#young adult


Writing advice you will probably hate:

▪️DO NOT edit until after your work in progress is finished


1. You will quench your creative flow

2. You will get frustrated

3. It will take 10 years to finish your book and you will still hate it.

4. You’ll beat yourself up

5. editing is more productive once your work is finished.

Ways to avoid this:

1. Keep writing and don’t look back

2. Finish from beginning to literally “the end”

3. Remember, becoming a good writer isn’t magically writing everything perfect the first time around. It’s learning to edit. And edit. And edit again.

Don’t worry, you got this!☺️

Introducing Characters:

  1. Introduce your characters with action,mannerismsanddialogue:

I was running, panting, sweating but I knew my lean body could take it. It’s what I had been training for my entire life. I punched with my arms harder and harder, feeling my lungs burn as they begged me to stop. Then, suddenly pain shot up my leg and into my hip and I watched the world spin into hues of dark green as I collapsed and hit the ground. ✔️

“D-Don’t hurt me,” she cried with a trembling lip as she backed against the wall. ✔️

“If you hurt me you’ll be sorry,” she said, crossing her arms and glaring at the intruder. ✔️

▪️This is more effective than describing your character’s hair and eye color:

My hair was dark brown and my eyes were pale blue and that day I was wearing a red sweater with blue jeans which looked great on my figure. My skin was tanned from the long summer and I had just gotten my hair highlighted.✖️

My best friend walked up beside me with her brown hair curled perfectly and her red lips smiling. She was wearing a tight white shirt and a blue-jeaned skirt. Her skin was pale and freckled and her eyes were the color of the ocean.✖️

2. Focus on character traits:

I chewed my nails, watching the doors. What if someone came in to attack me? What if something exploded outside? ✔️

My best friend covered her mouth let out a boisterous laugh. “Let’s prank your sister!”✔️

I watched the girl pass me in envy and wanted to ruin her perfect little day. But how? ✔️

▪️we learn so much more about a character when we learn who they arenotwhat they look like but physical traits are important too.

▪️Try “sneaking” physical traits in with mannerism and action:

I watched the girl pass me in envy twisting a long lock of my brown hair. I wanted to ruin her perfect little day. But how? ✔️

My best friend covered her mouth and her blue eyes widened as a boisterous laugh escaped her lips. “Let’s prank your sister!”✔️

3.Read books by your favorite authorsandpayattention to how they describe characters☺️

Writing Hooks

  • Start your book with an onomatopoeia: (Sounds words)


I jet up in bed with a racing heart. Why is Luna barking at this hour?


The sound echoed through the woods, birds hurrying into flight.

  • Start your book with repetitive phrases:

No. No. I stared at the torn picture in unbelief.

“Where’s dad? Where’s dad?” I asked, tears running down my face.

  • Start your book with ADJECTIVES:

White swirls covered the top of my salted caramelcoffee.

Agiant blue wave crashed over the little blonde-headedgirl.

  • Start your book with a personal experience:

I always loved the way rain sounded on a tin roof; it would lull me fast to sleep.

When I was five, my big brother had punched me in the nose. He used to always get away with bullying me.

  • Start your book with SETTING:

The neighbors’ house was dark, always shadowed even on a sunny day. The black iron gate that surrounded the mansion kept everyone out and what was in, stayed in.

The park was full of children and their pets, racing back and forth through the sandboxes and dewy morning grass.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— promise me we’ll find a way to see each other again.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— i can’t promise that.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— then lie. please.

Day 3 of my 38th Win A Commission Contest! If you guess what story this is from before I post the title, you get a commission! Click the link or check out the tag #wac for more details! :) This one ends on June 14th, 2022.

Hint: She’s surrounded by many fantastical creatures, and yet she feels nearly alone this night

Edit: Boop won (!), but you can try again on July 10! Hint for the next one: It’s a tale about respecting a (slightly) symbiotic relationship between bird and man.

