


Chibi future AU whiterose


Ruby looks like cat here so i made redraw️️


I made something❤️

 Went out for dinner be like… ❄

Went out for dinner be like…

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Whiterose chibi~

Art by my wife (Ayase Mira)

 Looks like someone sleeping outside tonight❄️

Looks like someone sleeping outside tonight

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The Official White Rose Week 2022 Prompt Lists are here!

Some important things before we get to the prompts:

  • White Rose Week happens on June 10th-16th 2022 and one additional day for a Free prompt day! “Free” meaning anything you can imagine, not literally the word free.
  • REMEMBER THERE ARE RULES! If you are participating in White Rose Week, you must read and follow the rulesfoundhere. If you break some specific rules, you will get strikes (up to three strikes) and you can potentially be banned from participating.
  • Please remember that my team and I have busy lives outside of this blog so if we’re slow during the event to reblog stuff or reply, please be understanding and patient. We will greatly appreciate it.
  • Anyone who wants to participate have about 3 months before the event! Please have fun and don’t stress about whatever work you want to submit for this. Happy creating!

The Lists:

Voted/Audience List:

  1. Gym and Thirsty!Weiss™️
  2. Healing Together
  3. Past meets future AU (one of the pair meets the other future pair like a past Ruby meets a future Weiss)
  4. Arranged Marriage AU
  5. Space AU
  6. Enemies to Lovers AU
  7. Gods/Champions AU
  8. Free Day

Admin List:

  1. Parallel
  2. Hound/Grimm AU
  3. Hot singles in your area!
  4. Moments of Rest
  5. Nostalgia
  6. Witch
  7. Childhood Friends AU
  8. Free day


Header credit: @flolfethank you so much!


Hi everyone! It’s voting time!

Go here to vote: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GeZANbpN8yV

Vote your top 7 prompts for White Rose Week 2022! Remember you can only vote up to 7 prompts, no more than that! But if you want to vote for less than 7 choices that’s okay!

The deadline for voting will last until March 13th, 2022 at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Happy voting!


Header credit: @flolfethank you so much!


um . im reading what defines us 

This is one of my favorite songs to listen to when drawing. Then I thought this would be a good song to make a rwby/bumbleby/white rose video too. It reflects that they will go through hell for each other. Unfortunately I am not talented with video editing I figured I’d throw out this suggestion out to the fandom. If someone does make a video to this song would love to see the final product!

Raised in a close-knit, free-thinking family, Sophie Scholl lives an idyllic life in Ulm, Germany. S

Raised in a close-knit, free-thinking family, Sophie Scholl lives an idyllic life in Ulm, Germany. She is charismatic, smart–and longs to attend university like her beloved older brother, Hans. But the year is 1935, and war is approaching. Her carefree life is quickly complicated by labor decrees, conscription into the armed forces, and the disappearance of Jewish neighbors. As the horrors of war escalate, so too do Sophie’s convictions. To her, the only thing worse than witnessing injustice is doing nothing to stop it. From these beliefs, the White Rose blooms.

Based on the real life White Rose, a nonviolent resistance group led by students in the Third Reich, this novel, told in illuminating free-verse poems, gives voice to little-known, though no less important, historical figures. Kip Wilson takes readers forward and backward in time, cleverly building tension towards a heart-wrenching, inevitable conclusion.

White Rose is a strong, stirring reminder to stand up for what you believe in, even when it’s difficult - especiallywhen it’s difficult. History buffs and poetry admirers will love this MCTBA nominee.

Post link

Weiss: I like it when people roll up their sleeves so you can see their forearms

Ruby, looking down and realizing she only have two arms: Damnit :(

Waitress: This is from the lady over there

Weiss: This is a plant

Ruby, shouting from across the coffee shop: Just wanted to say aloe!

Weiss: You… are physically flawless

Ruby: Thank you

Weiss: But it doesn’t mean I like you


Weiss: Aw, turn that frown upside down


Weiss: Listen here you little shit

Ruby: Will you marry me?

Weiss: Is that a ring pop?

Ruby: Is that a no?

Ruby: No one would want kale as their last meal. For example, my last meal [pulls out a package from her pocket] is gonna be cookies

Weiss: You just keep those in your pocket?

Ruby: We face death every day. I gotta be prepared to go out on my own terms

Ruby: Quick, hide me!

Weiss: Where, Ruby, in my bra?

Ruby, staring:Ohh…


Ruby, catching herself: No, that’ll never work!

Ruby: I impulsively got a weird melon. Do you want to try it with me tomorrow?

Weiss: You don’t have to wait for me

Ruby: But this is a special melon I want to try with you

Weiss: Alright then

[The next day]

Weiss: I’m not sure what is so special about this melon

Ruby: I’m having it with you

Weiss, to Ruby: I’ll be sappy whenever I want. I don’t give a shit, I love you. Fuck off

Ruby: Hey Weiss, can we have chinese for dinner?

Weiss: What did you just call me?

Ruby: Weiss… your name

Weiss: [sad noises] My name is BABY

[First Date]

Weiss: Let’s exchange numbers

Ruby: Wouldn’t that confuse people who are trying to call us?

Blake: Is Ruby dead or just asleep?

Weiss: Hopefully dead, she’s been annoying me lately, she refuses to leave my house, we have lunch together, go to sleep together…

Ruby, waking up: You CHOSE to marry me!

Weiss: [during a game] Quick, name a yellow fruit!

Ruby, panicking:Orange?!
