#welcome to night vale

We are pleased to announce the merger of the Greater Night Vale Medical Community with StrexCorp to

We are pleased to announce the merger of the Greater Night Vale Medical Community with StrexCorp to become the Greater Desert Bluffs Metropolitan Medical Community. We are SO HAPPY about the increase we’ve seen in efficiency and productivity, thanks incorporating StrexCorp ideals. As always, we are here for our community, helping you to overcome your own treacherous body so that you too can continue to strive for enlightenment and atone for all those silly thoughts you had about personal freedoms through a hard day’s work. Many hard day’s work. So many hard days of work.

We know transitions are difficult. Changes must be made by both sides. Mostly yours, but that’s not important. Change is good. Work is good. Freedom is overrated. Happiness is what matters. Work will make you happy! Work will make you free. Work will make you valuable and worth while. We of the Greater Desert Bluffs Medical Community will always be here to ensure that you are able to work your hardest and most efficiently. Do not be afraid to approach us with any of your health concerns. Our job is helping you do your job. Safely, productively, and eternally.  

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The most common way people give up their power is by believing they don’t have any. We as a town have chosen to give up our power. Not because we don’t believe, but because of our own passivity.  Perhaps in time we will learn that inactivity is far more dangerous than mega corporations or any rebellion against them. 

Believe in your own power to to make a difference. Believe that one plus one plus one plus one can eventually lead to full scale rebellion. But all of this will collapse if the calvary is content to wait for a hero, instead of becoming one. 

Did you know that the average human being swallows eight spiders per second? You’re probably swallowing one right now. You’ll thank us for the extra protein later.

If you love something, set it free. If it attempts to emotionally manipulate you by telling you it d

If you love something, set it free. If it attempts to emotionally manipulate you by telling you it died, it never loved you in the first place. 

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This is a reminder that Basic Life Saving (BLS) skills must be renewed on a yearly basis. Night Vale Community Hospital will be offering American Heart Association standard CPR/Helicopter Piloting classes, which will satisfy this requirement. Classes will be held in an unidentifiable windowless basement with time dilation facilities. The worthy will find themselves transported to this location at any given moment.

Stay tuned for information on our Advanced Cardiac Life Saving (ACLS) Certification/Sniper Training Sessions and Infection Control/Home Horticulture Inservice.

The Greater Night Vale Medical Community prides itself on staying up to date on the latest in healthy living. That is why we are proud to announce our latest research on citizens living a chemical free lifestyle. All participants have been reduced to their individual base elements and are currently residing in neatly labeled jars. We are having difficulties in communicating with our participants, but we assume they have reached a zen like state, as evidenced by their lack of screaming.  

Invisibility is an interesting concept. So is silence. And intangibility. More interesting that we come up with these concepts when everything our limited human bodies see, hear, and touch are a mere 4% of the universe as a whole. What do you know of nothingness? You could be drowning in a cacophony of sensation, and never have the slightest clue. 

((So this place has been dead for a few weeks now. I apologize, and I WILL get back to regular posting, but this was too good not to share. I’ve been taking an IV class for the past couple weeks, and we’ve been practicing on models of various body parts made for that kind of thing, but one in particular stuck out. It was a hand. A lone hand. A lone MASSIVE hand. And all I could think was:

And yes, that was the exact model we used. Alas no one in my class got my reference, so now I have to put it here. Back to your regularly scheduled blogging.))

100% of reality is an illusion, 0% of the above is true. Be careful not to think yourself out of exi

100% of reality is an illusion, 0% of the above is true. Be careful not to think yourself out of existence. 

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You are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is youer than you. Except for your mirror double, who has been making an art of duplicating your finite quirks since you first met eyes as an infant.

