, you should act like you’re the queen: good manners, controlling your speech etc.

Venus in Virgo: this guy isn’t looking for feelings so be prepared to it. You should be smart and tidy. Remember that every detail is important so don’t show up in front of him if your hair is messy or if you have a pimple. Erudition is the most important criteria to him so read some science or historical facts if you want to make a good impression

Venus in Libra: this guy is looking for a nice company. For somebody who is cute, charming and doesn’t think too much about routine problems. Friendly and knows a lot about relationships so will be able to find compromises. Just be positive, polite and don’t be too smarty or serious.

Venus in Scorpio: you should have a bunch of secrets so be quite and don’t talk to much. He wants a partner whom he can solve like a detective story, that’s why you should get his attention like in mystic series: keep looking at him all the time without saying anything.

⌛Venus in Sagittarius: he loves exotic so try to add something foreign in your look if your appearance is not unusual. However, it’s not as important as your knowledge and wisdom. If you have never thought about why do we live or stuff like that what you two would talk about? Good sense of humor is necessary too

Venus in Capricorn: he’s looking for somebody who can be really comfortable. If he has a normal job then he probably needs somebody who can be a good housekeeper and baby raiser, or if he has no job then he’s looking for somebody rich. Just be as serious as all Capricorns to get his attention

Venus in Aquarius: this guy has no ideal type he’s just looking for somebody who would understand him and can become a truly friend. The only advice I can give is to be yourself and have fun around because this type loves jokes.

Venus in Pisces: this is the most interesting Venus of all because there’re some levels of it. Mostly this placement is looking for a muse who will inspire him and in this case, you’ll never know what his muse is exactly. But as for different Pisces level he’s looking for somebody who will perfectly suits him so you need to be just like him.



Believeslove should happen at first sight; likes independent, go-getters; enjoys chasing and being chased

Arguing and friendly competition is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by inspiring/encouraging suitors to pursue and “win” her/him

Flirtsby teasing and picking fights; 

Wantsto be #1 in the relationship (and in her/his partner’s life) or will lose interest quickly


Believeslove should come after a lot of long-term consideration; likes (and is impressed by) wealthy people

Rich, comfort foods, receiving massages, listening to music, and fragrances that smell like something edible (mmm vanilla!) are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being emotionally stable and having consistent habits

Flirtsby providing physical comfort

Wantsto feel secure in relationships and “know where this is going”


Believeslove should mean never having to say, “I’m bored”; likes quotable, multifaceted people who have lots of diverse interests

Verbal/written expressions of love are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being infinitely entertaining

Flirtsby sharing thoughts & feelings and assigning pet names

Wants24/7 communication accessibility in relationships; variety, unpredictability


Believeslove should be nurturing; likes people who need mothering (or who are mothering) and are appreciative of her efforts

Emotional bonding and cuddling are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by making people feel cozy and sheltered; 

Flirtsby feeding and/or cooking for someone, remembering preferences, giving thoughtful tokens of affection

Wantsinterdependence in relationships


Believeslove should ALWAYS consist of romance, drama, fun, and loyalty; likes people who stand out in socially acceptable ways 

Receiving awe-inspiring gifts and positive, focused attention from an audience are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by playing up strengths and downplaying weaknesses, and inspiring chivalry

Flirtsby complimenting

Wantsemotionally-moving displays of appreciation and gratitude in relationships


Believeslove should involve making a commitment to take care of someone else; likes hard-workers who pay attention to details (conversely, is also attracted to flawed, disorganized partners that need fixing)

good hygiene, a neat appearance, and an orderly environment are aphrodisiacs 

Attractslove by handling all of the “dirty work” in a partner’s life

Flirtsby making analytical observations, self-deprecating humor, or offering self-improvement advice

Wantsto feel needed and useful in relationships


Believeslove should = 50/50 partnership + 24/7 romance; likes attractive, intelligent, and sociable people

The usual romantic clichés (such as rose petals on the bed and long, moonlit walks on the beach) are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being charming company, understanding and attentive

Flirtsindiscriminately for attention and popularity

Wantsequality, romance, and lots of attention in relationships; beauty, making plans as a couple 


