#willne imagine


Look at me - willne

Prompt list nr. 1: “Hey, Hey look at me!”

(Warning: I have no experience with panic attacks or writing them! I’m so sorry if this happens to come of as rude or wrong)

+ if you ever need someone to talk, hit me up ;)

+ sorry for not posting for so long!

I had one of those days again, I was staring at myself for more then an hour in the mirror now thinking how bad things were going in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love Will but my dark thoughts keep ruining my happiness.

He probably will leave you soon. Your not even trying to keep him, doing what…nothing!

I cried out for help, more than once but this time I panicked, I freaked out, shaked. I wanted to crawl in a small ball and stay like this till the dark thoughts would disapeared for awhile.

But they didn’t.

Look at you, worthless and useless.

“Babe, I’m home!” Will shouted closing the door. “Babe?” Normaly I would be sitting on the couch, Reading a book our laying stretched out listening to music, Escape the reallity.

Today I stared blankly in front of me. Wanting to scream for Will’s help, but I coudn’t. No sound left my lips. Wanting to stand up and hugg him. No move I could make.

I could hear him walking around the appertment trying to find me.

He can’t see you like this, this ugly!

The door opened slowly, showing Will with a relieved sigh. tears started running down your cheeks.

“Babe? What’s wrong?” He grabbed your hands. You stayd quiet, Too quiet. “It’s fine.” He took me in a hugg patting my back. “Everything.” I whispered, sobbing into his shoulder.

“Hey, Hey look at me!” He locked eyes with you. “This…is the best thing ever happening to me.” He pointed inbetween him and You. “Don’t ever doubt that.” As much as you wanted to believe it, you coudn’t. “There is nothing wrong with you.” He sounded hurt. “I’m not going anywhere.” He grabbed your face whipping the tears away.

Next thing that followed was a Kiss. He Made you believe you were worth it. “I love you Will.”

“Love you more, y/n.” He Pulled you closer to him not letting you go for awhile!

Shower thoughts - willne (mini imagine)

Prompt list nr. 13: “I’m naked and afraid.” And nr. 18: “Whatever; I’m not jealous.”

(j/f/s: your fave song)

You lifted your heavy bag of your shoulder, happy to be home. A big sign escaped once you saw the big mess in the appartement, Will was a sweatheart but He still wasn’t used to the concept: living on your own means you are the one putting the dirty clothes in the washer.

“Will?” You shouted hoping your roommate was home. “The boy never get’s out and when it’s cleaning time he disapeares.” You said to yourself.

A quick look through the apartment made you suspicions come true, Will was out.

“This my change.” You knew his pasword by heart and Made your way to his video edit program and clicked the latest video that was supposed to be out tonight and Added a little thing. For a few millisecond s “will loves y/n!” Was displayd over a clip where the two of you sang to y/f/s.

“First a shower.” You thought at loud. Soon enough the bath room was filled with steam and loud singing.

You seemed snapped out of your daily routine once you were under the shower. That light headache you had slowly faded away and all your muscles relaxed.

Wait, what? Was that a black shadow? You opend your eyes even wider. A black figur was coming closer towards you “I’m naked and afraid!” You shouted. A couple seconds went by when your heared that laugh, Will.

“Ffs, Will get out, I ment both parts of what I just Said!” You shouted tried covering your lady parts. “Y/n, relax my eyes are closed.” I grabbed a Towel and tapped his shoulder “you can look now.” I look confused at Will. “There is still soap in your hair, by the way.” I started angrerly at him “since you interupted me mid showering, yes.” I pushed him on the shoulder. “Checking me out, huh” you joked. “Totally, if I would be into you.” He joked back.

“Will, your in here?” Great, I reconized stephen’s voice. “WOAH.” He added. “This is not what it looks like or is it.” Will winked. “Will, we finish our talk later, huh?” You smiled waving the boys away playing along with Will. “Jealous, steph?” Will laughed. Stephen’s glare was priceless “however, I’m not jealous.” He staped back “maybe we should let, Y/n dress?” He looked down and grabbed Will by the wrist, Facing the door while Will proudly lifted his thumbs up.

