#your feelings matter



Pic by: buddy project - https://instagram.com/buddyproject

Today is Suicide Awareness Day

(Sept. 9, 2019)

Having open conversations about suicide can save lives. If you are looking for hope. Feel free to read a letter I wrote about suicide: https://psych2go.net/dear-suicidal-person/

Statistics from Save Organization :

-Suicide it the 10th leading cause of death is the United States for all ages.

-Approximately 123 Americans die per day from suicide.

-Every 12 minutes someone dies from suicide in the US.

-Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide globally in a year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds.

What are the warning ⚠️ signs?

- feeling empty & hopeless

- feeling like a burden to others

- feeling that there is no solution to their problem

- feeling unbearable pain, both physically and emotionally

- feeling like a burden to others

- feeling guilt or shame

- sleeping too little or too much

- not wanting to exist

- searching online for ways to end their life

- increased use of alcohol or drugs

- withdrawing from activities

- isolating from family and friends

- taking risks that could lead to death

- giving away important possessions

- putting affairs in order, making a will

- saying goodbye

- self-destructive behavior

What are the risk factors?

- substance abuse

- trauma

- difficult life events

- mental illness

- abuse

- past suicide attempts

- knowing someone who died by suicide

- family history of suicide

-having an illness

- not having accesses to mental health services

- relationship problems

- bullying

- stigma associated with asking for help

How to tell if there is an immediate crisis:

- Does the person have a plan?

- Do they have what they need to carry it out?

- Do they know when they would do it?

- Do they intend to take their own life?

How to help:

(Immediate help call 911)

- speak up if you’re worried

- help them to make a support plan

- reassure the person that help is available

- listen without judgement

- be compassionate

- be respectful

- acknowledge the person’s feelings

- encourage the person to call a suicide hotline number

- offer support

- help them think of ideas for self-help

- offer to accompany them to therapy

- help them find a therapist

- remove potentially dangerous items from the person’s home, if possible

- follow up


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline -

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

List of international hotlines: https://ibpf.org/resource/list-international-suicide-hotlines



