#wh 40k


A quick take on a Calibalite Lion, I really wanna try more of these!

“PRIMARIS-LAST TEMPLAR. Teaser warhammer 40k fan cinematic”


IV Legion - Iron Warriors

Iron Within - Iron Without

Chaos Imperal Knights

New Codex of Chaos Knights


#man at arms    #chainsword    #warhammer 40k    #wh 40k    #space marines    #weapons    #swords    #freaksofwar    #space marine    #espada sierra    #marines espaciales    #espadas    #reforget    

Sanguinius: I think Corvus’s mad at you.

Horus: What makes you say that?

Sanguinius: Because he’s cleaning up the mess you made and asked me to deliver this to you.

Horus, reading the note: “Dear brother Horus, I hope this note finds you before I do.”

Horus in his first meeting with Abaddon: Your resume says that you’re creative, what do you create?


Sejanus, sticking his head in:Problems.