Recently in literature circles there has been a big pushback against people who, in the eyes of some people, are reading the ‘wrong’ kind of books. Mostly, I’ve seen absolutely undue amounts of apathy targeted at readers of romance and/or ya books. They are told they need to read ‘real books’ or read the classics or whatever because the stories they enjoy are not ‘real literature’

I find this holier-than-thou line of thinking incredibly frustrating. Classics are not inherently better than contemporary books just because they’re classics. Plus, most classics are classics because they were *gasp* popular fiction when they were first written. For example, Anna Karenina, Phantom of the Opera, andThe Count of Monte Cristo (among many others) were all originally published as newspaper serials and achieved popularity partially because they were available to poorer readers. When Victor Hugo died he was mourned by literally millions of French people. The argument that people shouldn’t read/enjoy popular fiction/romance/ya/whatever because it’s trashy or what have you is elitist and historically inaccurate. Oftentimes, stories are popular with the masses because they’re good!

That’s all to say nothing of the fact that ya and romance as genres are dominated both by woman writers and woman readers- a clear double-standard. I have never seen anyone tell men to read something other than mysteries or war novels. Plus- ya is one of the easiest genres (if not THE easiest) to find diversity and representation. The bookstore I work at puts little rainbow flag stickies on the LBGT+ books and there’s like four times as many rainbows on the ya shelf than anywhere else.

Finally, I think some people are forgetting that reading, for many people, is foremost a form of entertainment. Sometimes people just want a cheesy romance book to read on the beach- not to struggle with a dense centuries old text. You can argue till you’re blue in the face over whether or not that’s a good thing, but it’s just the truth. 

I just finished reading TFIOS and I am ready to join the fandom and watch the movie.

firemeetsgasoline: Non ho mai pubblicato ciò che scrivo, per due principali motivi: perché me ne ver


Non ho mai pubblicato ciò che scrivo, per due principali motivi: perché me ne vergogno e perché non penso di essere così brava da meritare dei lettori. Ma mi sono resa conto che se non permetterò mai a nessuno di leggere ciò che scrivo non potrò mai migliorare. Quindi ho deciso di pubblicare la mia prima storia a capitoli (la parola romanzo creerebbe troppe aspettative) su wattpad.

Significherebbe davvero molto per me se voi sprecaste qualche minuto del vostro tempo per leggerla e, soprattutto, per dirmi cosa ne pensate o per darmi qualche consiglio, sulla storia o in generale sulla mia scrittura.

Illicit Affairs - Mia madre non lo deve sapere (on Wattpad) 

Alex è il figlio del rampollo di una delle famiglie più importanti di New York e di Martha Gordon, una delle più famose attrici del panorama Hollywodiano. È bello, carismatico e sta vivendo il suo più grande sogno: giocare per i New York Giants. Insomma, la vita per lui non potrebbe andare meglio. Sofia è una bella, brillante e simpatica, giovane attrice, perennemente nell'ombra del suo ben più famoso, e grande, fidanzato, Lukas Connelly, anche lui attore. Prendete loro due, aggiungeteci che Martha e Lukas sono amici di lunga data, il risultato è una serie di situazioni surreali, bugie, tradimenti, risate e lacrime con Manhattan per scenografia.

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Snob slut loves getting her big plastic tits out

MY SECOND BOOK RELEASED TODAY!If you’re interested in YA Fake Relationship/Enemies to Lovers Romance


If you’re interested in YA Fake Relationship/Enemies to Lovers Romances, this may be the book for you! I’ll leave a link if you’d like to check it out!


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》 Serpent and Dove ; Shelby Mahurin

“ our lives—the way we live, the things we do-they reflect our hearts ”

》 Serpent and Dove ; Shelby Mahurin

“ What do we do with the evidence?” I wiped my bloody hands on my hem. “We burn it. There’s a furnace downstairs.” My eyes lit up. “Yes! I set a warehouse on fire once. One match, and the whole thing went up like a smokestack.” He stared at me in horror. “You set a building on fire? ”