Believeslove should be passionate, intense, and life-altering; likes to associate with powerful people whose sexuality comes in contradictory layers

A strong sex drive, instant chemistry, intensity, and loyalty are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by keeping a mate’s secrets, developing an emotional bond, and not wanting to share the partner’s affection

Flirtsthrough seduction

Wantsto have control and trust in a relationship


Believeslove should bring happiness, great times, and good luck; likes outgoing, intelligent, independent, adventurous people

Visiting exotic places, meeting foreign people, exploring foreign cultures, and different accents are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being friendly, fun-loving, generous, and free-spirited

Flirtsthrough friendly conversation and making someone laugh

Wantsfreedom, honesty, few expectations, and undefined commitment in a relationship


Believeslove should make people keep their word; likes responsible, successful people who can help with achieving aspirations

Knowing what’s coming next is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by being dependable and loyal; shows affection by honoring commitments and not leaving the relationship; 

Flirtsby getting straight to the point, assessing a potential mate’s value, and showing off their dry wit as they feel more comfortable

Wantsa solid commitment from the right person in relationships


Believeslove should be dessert with friendship as the main entrée; likes free-spirited, eccentric people who aren’t afraid to go against the status quo

Discussing new, inventive ways to have sex is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by being friendly to everyone

Flirtsby sharing unusual ideas and opinions

Wantsa best friend, intellectually stimulating company and emotional detachment in relationships


Believeslove should be a perfect blend of an intuitive, spiritual bond and romance; likes nonjudgmental, creative people who think and communicate in imaginative ways

Dreamy kisses that cause tingles, foot massages, bubble baths, and mind-altering substances or practices are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being infinitely compassionate and seeing the best in people

Flirtsby developing and acknowledging a special connection

Wantsempathy, kindness, and sensitivity in relationships

Venus in AriesUnconscious ExpressionSelf-defeating habit: Aggressive independence in relationships.R

Venus in Aries

Unconscious Expression

Self-defeating habit: Aggressive independence in relationships.

Result: Without realizing it, you might relate to others thoughtlessly and forcefully. This leads to experiencing an endless series of temporary alliances. In attempting to prove your self-worth by disregarding the values of others, you may ultimately win the conquest yet end up alone.

Consequently, a reluctance to sustain closeness often results in a lack of confidence in your worth and ability to relate to others. When you withhold your gift for positive leadership in social situations, it leads to a competitive viewpoint that is destructive for all concerned.

Conscious Expression

You have the ability to take the initiative in social situations. You can be a spontaneous leader. With the natural gifts of enthusiasm and courage you can inspire others to contribute to the group.

You realize your inherent value when you share your independence in a way that helps others to help themselves. This encourages others to actualize their potential for self-sufficiency. Becoming aware that others feel insecure about their self-reliance empowers you to motivate them to believe in themselves and assert their individuality. As help others to build their own independence, you simultaneously come to a realization of your true worth.

Combining your talent for seizing leadership with the recognition of other people’s feelings leads to confidence in your ability to stimulate others to interact socially. Using your gifts for taking the initiative in this way maintains your independence while simultaneously validating the worth of all concerned.

–Jodie Forrest, Spiritual Astrology

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*sun is how you think, moon is how you feel, venus is how you love*

AriesThe Velocity. When you’re with her, her heart pumps adrenaline straight into your veins. She is the arms you fall into when the rush becomes too much. You never knew someone with such a hard head could have a heart this soft. She’ll light you on fire until you get used to the burn, until her jarring touch is as soft as feathers. And she will help you up every time, you take her hand and it’s like being in a freefall but it’s okay because you’re not alone. What she want’s deep down is someone who can run wild with her. You lose her the moment you try to control her. Don’t. Just enjoy the ride, for it’s one of a kind.

TaurusThe Mystic. She is the vivacity of the living, the one who defies gravity. Her heart floating around her body makes you believe in magic. The kind everyone wants to experience. She pops her gum and tells you to put your money where your mouth is. So you rip your chest open, the blood of your beating heart splattering onto her lips. She cradles you in her arms, your worship inducing a heartfelt laughter that echoes through the vertigo of your final moment. “You did good.” she whispers, and at last you are at peace.

