#white privilege


A critical response to Macklemore’s white privilege.





No but seriously as I’ve gotten older I realize more and more that although white gays do face certain levels of oppression they are still white people…..like does that make sense?

Like yes a white lesbian has some form oppression against her but she’s still a white woman….. and the same thing for white gay men and white trans men and women like they’re still white !!!!!!

Like I don’t mean this in a rude way but like if we’re going to be honest about the lgbtq community we should also talk about how the white people in said community oppress poc and it doesn’t change just because they’re in a minority group they’re still white people

And like personally I’ve seen that white lgbtq ppl hate when you bring up that their still white because they’ve separated themselves in their mind as being better but they’re still white!!!

Hello white people should definitely be looking at this and reblogging it lmaooo

faq u imma bootyful wohman big gurls dont cry (His thing is big people, but whut da faq is this hors

faq u imma bootyful wohman

big gurls dont cry

(His thing is big people, but whut da faq is this horse its weird)


Fernando Botero

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‘Whitewashed, Unmasking the World of Whiteness’

unpacking white privilege and ramifications of becoming “white” once in America

“white privilege is the power to move through the world fearlessly”

Personally, I don’t give two fucks about cosby. He’s said many house nigga things but I

Personally, I don’t give two fucks about cosby. He’s said many house nigga things but I can’t deny the hypocrisy of this system. I’m awakened enough to know that Race plays a factor in everything that happens in Amerikkka and it’s painful to see black people saying race has nothing to do with this situation. First look at the media coverage. When that white cop raped all those black women not a single major news outlet reported it. From the moment of his accusations to his trial to his conviction; they said nothing. Bill Cosby has not been convicted but from the moment of his accusations and his recent arrest, the media has been all over it. Secondly, pointing out that white cops are seen on video killing black children and nothing is done but Cosby can be arrested cause a white bitch said he raped her 10 years ago is not condoning rape nor protecting him. The truth is Amerikkka doesn’t give a fuck about Black people. The only reason what Cosby did is considered a crime is because it involves white girls. If it was black women, it would be a different story. Don’t ever be fooled into believing race has nothing to do with what happens in Amerikkka.
Post by @KingKwajo

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#1) how fragile do you have to be to find anything in that tweet “racist” against white

#1) how fragile do you have to be to find anything in that tweet “racist” against white people lmfao

#2) calling someone else pathetic when you’re just searching “white privilege” on twitter to defend white supremacists marching out in support of capitalism’s death cult haha okay buddy

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white privilege

We cannot decide when this is over.

We cannot decide when the pandemic is over, so please stay safe.

We can not decide when racism is over, so please, continue to fight.

We can not decide when someone’s life is over, so please stand up for those whose lives have been cut short.

Stand up for what you believe. Stay safe, both physically and mentally. Be kind. Love others.

why do we talk so weird about privilege on here. y'all have whites who see literally everything we say and do as ‘overly aggressive’ calling themselves “top tier BIPOC allies” because they reblogged one gofundme 2 years ago

devthagoddess:blacktolive:Dear white America, you only hear what you want to hearthe accuracy 



Dear white America, you only hear what you want to hear

the accuracy 

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It started when I was in kindergarten, and I was so proud I did not have to go to Bingo class, unlike my friends, because I could speak good English -

although I had no idea what a yellow dog that could spell had anything to do with Chinese. 

(I figure out now that it was probably called Bilingual class)

I am lucky. I speak the fluent, accentless English of newscasters, the dialect spoken by the children of immigrants, that we learned not from our parents but rather from watching Sesame Street and other things on tv.

Last year, a white facebook friend of mine posted, “In order to celebrate Chinese New Year, me talk rike chinese man arr day.” 

And then told me that she was “sorry I was offended” and “she didn’t mean anything by it” when I (nicely, sweetly) told her that that shit was not okay. She said that she saw it the same as doing an accent, like Irish. Or British. Or Italian. (for bonus points, she even said that she has lots of Asian co-workers and friends, and LOVES Asian people, and so is not a racist.)

And when one of my white friends gets drunk, he thinks his “Asian accent” is hilarious.

And I was told by a coworker about the time my Asian coworker mispronounced “Barroway” as “Bwawwoway” and how hilarious it was.

Here’s the thing - can you guess how many Asian people I know who actually say

me rikey

me from _____

me so solly

(or, if you like, the fetishized versions: me so horny, me love you long time)

if you said ZERO, then ding ding ding! Congratulations, you have working brain cells.

No, my misguided fb friend, the “Asian accent” is not an actual imitation of an accent, comparable to your bad British/Irish/Italian - but rather a mockery of Asian people and their supposed inability to speak English. It is the perpetuation of the image of Asian people as perpetual foreigners in America.

Like that time when my family was at an Italian restaurant, and we were speaking to my father in Cantonese, and a drunken white lady said very loudly, “GOD when you come to this country at least learn the language!”

Or when my father was pulled over for speeding, and although he said “what’s the problem, officer?” the first thing the state trooper said was, “Do you speak English?”

