

Thank you @kettbellexercises for a fun challenge today after a smokin’ leg workout!

This flow was fun and served as a great hip opener. Trying to move in a flow is such a great reminder on the simple act of movement. Tying one piece to another and making it look like one.

Marcus used a 32kg but I grabbed the 12kg @onnit bell and will work to get that weight up!

Give it a go!

#mindfulmovement #intentionalmovement #kettlebells #kettbell #womenwholift #fitwomen #onnit #liftweights #shoulders #wod #workouttime #kettlebellflow (at This Time Fitness)

Handstand pushups never seem to get easier, but that’s okay, it’s the challenge that makes them fun!

3 BB Lunge Press

OMEM - 5 Minutes

#emom #barbellworkout #hspu #handstandpushups #liveyourfitness #fitwomensweekly #wod #workouttime #womenwholift #womenwhoworkout #girlsgonestrong #fitfam #personaltrainer #lunges @exercises4abooty @womensfitnessmag @whandfmag @exerciseroutines (at This Time Fitness)

Give this exercise a try! Fires your abs and glutes. Use as gallon of water or a can good.
We not stopping!!! We are not going to let this slow us down. Get up off the couch and workout between commercials!
#WorkoutTime #ExerciseMotivation #exercise #getfit #stayfit #phoenixfit1 #bmorebootyqueen #corework #coronawork (at Randallstown, Maryland)

#workouttime    #exercisemotivation    #exercise    #getfit    #stayfit    #phoenixfit1    #bmorebootyqueen    #corework    #coronawork    