GeminiThe Dandelion, her soaring heart tied to a string. She’ll rock you ultra slowly until you feel you could fade away into nothing, and live forever amongst the clouds. She demands you show her everything you have to give, before she even much as gives you a smile. The quest for her heart is for only the brave. She doesn’t mind what people say, the one who she calls hers has to be unyielding. So she won’t feel so liquid all the time.

CancerThe Lighthouse. Her satin heart is safely kept, for the one who will finally be worthy. But for now she will dance, she will dance with every angel until she finds the one with the shy smile and the softest curls. At night she tells the Moon all her secrets, and now she has a secret that makes her bones shiver and her lips tremble. She loves you, I promise. Just ask the Moon.

Leo Her heart is a cup overflowing with all things lovely, filling the hearts of others as easily as she fills her own. The Fountain of Youth. Hope, lust, tenderness. You can’t help but look at her in awe and think, “I am. Because of you.” The fear you try so hard to ignore is because she doesn’t need to prove her worthiness to anyone, you’re worried that someday she won’t need you. But if she loves you, you don’t need to be afraid. She will be with you when the world ends.

VirgoThe Goddess. Her heart is a forest, full of life and mystery. She brings my soul to harmony in return for the respect she rightfully deserves. She cares for her world with everything she has, believing in the pure radiance of the noble hearted. Many might mistake her benevolence for weakness. However when she finds a bad seed, let’s just say nature can be a cruel master. After all she is the source of life and will not be exploited by the greedy. But to those who love with an open heart she gifts the vitality of spirit, and the liberation of the metaphysical mind.

Libra Her slow heartbeat echoes as it pulses against your palm, right through your bloodstream. She licks her lips and sways her hips to the rhythm. The Delilah. You cross your heart and close your eyes. “Open.” she whispers, and the cosmos had swallowed the pool table and barflies of the roadside dive. All you hear is her soft giggle and ocean waves crashing in slow motion. “Welcome to Eden.” You look around you, and you notice your blood isn’t vibrating anymore. You ask her how she found this place. She gently shakes her head with a smile on her lips and says, “Darling, you’re inside of me.”

ScorpioThe Red Winged Angel, always under my skin. The beat of your heart vibrating through my system and I’m afraid that if you touch me I will shatter to a million pieces. Late at night I dream of finding someone as sensuelle as you. Sometimes I wonder how many hearts you own, even though I can’t quit you. I don’t know what I am addicted to more, your touch or the fact that you could disintegrate the earth from underneath me if you wanted to.

SagittariusThe Honeymoon. The fast moving gal who likes them slow. If you want her heart take her for a night drive. Show her the world through your eyes. Make her feel something she’s never felt before. Free yourself from the malevolent, open your chest and breathe her in. Give her the part of you that makes you human, and she will turn you into something ethereal.  

CapricornThe Empress. Class and a pure heart, and the international woman of mystery. And even though games don’t interest her, that don’t mean she doesn’t know how to play. No one does it like her. It’s almost painful how she works you, heightening all your senses with perfect impulse control. Engage at your own risk, because she will make you miss her more than anyone you’ve ever met. But if you want to love her, she’ll hold you down for life in hazy love daydream.

Aquarius I’ve seen her in my fantasies. The Extraterrestrial. She’ll waltz right into your love sphere like she owns the place, utterly unignorable. And then she’ll smile, like she has no fucking idea. And you wonder if she really doesn’t. She goes around granting all your wishes and you wonder, why she gives you the world but won’t let you feel her heart. And she will never tell you, because feelings are hard for robot girls. She is afraid she’s too cold inside. What she doesn’t realize is she loves enough for the entire universe, she is too busy electrifying other dimensions into existence. One day she’ll come back down to earth and see everyone around her on their knees.

PiscesShe is the light that shines through the night. The Clair de Lune. You fall into her plush essence and she lets you, like a bug stuck in her amber heart. And you think how every moment of your life has brought you closer to this, to her. You finally understand the beauty of minimalism. Not every star needs to be possessed. Not every silence has to be filled. The most important things are the ones you can’t see with your eyes. Live for this. For the feeling.
