#vis a vis


fuck me zulema


Tv Show Tag Game

Thank you @pianistedu01 for tagging me!

I’ve never done this before, but I’ll give it a go.

Rules: Attach 10 gifs from 10 of your favorite TV shows without naming them and tag 10 people!  

I’m not going to tag anyone if you want to do it just do it and tag me or something

I’m sorry but I really need to add Vis a Vis (locked up) to the list because I can truly recommend it. One of the absolute BEST shows I’ve ever seen. Acting in this series is PHENOMENAL. And I might be in love with this psychopath ⬇️


I can live with Zulema’s death the way Najwa put it; by god I’m glad I watched that live as I would’ve never got that interpretation from what I saw tho

@ravendelle imma reply here so more people can see (?) if anyone else is interested. Very roughly translated - I’ve picked bits and pieces, this is the main bit (just so yall roughly get it please feel free to correct it) lol but she said more or less this;

“I understand the part of the audience who wanted more from her, you want to see her ‘die killing’, you always expect more from her. I had this funny monologue in my head during the scene, when I bend down, like “no idea what I’m going to do”. Then she (Zulema) gets up and nothing comes to her mind and then she starts singing thinking “what the fuck do I do now” and she’s like “imma drop the guns” - her decision to die has nothing to do with an act of love or anything epic; it boredom. It’s the “that’s it. I’m here, I’ve reached this point - theres a lot of dudes who are about to shoot me; that’s it.” And she thinks she could shoot these guys but there’s this cancer telling her she’s got little left so she’s like “to shit with all of this, that’s it”. It’s this place she’s in, it’s a point of almost painless ness - there’s the last scream of “fucking dogs” but there’s no intention. That’s the difficult bit to understand; I think the thing that’s been a part of Zulema’s character throughout all the seasons was that there never was any intention to bring out emotions or thrill; the emotions, when they became overpowering, came out, but they were never searched for.”

I can live with Zulema’s death the way Najwa put it; by god I’m glad I watched that live as I would’ve never got that interpretation from what I saw tho

Also gotta stan Najwa just thinking of what she would’ve called Fatima on the spot - to think this live solved the much desired narrative mystery they never gave us

ya know what gets me??? Beyond the realm of fiction is that this spin off was not worth ruining Najwa’s and Maggie’s friendship


You really expect me to believe that the same Macarena who burst into a room, firing shots and yelling “¡Soltad a Zulema, hijos de puta!” simply… ran to the helicopter? Without saying or doing anything?

well in all honesty imma chose to go with the s4 ending because wtfffff - I wouldn’t exactly call this season a gift?????

I know I haven’t been posting for a while…but I got a incredible tv show to recommend okay I started like yesterday..buut it’s called “vis a vis” or “locked up” ,it’s from spain and follows Macarena whose life is turned upside down after she is convicted and set to prison(this remember something??yess but also is so opposites,is kind criminal and in some ways way more dark) I am not going to teel every detail but is really good

Just a recommendation byye


  • I don’t own or take any credit for any of these pics.