“That’s Why you’re my roommie!” He whispered.

Request are open! (It’s been awhile!)

I’m posting the rest of my mini imagines tomorrow and in the rest of the week (I have around 3 to 4) Wich means I’ll need soon Some new ideas to write About.

You can request About any ytbr and I’ll hapely write it. (It may take awhile and I need to know them), I’ll take Some actors and singers too. (Tom Holland, Thomas sangster, Shawn mendes,…)

I realised also Some of the request I had disapeared, so If you havn’t seen your around and think it’s lost, tell me and I’ll still try to write it! Xxx

Everytime I…- willne (mini imagine)

Prompt list nr. 22 : everytime I look at you, I want to kiss you.”

[Y/c/n]= your childhood nickname.

You smiled seeing Will on your front door step. He wasn’t noticing you admiring him through your bedroom window untill he threw some pebbles right at your face, which Made you jump up. Something he still hasn’t forgoten about after all this years. You ran downstairs, swinning the door open.

“Stinky Willy!” You exclaimed running into his arms. You coudn’t help using his childhood nickname you Made up for him when you were four or so. “Y/c/n!” He apparently coudn’t either. He greeted back, taking the hug in.

“Why did you wait so long?” You asked your best friend looking him in the eye when Suddenly you fell a rain drop on your cheek. “Are you crying?” Will laughed. “Almost, but it’s the rain.” More rain drops were falling down. “Let’s get inside.” You dragged Will with you.

“Thea?” You yelled from the kitchen. “Great.” Will fluttered down the couch. After putting the Thea down you fluttered next to him. “How is London?” You wanted to know everything, since Will moved to there all you wanted was his next visit to be as soon as posible. “Fine.” Will wasn’t saying much. “Lost your voice there?” You joked, punshing his shoulder. “Hahaha.” He marked taking awhile to look at you. “Well, things here are great.” You started. “Dylan and I went to the movies, I might have my first real boyfriend.” You laughed. Since you were 16 you found yourself falling for Will. Ofcourse you never told anyone. Your not supposed to fall for your best friend. To not make things suspicious your tried dating other Guys, It never really worked out. Now you were ready, your feelings for Will hadn’t magically disappeared but you knew Will and you were nothing but best friends.

“Dylan, huh? What a Lucky man!” Will looked down. “But tell me, Why did it take your so long to get here? I know YouTube takes a lot of time but I missed you, Will.” He still was starting at his feet.

“Everytime I look at you, I want to Kiss you.” He said on one breath. You were speachless, looking confused. Will Wiggled his shoulders and head, smiled briefley trying to make things less worse.

“Stinky Willy, than Kiss me.” You brushed your hair behind your ear, something you did when you were nervous. Before you know first will’s hands were on your cheeks and then his lips.

Just been honest - willne (Mini imagine)

Prompt list nr. 19: “Whatever; I’m not jealous.”; nr. 49 “Weird things happen around you.” And nr. 50: “Trying to get me mad again?”

“Who likes y/n more?” A girl in the crawd asked. “That’s a hard question.” I winked at the her, giving her a smile. “I mean, stephen and I have our bromance going on, we don’t really need, y/n. Don’t we?” He and stephen locked hands and everyone went wild. “Right.” Stephen giggled. “Whatever, I’m not jealous.” I pulled a sad face, sliding to the other side of the couch. “What’s a great memory you three have?” Now a boy asked. “When you spent a lot time with these two there are a few funny moments. “I made quotation marks with my fingers looking over at them. “What do you mean?” Will raised his eyesbrows. “Weird things happen around you.” You snorted. “This is a first, I think we never Said this anywhere.” You started “your not telling that!” Will came over holding his hand over my mouth. “Oh, yes I Will.” I mumbeld. “It’s funny we allready know what she is talking About.” Stephen pointed out before helping me. “So, our dear friend Will here was sitting on the toilet. We were downstairs watching Some stupid show, the boys allways watch and we heared a scream, for a second I thought, Wait that sounds like a girls scream? We went upstairs.” I tried to hold my laugh. “So we figured out it came out of the bathroom.” I looked at Will who burried his hands in his hands “trying to get me mad again?” We both patted his shoulder. “Sidenote, we were both ready to attack.” We looked each other in the eye and spit out “there was Will, his pants barely pulled up, shaking in tears.” I bursted out in laughter. “There was this tinny spider on the wall.” Stephen added “come on, it was a giant.” Will tried to save himself. “Funny things is, stephen rarely dissapeared too and I ended up cathing the spider.” I was glad this question came and I finally could get them back “I let her sit in my neck to pick it, so at least it shows I’m a gentleman.” Will wrapped his arm around me “and it shows you’re pussy too!” I exclaimed.

