

Hi everyone! I know I am a studyblr, but I wanted to share something different today. 

So recently, I picked up a new hobby, which is editing! I totally suck at it but it’s ok, I am still learning and discovering things on my own. I made a game music video from Devil May Cry 5 yesterday and posted it on YouTube.

I don’t have too many friends to show it to, so I would love if someone checked it out!
(((Reblogs are welcome and ily!!)))

#studyblr    #devil may cry    #dmc dante    #dmc vergil    #dmc nero    #my gmv    #video editing    #game edit    #ymir-study    #my honest thoughts    #video games    #youtube    #game video    

Not really productive week ((especially in terms of studying)) bc I had a mental breakdown and stuff.

Anyway, I will try to hit 14 hours of studying until Sunday. I already changed system language on my phone to German so it counts as learning, right???……right?..

(hey, don’t mind my shitty drawings, I wish I could draw eyes that look in the same direction haha)

Not really productive week, but I managed to draw a little + keep on reweiting my German notes ✨

((sorry for the <as always> bad quality))

A book my dad bought me arrived yesterday! Idk if it’s good but I just needed something to exercise on since I don’t have any German-speaking friends and I am too introvert to find some (๑•﹏•)

Anyway, even though I am a little bit sick and tired of studying German (burn out yay!), I’ll definitely try the book out later today! ✨

Some of my latest bujo spreads ✨! I wanted to edit the photos better but didn’t have time so here thSome of my latest bujo spreads ✨! I wanted to edit the photos better but didn’t have time so here th

Some of my latest bujo spreads ✨! I wanted to edit the photos better but didn’t have time so here they are (kinda ugly, sorry‍♂️)!
I need to study more so that I can fill the pages more

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