#vladimir putin

 (Photo: Pool by Jonathan Ernst) Election securitySenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has blocked

(Photo: Pool by Jonathan Ernst) 

Election security

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has blocked two Democratic proposals he found too partisan. If McConnell dislikes the “Moscow Mitch” moniker as much as he says, he’ll find a way to work across party lines to better protect America’s democracy. Our view.Mike Huckabee’s view.

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these 13 year old antis act like activists over their precious fictional ships and characters

meanwhile texas and the UK need it more than ever where’s your activism at then?

(CNN)Donald Trump tweeted a series of tweets of conversations between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin during the 2016 campaign that prove that Donald Trump, Jr., acted alone.

“Fake news is failing to dominate the news cycle. Sad. #CNNbodyslam” he tweeted later.

Rush Limbaugh was quick to declare the scandal over.

“By definition, a Republican president cannot lie,” said Limbaugh Thursday, “So anyone who reports on this so-called ‘Russiagate’ is lying to you and part of the liberal mainstream MSM media.”

Kellyanne Conway is scheduled to be on Anderson Cooper 360 tonight to address these tweets. Sources at CNN say that Anderson has been spending hours in front of a mirror holding a printed out copy of a pear meme, practicing saying, “Lolwut?” without first rolling his eyes.

concentrated-catalyst:themorningstar-lucifer:Has anyone seen putins car being flanked by the pol



Has anyone seen putins car being flanked by the police in australia


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“Today, thanks to the escalating bloodshed in Ukraine, the planet is probably closer to nuclear conflict than at any time since the darkest days of the Cold War.

And it may not be an exaggeration to say that our future depends on a single, volatile, unpredictable and — if the rumours are to believed — increasingly sick man.

Since the first days of his attack on Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has repeatedly raised the spectre of nuclear war. He began his campaign by putting Russia’s nuclear forces on ‘special alert’ against Western intervention, and in recent days his rhetoric has reached ever more paranoid heights.

Last Wednesday, after the test of the massive new Sarmat nuclear missile, which can carry 15 warheads and reportedly wipe out an area the size of Britain, he told Russian politicians that he would be 'lightning-fast’ to use it if the West dared to meddle in Ukraine.

Other signs are equally worrying. In recent days there has been a marked change in the Kremlin’s rhetoric, casting its operation as an existential struggle against Nato and the West rather than a 'special operation’ against Ukrainian nationalists.

Russian state television, too, has become positively hysterical. Putin’s chief propagandist, Vladimir Solovyov, told millions of viewers this week that 'one Sarmat means minus one Great Britain’.

And in a truly deranged segment on Sunday evening, Channel One anchor Dmitry Kiselyov said on his prime-time news show that Moscow could wipe out Britain with a nuclear tsunami in a strike by Russia’s Poseidon underwater drone: 'Having passed over the British Isles, it will turn whatever might be left of them into a radioactive wasteland.’

Can they be serious? Are these war-crazed puppets genuinely preparing public opinion for a Russian nuclear strike? Or is this merely empty bluster, a desperate attempt to intimidate the West as Russia’s tanks stall in the spring mud? The chilling answer is that nobody really knows.

And while a surprise nuclear attack on Britain — or any major Western country — strikes me as very unlikely, many military analysts believe the Russians could be closer to breaking the nuclear taboo than at any time since the 1940s.


As early as 1954, when nuclear weapons were infinitely less destructive than they are today, the Ministry of Defence estimated that a single hydrogen bomb dropped on London would probably kill four million people.

A full-scale Soviet attack on Britain would kill nine million people straight away, and a further three million from short-term fallout. Four million more would be severely injured or disabled.

As the technology improved, the potential death toll rose. By 1983, a study by the British Medical Association suggested that a nuclear attack on Britain would kill about 33 million people. And they would be the lucky ones, since the survivors would be left to die slowly of starvation or radiation sickness in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.


So when you read the National Archives’ declassified accounts of government war games from the early 1980s, it’s striking that they often end with the Red Army surging towards the Rhine and the British Cabinet authorising a strike on a communist satellite such as Poland or Bulgaria, in order to bring the Kremlin to the negotiating table.

That tells you something. Nuclear weapons are weapons of weakness.

The price for using them is so high — not least in risking massive retaliation and the potential destruction of your own civilisation — that no vaguely sane leader would consider it unless his country was facing utter disaster.

And that, of course, brings us to Vladimir Putin. For this is precisely where he finds himself.

Two months ago, he staked his personal credibility, the future of his regime and Russia’s place in the world on the success of his Ukrainian invasion, a gamble he may well be losing.


And once the taboo was broken, where would you stop? If Putin used more nuclear weapons, would U.S. President Joe Biden issue an ultimatum? Would he authorise a strike against Russia?

And if so, where would it end? With the stakes so high, how could such a war be contained?


The other possibility, which is even more frightening, is that an angry, ailing Putin might lash out against Nato itself. In recent days he and his puppets have issued furious denunciations against countries backing Ukraine.

So what if, staring defeat in the face, he authorised a strike against a military base in the Baltic, or a Polish transport depot handling supplies to Kyiv?

Would the West cave in and impose a negotiated peace? Would our leaders do nothing? Or would they feel the need to retaliate, as our Eastern European allies would surely demand?