Mini imagines will be posted in the weekend, since I got more than axpected!!

Mini imagines

  1. “Hey, Hey, look at me!”
  2. “You have smiled before.”
  3. “I would never leave you.”
  4. “So, that went well.”
  5. “Look at her/him go!”
  6. “You hit me!”
  7. “Remember, I love you.”
  8. “I’m being attacked.(!)”
  9. “It’s been 5 minutes, (name).”
  10. “Don’t worry boys, I got this.”
  11. “I’ll hit you.” “Sorry.”
  12. “Just…don’t do that.”
  13. “I am naked and afraid.”
  14. “ hide and if that fails…surrender.”
  15. “That’s not you.”
  16. This isn’t how it’s supposed to work!”
  17. “Can’t you at least pretend you care?”
  18. “Whatever; I’m not jealous.”
  19. “Hide, hide, everybody hide!”
  20. “Not this time.”
  21. “I don’t feel like smiling today.”
  22. “everytime I look at you, I want to kiss you.”
  23. “my biggest mistake was thinking
  24. I could live without (pronoun/name).”
  25. “I didn’t fall, I just kissed the Floor.”
  26. “Sure, you did.”
  27. “We Will make it.”
  28. “Wish you were here.”
  29. “You can’t sing.”
  30. “At least I think it went like that.”
  31. “Put your head on my shoulder.”
  32. “Oh, Shut up!”
  33. “Great we’re all bloody inspired.”
  34. “We have a hate, love relationship” “yeah, without the love.”
  35. “what/ ain’t that a shame.”
  36. “Push it!”
  37. “You’re just lovesick not shot.”
  38. “You are kidding me, right?”
  39. “I am falling in/ out of love.”
  40. “You’re squeezing me.(!)”
  41. “Please, let me go.”
  42. “Leave me here.”
  43. “Breath, I can’t breath.”
  44. “Live your life, don’t let me not being there with you, stop that.”
  45. “Good, you have no fear.”
  46. “Jump on it.”
  47. “Poke it!”
  48. “Why are you like that?”
  49. “Weird things happen around you.”
  50. “Trying to get me mad again?”
  51. “I guess, this is the end.”

Shy she is. [willne][2]

“love, wake up!” you felt will”s lip on your forehead and then your nose. “goodmorning, to you too.” you wispered. “no time to be cheesy.” he lifted you out of bed. “nervous?” he tickled your side to get a smile. “not at all.”you lied trying to keep your laugh in. “whas that a smile?” he showed you a groupchat. “the boys and girls are so happy they can finnaly meet you.” “once you’re in here, you’re sure they like you.” you punched his shoulder “put more pressure on it.” pushing you to the bathroom. “no problem, simon already has a little crush on you since he saw you dancing on my snapchat.”

getting all dressed up out of the bathroom will looked at you with hearteyes. “you look great.” he smirked. “as always.”

