#winter solider imagine



Teacher’s FavoriteAU

Moodboard by @commonintrest

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This is SO CUTE!!! Sweet and a bit hot but oh so loving. I adore the relationship Bucky has with his daughter and how patient he is with the reader. Aaagggh. And how SOFT he gets for her just makes my heart melt.

The way Bucky moves behind her to rest his hand on her shoulders? Gold. The way he just holds her? PeRfEcT. The ways he shows her how much he loves her????!!! my HEART.

And sweet Elaine is just so perfect. Love her innocent yet so smart attitude and ways she approaches life. Adorable.

(Not sure if you know, but I think the link for “Reminder” is broken, as I can’t seem to access it. ..)

Truth is…

“You were the only one I felt this way for…”

Thinking about a new short story for Bucky and fem!reader, and it made me think of an old love. I was a lost puppy without him. We dated for 2 years and had known each other for 10 since middle school. 10 years inside a circle of friends. Those 2 years though, were magical. He made my knees weak with one smile. Inside of 2 years, every time he would come pick me up to go out, I was SUPER excited. Like, I would skip around my apartment all “la-dee-da”. My roommates thought I was bonks. Unfortunately, I was not good for him and it showed in his family. *Raises hand* Wild child, right here. So I chose to leave because I knew he had a good relationship with his mother, and I didn’t want to ruin it. He was reluctant and said we could make it work. But I knew it would be problems down the road. We lost contact somewhere within that year. I’ve had lovers here and there. But never like him. Long story short, he’s married now to a girl that looks like me… I’m glad he’s happy. Anyways, short story with Bucky and fem!reader coming soon that’s along those lines. Bittersweet.

…awh, I made myself a little sad lol.

Imagine Bucky smiling sweetly at you because you’re a stuttering fool around him…

Blink slow… That’s how cats kiss…