The truth, I suspect, is that even a 'limited’ battlefield strike might set the world on a path towards total catastrophe, leaving hundreds of millions dead and the planet ravaged beyond recovery.

'I do not think there is any such thing as a tactical nuclear weapon,’ the former U.S. Defense Secretary, General James Mattis, remarked four years ago.

'Any nuclear weapon used any time is a strategic game-changer.’

Dreadful as it may be to admit it, Mattis is right. If Vladimir Putin were to approve a nuclear strike — however limited in theory — that moment could easily be the beginning of the end.

Few of us in the West would countenance appeasement, but that might leave escalation as the only alternative.

Who knows how Joe Biden would react? And who among us can confidently say how we would react in such a terrible scenario?


But it strikes me that ever since that first test in the New Mexico desert, mankind has been enormously, and perhaps undeservedly, lucky. As a species, we have been arrogant and reckless enough to build weapons that can destroy us many times over.

We have survived several near-misses, and every time we have congratulated ourselves on our good sense. And we have forgotten that it takes only one vicious, bitter, unpredictable man to set the world on a path to utter destruction.

I repeat: it may not happen. So far, to his credit, Mr Biden has handled the Ukrainian crisis with an admirable combination of firmness and restraint.

And even somebody as drunk on his own nationalist resentments as Vladimir Putin must realise that a nuclear war would mean the end of Russian civilisation — the end of Moscow, St Petersburg and everything he and his cronies claim to revere.

Yet, like all those people who lay awake during the Cuban Missile Crisis, wondering if they would ever see tomorrow, I can’t banish a sense of dread.

And I can’t help thinking of J. Robert Oppenheimer that morning in the New Mexico desert, and those words from the Hindu scriptures: 'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds …”

Russia invades Ukraine in an brutal act of war! Moscow’s large-scale attack launched on Ukrain

Russia invades Ukraine in an brutal act of war!

Moscow’s large-scale attack launched on Ukraine erases any lingering doubts about where Russia’s dictator wants to go. Vladimir Putin is taking back part of the Soviet empire and attacking the European post-War order.

The Dictator has made no secret of his plans: not only does he want to wipe Ukraine off the map as an independent state, he has also declared war on the entire European order of peace and stability.

The man in the Kremlin wants to return to what he considers the golden age of the Soviet Empire. With this delusional desire, however, he goes much further than every Soviet leader who arrived after Stalin: Nikita Khrushchev as well as Leonid Brezhnev and Yuri Andropov all respected the limits of the post-War European order.

Vladimir Putin does not care about treaties, either the old CSCE treaty, which declared European borders inviolable, or the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, in which Moscow guaranteed Kyiv’s independence. The first step has now been taken: the attack on Ukraine, and Putin’s goal will be to transform the state into a vassal entity.

The Russian dictator will not rest until the states of the former Soviet Union have degenerated entirely into puppets whose strings are pulled in Moscow. The third step is aimed at the members of the former Warsaw Pact.

Unfortunately, Ukraine can only be helped to a very limited extent: if the West were to intervene militarily, the danger of nuclear war would be too great. It is a tragedy: if things go badly, Ukraine will fare just as Czechoslovakia did during the Prague Spring of 1968. Back then, the Western world watched helplessly with tears in its eyes as Soviet tanks rolled through Prague. Today, as then, hearts and doors should be open to the refugees. Generously and without bureaucratic hurdles they should be accepted in the EU. Forever, if necessary.

Not mutch more can be done for Ukraine. But everything else can be prevented. If Putin wants to push NATO back to the old Yalta borders of Europe, it should now be made clear to him as quickly as possible: We will not die for Ukraine in view of a possible world conflagration, but we will die for fellow members of NATO.

Although the rule used to state that NATO troops would not be permanently stationed in the eastern NATO states, the agreement with Moscow no longer applies since the attack on Ukraine. NATO allies should be permanently stationed in all states from Poland to Latvia, from Romania to Lithuania, if their governments so wish.

If Putin does not dismantle his missiles in Königsberg, he will also have to reckon with Western missile silos in the eastern NATO area. This attack on Ukraine must cost Russia deerly, especially politically.

As if that were not enough, Russia as a whole must now be placed under sanctions. Its population – the majority of which was easily intoxicated with the fiery booze of the victory bulletins after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 – must feel that Putin’s villainy will affect them as well.

Make no mistake: Europeans will suffer, too. Sanctions and the now necessary military rearmament – including the German armed forces, the Bundeswehr! – will have a major impact. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. But letting Putin have his way would mean giving up our freedom sooner or later.

What is more important: peace or freedom? The West has answered this question for itself: freedom. But those who consider peace the highest good should at least keep in mind the words of Henry Kissinger: “Whenever peace – conceived as the avoidance of war – has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member of the international community.”

Words:  Jacques Schuster / February 24, 2022 / Die Welt / English edition - Worldcrunch.

Image: Office of Ukrainian presidency 

Sad Day For Democracy Stands with Ukraine!

To my Ukrainian followers, stay safe and strong !

Love you all❤️ 

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“How’d the Helsinki Summit go?”This… this is how it went. 

“How’d the Helsinki Summit go?”

This… this is how it went. 

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