Poetry Week

  • Welcome to Night Vale
  • prompt: an ode to the town

As you of course already know from the many activities all over town, it’s Poetry Week here in Night Vale! To celebrate here on community radio I’ll be adding poetry readings to my regular broadcast. There will be poems from famous poets like William Shakespeare and Chris Evans, which will be quite a delight, and I also have a collection of submissions from local poets–people just like you who sent in their three required poems along with their income taxes and census forms. We here at community radio greatly appreciate your mandatory participation and look forward to hearing your words!

To start us off, I have a special treat for you, a poem by none other than yours truly. I call it:

An Ode to Night Vale
by Cecil Gershwin Palmer

When the sun goes down,
we have the lights above the Arby’s
to light our way.
Welcome to Night Vale.

Here in Night Vale
every house is a haven,
a comfortable place to rest.
It even comes with a faceless old woman
to watch over you
and whisper stories in your ear
while you sleep.

We have a beautiful dog park,
but please don’t get too close.
Do not go in the dog park.
Do not even think about the dog park

(You know what,
forget I even mentioned it.)

Maybe just pay a visit
to the Whispering Wood,
where the trees are so kind.
They’ll compliment your shoes,
your hair,
your sincere smile.
Just don’t stay too long,
or you’ll stay

Night Vale has good people, too.
Like John Peters–you know, the farmer?
He’s always around for good conversation
or an ear of invisible corn.
And there’s Carlos,
my sweet Carlos.
He was an outsider once,
but he belongs
And he’s a scientist.
Did I tell you that?
If you have science questions,
he’s your guy.

(But not literally your guy.
He’s actually my guy.)

Night Vale’s school board may
be the only one in the world
with a benevolent Glow Cloud
presiding as president.
It shows how much it cares
by no longer raining down
upon our heads.

And, maybe most importantly,
Night Vale has
community radio.
A wealth of information,
a voice in the darkness,
and Koshekh the floating cat
in the men’s room.

What more can I say but:
good night, Night Vale,
good night.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that bit of poetry from your humble radio host, and I hope you weren’t fooled into thinking it’s actually the end of my broadcast! I’ll have more poetry coming up soon, for now let’s have a look at traffic…

NaPoWriMo day 17


 We do not have answers. I am not certain that we even have questions. [Welcome to Night Vale]

We do not have answers. I am not certain that we even have questions.

[Welcome to Night Vale]

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“I swear it sounded like purring! It was adorable.. and strange..”

Would some one like to offer me podcast recommendations?

I’ve listened to TMA, WTNV, TPP, TAZ, and Wolf 359

I don’t know who needs to hear this but people simply have to stop whitewashing Carlos from Welcome to Night Vale. He’s canonically described as dark skinned:

And yet I consistently see him drawn as light brown or even tan white. It’s not as much a problem as it used to be since the fandom has died down, but it still gets on my nerves. So here’s a reminder:

Obviously this chart is not a perfect representation of the spectrum of skin tones, and the line can get a little blurry between midtone and dark, but it’s a start. If you hear/read “dark” and automatically invision lighter brown shades, that’s because you subconsciously view white as the default and lump in any brown-skinned person under the same category of “dark”. And if you make him brown because “he’s latino, not black!” then may I remind you:

-Latino is not a race

-Afro-Latinos exist (and don’t even have to be multiracial)

-Dark-skinned indigenous Latinos exist (and don’t even have to be multiracial)

I am not latine but this is what I’ve learned from the indigenous and black latine community who face an extreme amount of colorism. If you think the above skin tones are dark, you don’t adequately understand how dark the spectrum of skin tones actually gets. Please draw and write Carlos with a canon-accurate skin tone ❤ Also while we’re at it some curly/kinky hair texture cuz not a lot of dark skinned bipoc have completely straight hair

-Sincerely, a lighter skinned black person tired of colorism

Instead of brain there is Carlos vol.2


Instead of brain there is Carlos


hisclockworkservants: Welcome to Night Vale fanart, Huntokarr from Episode 91 - The 12:37.


Welcome to Night Vale fanart, Huntokarr from Episode 91 - The 12:37.

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