


Kiyan:If I’m extra sarcastic with you it probably means I’m flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can’t handle your crap… have fun figuring out which one.

A fairy tale of the Witcher and the Prince!

No, there is no story here, only my drawings, sorry to disappoint you. :,)

So I draw our favorite assholes again, and this time in the aesthetics of East Asia. I’ve always wanted to draw something with such elements, but also in a fairy-tale atmosphere. If you are interested in how this illustration was created step by step, you can see it under the cut!

It all started with finding the right reference to the pose. Under this link, you can see the illustration I was inspired by, unfortunately I was not able to find its original source, so please forgive me for the link to pinterest. If you have information about the author of the illustrations, I will be happy if you share this information as I would like to include it here.

basic sketch
detail sketch

I’m obviously not as talented as the author of the original, but I had a lot of fun sketching and adding more elements to the composition.

It turned out that flowers caused a lot of problems, because I wanted a certain symbolism, but unfortunately I don’t know anything about flowers. Kiyan’s flowers were initially supposed to be moon flowers, but it turned out that I cannot express their beauty in the drawing and I also found a new reference to other flowers, so modifying them several times resulted in a kind of hybrid of both.

With flowers for Adrien, I just went to ask someone smarter than me. And so @gavilansblogand@akilah12902gave me the idea to use hibiscus and after our brainstorming it turned out to be the perfect flower for Adrien. And luckily, I was even able to draw it!


Lineart is always tricky to me and always changes the look of the original sketch a bit. The drawing loses its delicacy, the lines sit quite heavy in the drawing, and it always makes me a bit sad. This is obviously a necessary step in coloring, but the realization that the lineart is of lower quality than the original sketch is always frustrating to me.

color & gray background

Coloring is the coolest part as long as you know what colors you want to use. For clothes, I knew - for some reason, right from the start, my default color palette for Kiyan was blue/navy blue and silver, and for Adrien it was black, gold and red. The flowers just had to match this aesthetic. But the background… the background was the problem. Initially, I tried to make it quite bright and neutral, because it seemed to me that this drawing already has so many details, I should not disturb it with an overly expressive background. But the bright background came out flat and boring.

So again I asked people smarter than me who advised me to use a darker green background. And this is how we got the end result.

Thank you for your attention and I hope you have enjoyed the whole process!



Adrien: [leafing through Kiyan’s bestiary and herbarium] Why do you have to write down each and every word. It’s so nerdy.
Kiyan: Writing things down in nerdy? What do you do then?
Adrien: I just forget stuff, like a cool person.

Family game night

Sybilla:[reading from a game card] What’s something you put in your mouth but don’t swallow


Kiyan: [covering Adriens’ mouth] You actually swallowed last time so shut the fuck up.

Titus: [facepalming] Oh for fuck’s sake…!


Sybilla: Thank you sweet child, you’re right!

Friendly Note

Klemens:Master Kiyan,let’s write the Prince a friendly note, shall we?

Kiyan, writting: Dear… Incompetent… Dumbass…


Kiyan: Here’s a list of things I hate that Adrien for some reason loves.

Kiyan: Number one - me.

Adrien: Kitty, we talked about this.


Adrien: Me, I’m a man of action. You have to act first and apologize later. Like I have learned to do.
Kiyan: You never apologize.
Adrien: I would if I had ever been wrong.


Adrien to Kiyan: You thought this was going to be a casual one-night stand? But maybe it could be a casual… one thousand-night stand. Maybe we could keep casually having sex, and then casually have kids together, and then casually grow old together. Casually get on each other’s health insurance. Then casually die side by side, like in the end of The Notebook.


Kiyan:I’m concerned about how quickly this escalates.

Kiyan: What did you do?
Adrien: Alright, but you can’t get mad at me…
Kiyan: WHAT did you do?
Adrien: Okay, first, I was minding my own business–
Kiyan: [slams hand on the table] BULLSHIT!
Adrien: I WAS!


Chapter 12 be like:

Titus (about Kiyan, watching him slaughter Scoia'tael): That witcher is a hurricane.
Adrien (wistfully): He sure is.
Titus: …Hurricanes are bad, Adrien.




Listen, I want this character to be happy, they just have to be really fucking miserable first

sorry, only works like that

I mean honestly, do they really deserve their happiness if they don’t have to beg for it first


drew it madern!AU Witcher as the rock group

more details in my twitter: kawaiiblya

лютик блRть

хотела полноценку, но вышел какой-то диджитал скетч

ждала пока кто-то с высшим скиллом редравнет эту сцену в мем, но не дождалась, поэтому вот

I’m back after like literally 6 months of inactivity uhhh anyone remember me lol?

Here’s some stuff I did in that time:

  • Started playing Dungeons and Dragons. It’s awesome. I now play several times a week and run a game myself.
  • Bought a drawing tablet and finally committed to teaching myself how to art properly
  • Dyed my hair like 4 times.
  • College. College college college.
  • Rewatched the Witcher because why not.
  • Also She-Ra.
  • And Game of Thrones.
  • College. College college.
  • Started a Twitch channel.
  • College

But hey it’s nice to be back! Feel free to Hit me up and talk to me anytime.

quest completed

quest completed

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–>Twitter (@cylinankamo)

I have a Patreon with more smutty Witchers!



And tomorrow is posting day on my Patreon! :D


(content goes up 8pm CET)

Her art is WONDERFUL, don’t hesitate to subscribe, I know she’s working hard to make her patrons happy!

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