#witchy time


There are 48 colors of the moon, but here are some of the most frequently talked about colors and what they mean for witches :) I will also discuss some things you can do on any full moon, whatever color it may happen to be! :)

How To Celebrate Every Full Moon

  • Gather moon water
  • Cleansing and charging warm-toned crystals in the moonlight
  • Painting
  • Doing shadow work whilst observing the moon and meditating

Full Moon Bath Ritual

  1. First things first, before you take this bath, clean the bathtub mindfully using the appropriate scents for your upcoming bath’s intentions
  2. Gather your favorite items and or items related to the pink moon such as stones, a specific drink of your choosing, candles, and perhaps either your shadow book or a book that you see if we connect with
  3. Turn off the lights and work by candlelight, perhaps with appropriately calming music
  4. Meditate in the water along with herbs, flowers, and bath salts chosen according to your intent. You can also finish connecting to each of the elements by adding in the elements of air through incense, however I would argue that the element of air is covered if you decide to take a hot bath or have some kind of purifier on in the room, creating a mist or fog
  5. You can finish your bath by visualizing the cleansing of your soul and magick as you drain the water, and then lightly clean out the tub once again to make sure that all of the herbs and flowers are taken care of and disposed of properly
  6. Finally, take note of how you feel after the ritual and record it for future use
  7. This is a ritual that can be adapted to any full moon, as full moon baths are quite a popular activity.


The pink moon in witchcraft is generally all about spring.

Also called the egg moon, the grass moon, the pink phlox moon, and many other names, the pink moon is mainly about fertility end growth. It signifies faith in the future and anticipates abundance, and is the perfect time to set new things into motion or make new commitments. It is also a good time to find courage, trust, adaptability, and maturity in relation to new paths in life. It is a wonderful time for reflection and shadow work, and it has been said that doing shadow work during the pink moon is more fulfilling on top of the many other feelings associated with the work.


The red moon in witchcraft is generally all about fall.

Also called Hunter’s moon, the blood moon, the sanguine moon, and many other names, the red moon honors the year that has been and the sacrifices made by the plants and animals used to sustain us. It is a sort of celebration of life for the aspects of nature that gave their lives, and the day is spent honoring ancestors and releasing old griefs. It signifies growth, renewal, wisdom, company, and resting. Associations with the Blood Moon being an omen of destruction to come, but it is also generally understood that the night of the blood moon should be used to celebrate life and the flowing of life in relation to the flooring of blood through your veins. You are to make peace with your past and understand your shadow-self, balancing and enhancing your magical energies and powers through recognizing and letting go of grief.


The blue moon in witchcraft is an extra full moon in any season and occurs once every 2.7 years. There are some negative connotations fine Blue Moon because it confuses people who were attempting to prepare for various types of weather and crop rotations. This, and another negative connotation spawns from the fact that with the addition of this extra Moon there is an unlucky number of 13 full moons in that year instead of 12. However the Blue Moon is quite a fortune in time when it comes to Witchcraft because it is seen as a taken moment;  a time of the year that is separated from the norm and ergo the perfect opportunity to re-gather ones senses and hope for the superstitious “once in a blue moon” luck of something unusual. The blue moon is also a time where you should set goals, as they will be strengthened under this moonlight. You can also utilize the blue moon to call for safety, joy, peace, love, health, energy, and empowerment. Meditation is best done in the moonlight of this night, and most you will see better results from verbal magick and spells. This is the perfect time to prepare yourself for what’s to come. It acts as the perfect break to collect yourself before continuing on with your craft following this night.

sources: scattered but mainly from “Wicca Year of Magic” by Lisa Chamberlain. Overall a good book but here are a few gripes: not very inclusive.. just uses she/her pronouns when talking about witches. talks about requiring a lot of tools when not all are necessary. however it’s a good book for beginners, talks about history very well, and generally promotes differing perspectives and ways of practicing the craft 
