#this is a sign


this is a sign ★ miya & kaeun


she set the rest of the albums onto the floor, catching the top few that were toppling over before they hit the ground as she let out a relief sigh that blossomed into a laugh. “polaroids are great, unnie. a personal touch - i think fans will love it a lot.” she scanned the area, humming. living in the same dorm, kaeun’s slowly gotten used to people barging into her shared room and vice versa.

( it reminds her of the dorming experience in a university that she heard so much about. )

 playing around with the camera, kaeun shook her head. “no dorms for sure, i think they would be better off not knowing the boxes of things i have stocked up in the corner of my room. i think this spot is good though,” she said, standing one foot away from under the light. “got to add this natural flash of filter.” the girl winked, referring to the exposure from the light, but she also knew that polaroids were pretty kind on reflecting the skin, compared to the high definitions of mobile phones these days.

“that’s so much work!” she exclaimed, referring to sunmi’s effort in writing the messages, putting the camera down as she hopped over to the mirror to tidy her hair, “there’s no way they won’t like your gifts. ah, i really need to take good photos then. what’s your class again, unnie? think you can fit one more slot in?” she giggled, fighting the stray strand of hair that insists on slipping past her ears, turning momentarily to point at herself. “say, i’m glad we got to do something different. it’s a nice break away from all the stage things. those are great, but, and maybe it’s a bit weird, but i don’t know if i’d really get used to it. being a performer. having…fans. sounds crazy even now.”

“hopefully students will cherish the polaroids, you know? they’ll be exclusive.” and definitely not able to be replicated. “maybe the students can sell them online once we get bigger, huh?” she was aware that some fans bargained their polaroids. there were fans who liked to collect member sets. students could make a profit off of the polaroids. “we just have to do them the favour of getting famous so they can make money.” sunmi laughs.

sunmi snorted. they were still getting used to each other and there was definitely some rearranging they had to do. “speaking of your boxes, do you want me to order floating shelves? that way you can organise it.” sunmi had taken organising to maximise their space in the room. the closet was full of shoe racks, organisers and shelves so they could store their clothes without them getting mixed up. in fact, sunmi managed to fit most of her stuff there. plus the wide dresser they had. they had done well with the space.

she returned to writing notes, having been hit with inspiration. it was a lot of work but she didn’t mind. “it’s how to not be a one trick pony. but you don’t need to sign up. you’re already very talented.” kaeun definitely had interesting tricks up her sleeves. she smiles up at her. “maybe i should bring you in to be my assistant and an example.” kaeun would definitely be able to provide some insight. “how about you?”

sunmi paused her writing. she’s heard this from kaeun before. being an idol was a different world of music. this was a conversation they had years ago but sunmi could recall it easy. “ah, not used to the fans?” she says. though it must be really jarring to her, who had been a dj. “do you think you would get used to it if you were able to compose something yourself?” maybe the excitement and pride of presenting something she worked on would have her anticipate performances. “i don’t blame you. it took be a bit to get used to the schedule. performing our song over and over gets old though.”

this is a sign

I know, you’ve had your heart broken. Your love was tossed all over the place and your innocence and joy was stolen by that one person whose memory lives in the songs that you keep skipping in your favorite playlists. The places which you used to love so much became so hostile to you, as they bombarded you with the memories that you desperately want to forget. The person who became your home suddenly left, and you felt like you were wandering alone in the streets, looking for a higher purpose. All you wanted to do for so long was to hurt people, in the same way that you’ve been hurt, and who could blame you really? After all, even clouds can take so much until they burst into a pouring rain, washing away everything that comes its way. You tried to find love someplace else, in a place where your mind led you, and everything felt good and comfortable. Yet it never truly felt like love… like home. You may have spent nights, crying yourself to sleep and blaming yourself for being a bad person, feeling broken for the fact that you couldn’t fall in love. And whilst your friends talked about their new hair, you daydreamed those conversations away by stirring your coffee and thinking that you may never fall in love again. But as a lighting blade strikes a tree, that’s how love will strike for you. It will be unexpected, and quick, but it will leave you feeling alive yet again. And I promise you, that whatever hyperbole you’ve been taught about your first love, will be irrelevant compared to this love. Because this person, they will complete you. They will have the missing piece of the puzzle that you had been trying to figure out for so long. Your first love did not complete you, you were way too young to even know yourself. Your second love broke you, yet paved the way and matured you for your third and real love. And you will feel their love, on an atomic level. You will physically feel it lightening up your chest, warming your heart, and they will feel even better than home. They will feel like you, and like your own being. This person will not only fall in love with every single one of your flaws, but they’ll make you fall in love with those same flaws too. And when you hug them, you will want to hold onto that hug forever, absorb their essence into yours, and stay in that state for an eternity. And for an eternity you will live to embody each other in the way that no one can understand but you two.



thinking about being a princess and having my appointed knight help me tighten my corset

then later having that same knight clumsily fumble with the laces behind my back as they desperately try to undress me while simultaneously kissing me breathless


#just pat, pran and their non-existent personal space

Hi everyone I don’t know if you remember me or care about me anymore but 5 years ago I got on Tumblr because I was really sad. I felt alone and needed a supportive community. I found that on tumblr (or more specifically the Miraculous Ladybug fandom). And I wanted to say thank you. I remember getting on here all the time and talking about being sad and lonely. And I always received love and made new friends. It kept me alive. I just got married in July and I want you all to know how incredibly happy I am right now. Good things do come to those who wait. I know what it feels like to be in what seems to be endless darkness. Do not give up. It may take years for something to get better. But life is worth it. I’ve been there and I’m living it now. Don’t give up.
