#womans rights



Continuation of my sirens post, and a friendly reminder that batman isn’t on the side of the law, he’s on the side of justice


  • have to sign up for the draft
  • get ridiculed for being abused by their husbans
  • get arrested for having an abusive husband
  • aren’t congratulated for hitting a man
  • can be refused admittance to a shelter on the basis of their gender
  • get the same prison sentences for the same crime
  • aren’t congratulated on TV for cutting off their husband’s dick
  • can be refused custody of their children due to their gender
  • can’t rape a man and then sue him for child support if they become pregnant
  • can’t get away with lying about rape/abuse and will be punished it they’re caught lying
  • are called freeloaders and deadbeats for being a homemaker
  • can’t wear masculine clothing without being harassed
  • are punished for lying about taking birth control like men are for sabotaging a comdom
  • having a women’s only space is deemed sexist
  • can’t give up parenthood unless her boyfriend/husband allows it
  • can’t be misandrists without being called out for their sexist behavior

I never see feminism advocating for these things. Weird, huh?

I tried to keep this list away from things like statistics and things that would require the word “more” in the statement (ex: “…until more women join labor intensive fields”). I also tried to stay away from generalizing statements, instead rewording them to make them less, well, generalizing (ex: “…until women stop lying about being raped” to “…until women can’t get away with lying about being raped”). If you add on to this list, I ask you to do the same.

If you don’t understand a bullet point, please feel free to ask what I mean by it.

somethingaboutnoodles:What cyber-logic said. so, guys, let me google that for you. Because fact-ch


What cyber-logic said.

so, guys, let me google that for you.

Because fact-checking is the source of wisdom.

FINALLY someone reblogs the updated version of my post. Thank you. Everyone has been reblogging the OLD version like crazy, which ended up confusing quite a few people. I updated the text in this image 3 days ago.

If any of my followers are seeing this: Please help reblog this more so it catches up, because it explains the case a LOT better than the old image, which I’ve replaced with this one.

Post link

Lycoris said to me today unprompted…


“ I don’t believe I care about gender identity. I don’t understand what the argument is about.

If the argument is, "you are what sexual organ you are” alright. sure.

A individual born with a vagina is a female. Females carry the egg. They are the vessel of reproduction.

A Male has penis and testicles. They produce semen.

The semen fertilizes the egg and creates the next generation of the species.

Very well. So males carry semen, and females carry eggs.

the sex of the species is based on their genitals and what function they serve in reproduction.

So the argument seems to be, if you are born a certain sex, you must serve the function you were created for. The males must mate with a female and create offspring. The females must produce multiple healthy offspring. By doing so the species can continue.

Those that go against this formula are not benefiting the growth of the species. Thus is frowned upon by societal views.

But. It seems to me that humans have developed beyond these primal constraints. Though they have the carnal desire to have intercourse with another, they do not seem to have the universal desire to produce offspring. Intercourse is merely an act of pleasure, and the offspring is often the unfortunate/or fortunate outcome.

Thus, relationship no longer need to remain a male to female system. Homosexuality is based purely off of the desire for one other individual whether the desire be sexual or platonic. Science allows for them to use a a donor of the opposite sex to produce offspring, but the sexual relationship between the two homosexuals is not to produce an offspring.

Transsexuals’ play a different role in this schematic. They are born as a sex, and would prefer to be a different sex.

Trans genders are similar.

They are opposed by the same argument. “You are what you are born as”.

I’m not opposed to transsexuals’, transgenders, homosexuals what have you. It is not my business, and I honestly find it rather droll.

I just find it rather odd when there are individuals that have such strong opinions against these trans and homosexuals.

Do they find it offensive that these individuals do not desire to procreate? Procreation is the main purpose of a living thing. All animals, plants, even fungi, bacteria etc.

So why have some humans lost the desire to procreate I wonder. Is it the tragedies they have witnessed? Is it a widespread form of depression? Or is it some spiritual signal from an almighty being, some code in our DNA telling us to stop. Have we as a species reached the limit that the Earth can maintain and thus subconsciously know to decrease our population?

Either way. It is no concern of mine whether the human race crumbles into oblivion. Whether a man choses to become a woman. Whether a man were to lay with another man as he would a woman.

Whether every woman in the world chose to get an abortion every time they were with child.

An individuals choices is their own.

It is not my place to care other wise.

So you see Luci. Every conservative argument against liberal pursuits boils down to a primal need to conserve the future of the human species.“

Me: *making spaghetti* "um hmm.”

[tldr: Lycoris doesn’t care what you are, or what you do with your genitals. But thinks conservatives want to keep the human race alive, and thats the major argument in everything they believe. Meanwhile. Lycoris also doesn’t care if the entire human race were erased. so whatevs. ]

I feel like people don’t talk about Disney’s movie Brave enough. Like, everything happens because the princes won’t conform to rules and is positive she doesn’t need a man.

If you haven’t seen it, it’s a truly beautiful movie for all ages (and pretty funny)

“Gilead doesn’t care about children. Gilead cares about power.”

Unfortunately this sounds familiar. #bansoffourbodies

“Now I’m awake to the world. I was asleep before. That’s how we let it happen. When they slaughtered Congress, we didn’t wake up. When they blamed terrorists and suspended the Constitution, we didn’t wake up then either. They said it would be temporary.”

-Margaret Atwood