“hi, I’m josh.” he putted his hand out. “hi, nice to meet you, I’m y/n.” you said while taking his hand. you were glad you didn’t forgot your own name beacause of the nerves. “come in.” he waved and you followed him inside. “hi, everyone. this y/n. my cute, funny and a bit shy girlfriend” will pointed at you. “hi.” you stammeld out. “sit down if you want.” you could link the name harry with his face. “ssomething to drink?” vikk asked with chuckle. “water, please.” you smiled back. “the name is simon and you are very prety.” he said hugging you. “well,thanks.” will looking a bit concernt. “simon!” he said in a jokely tone. “what? girls like compliments. thats being nice. I’m doing what you asked.” making everyone laugh “that’s true.” you sipped from your drink. “the girls are coming soon.” cal tapped your shoulder. “they want to meet their new best friend.” the other cal added.

“will, she is a good catch.” gee yelled threw the room. “agree.” freya yelled hughing you. “and she can sing!” sarah hooted with a smile on her face. “yeah, girl friend here slayd wannabe from the spicegirls.” amily said. “wow, and here dance moves.” katie added. they all made you feel wanted as a friend and so you were sad as it was time to go.

“I had so much fun!” you stood up trying to walk straight since they starded to replace your water with some type of alcohol. “you have to go to the club with us some time.” you heart cal say. up to the next big step. still holding will’s hand him not letting you go since simon began to give you more compliments.

[theburntchip added @ Y/n to the Groupchat.]

Freya : hey, I wanted to do that!
Stefhen : same here!
You : LOL, had so much fun!
Callux❗️: Damn, I’m too late!
Simon : Hey, pretty
Will ◾️: told you, they’d like you.
Josh : welcome to the family!
Vikk ‍♂️: your is such a dad.
Cal ☝️: She calls Will daddy!
Will ◾️leaved the Groupchat.
you : lol
Freya : please, cal stop!
Sarah ❤️: She can sing!
Gee : and she loves glitter!
Harry : we get it! She is amazing.
Katie : Yeah, I agree!
Tobi : go to sleep, all of you.
Simom added Will ◾️ back.
Will ◾️: done yet?

Shy she is. [willne] [1]

will and you were dating for about three months now. you were not familiair with the hole youtube hassle. being more of a shy type, growing up in a small town. occasionally you would come visit your family in London. every two weeks you had a family gatherings in your aunt’s coffee shop. that’s how will and you met. it was raining cats and dogs, so he had to hide from the rain.

“can I take your coat?” you said to the stranger. since you were sixteen you helped often in the coffee shop but you never saw this attractive guy before. “that would be nice.” a smile escaped his lips. you hanged his coat up and took the orders of the other customers before you walked to the soaked stranger . “can I get you something?” he looked confused at you. “something hot maybe? it’s freezing out there.” he said, making it sound like a question. “I know we are a coffee shop, but our hot chocolate milk is the best of london.” he nodded. you turned around and came 5 minutes later back with his order. “do you have a lot to do?” he questioned. “it’s getting calmer.” you playing with your braid. “please, sit with me.” you looked around and gave in. “pew, it’s been a day.”he sipped from his drink. “my name is will.” he looked you in the eyes. “mines, y/n.”

you stayd over at will’s. “y/n, your family is absolutely amazing. and your friends, what a cool gang!” he hoocked his fingers with yours. “maybe you should meet mine once.” he knew this was a pretty big step for you. when it came to meeting new people, you were pretty shy. as a child, you were happy with just your family and that few good friends around you.

will and you had decided you would not appear in one of his video’s. some fans find out you were dating since will followed you on every social media and you following him back. liking each othetrs pictures some titled as “dinner night with,bæ.” and you being spot in his instagram and snapchat story. that also ment people you never met before following you, liking your pictures, commenting on everything. some even took it to your dm’s.

“will, I don’t know. don’t get me wrong. they all look so nice but they are already a friendshipgroup and I won’t just fit in like that.” he pocked your side “y/n,love, I know you love your safe environment but they really want to meet you and I promised we would come tommorow.” he bit his lip. “I’m shy! you know!” you stood up and yelled laughing. “see you’re just as crazy as them.” he paused “in your own way.” making you feel confortable with yourself. “ok, I will do it.” he gave you a smile and attacked you with a hug.