Your fake “Asian accents” are not harmless and silly, because at the root of the joke, it says - you, you are stupid. You cannot speak English. You are Other. You do not belong.

my parents have been in this country for 30 years. They have been American citizens for 30 years.

And they are very self-conscious of their imperfect English, afraid that it makes them look ignorant, knowing that it marks them as immigrants. That, after 30 years, you can still be told (in not so many words) that you do not belong.

The Cultural Revolution started in China when my father was 13. He was pulled out of school and, later, sent to work in the fields. (He escaped to Hong Kong when he was 18, but that is another story for another time.)

When my father came to this country, he had a middle school education and did not speak a lick of English. He worked as a busboy at a Chinese restaurant, the evening shift that ran until 3 or 4 in the morning, and went to school during the day.

It took my father ten years to earn his bachelor’s degree. He is now an engineer.

Is this not your “American Dream?”

When my mother came to this country, she spoke very little English. She got a job as an entry level clerk. Over the years she earned one promotion after another. She is now management at a large federal agency, and manages funds for the whole state.

Is this not your “American Dream?”

And my father didn’t understand why his coworkers said, “flied lice, flied lice!” to him over and over and laughed.

And my father is still afraid to speak in a professional setting, even when he has ideas. 

And my mother still checks and double checks her professional e-mails with me, for fear of mockery from the same people she manages.

And people don’t understand why I can’t take a harmless joke. Why I don’t think that shit is funny.

No, I don’t “rikey.” 

No, I won’t “love you long time.”

And no, I’m not sorry.

So, please, kindly - FUCK OFF.

Reblogging this for, like, the fiftieth time because it has never stopped being relevant to my life and it always, always breaks my heart.

It’s not funny. It’s not okay. It’s not harmless. It’s alienating and hurtful.





if you are white, please refrain from venting to your friends of color about racist white people you encounter. we already deal with enough racist white people in real life, so hearing about even more racist white people after we’ve managed to get away from them is really tiring.

#it’s true we fucking hate when you do this #like i get sometimes we all need to vent but save it for the bigger things #i dont wanna hear about every bigoted comment your pal tim makes #venting to me is not a substitute for calling him out#especially when we both know you’re still gonna stay friends with him anyway

honestly its a microaggression

we’re really not here to absorb your stories about your racist family and friends you’re never going to try to correct…while we already have to live with direct racism like every day

One thing the progressive White people I know do that annoys the fuck out of me is when they post stuff about “white people are so dumb amirite”, sometimes pointing to a specific Terrible White Person (e.g. Pauline Hanson).

What makes this annoying isn’t so much the calling out, it’s the subtext of “look what a Good White Person I am because I am NOT like this Racist Bad White Person”. Like, they never really interrogate _themselves_ about how they are complicit in racism, they just like making fun of other white people and feel like that absolves them of responsibility.

Also I’m getting tired of my (often but not solely White) friends tagging me in some Racist of the Month shit and expecting me to comment on them. Sometimes they say “oh but I know you have something great to say!!! I value your opinion!!!” Urgh, if I wanted to say something I will, but I don’t want to feel obligated to say what is essentially the same thing over and over again. Not everything needs my social commentary. Sometimes I just want to talk about kittens.



I already can’t deal any more with the pictures of this Muslim woman on the beach being forced to undress by armed policemen being shared en masse on social medias. This woman’s face isn’t even blurred, she’s recognizable and nobody doesn’t even seem to stop and think that maybe she doesn’t want those pictures to be shared? This woman could have been my aunt, a cousin or any other Muslim woman I know. And that’s not fun to see pictures of us humiliated and threatened by armed people being shared en masse. That ain’t funny and that ain’t endearing to see that it takes shocking, dehumanizing and humiliating pictures for people to care.   It’s been more than a decade that Muslim women have been attesting to similar cases of physical/symbolical/moral violence. “Glad” to see it takes pictures to realize what’s happening though. Keep sharing and making a spectacle out of it. 

If you’re outraged by cops forcing a Muslim woman to disrobe, why would you participate in her humiliation by sharing pics of her disrobing. I know people have good intentions when sharing articles with those images but please please think about what you’re doing. (x)  





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The fact that racist people really think physical attraction is void of social power structures is beyond me.

No, science and biology didn’t make you not attracted to an entire race of people. Racism did that.

It’s called a preference???

Did you not read the post? You can’t have a preference that excludes an entire race of people without being racist. Where do you think those preferences come from?

Especially preferences that exclude people of color. We learn what race/ethnicity/phenotype are attractive by the social power structures we are surrounded by.

There’s absolutely no possible way for a person to find every single black, or every single Asian or every single (Insert race) person unattractive because there is so much physical, phenotypical and internal diversity within each race.

So, as an example, folks who say “I’m not attracted to black people, that’s just my preference” what they are really saying is “I don’t want to be with black people because I have been taught to think they are ugly, undesirable, and I know nothing about how diverse black people are”

Tl;dr preferences are not void of social power structures :)
