#420 life

Coffeeshop life in Amsterdam ❤️ Some of the art and nostalgia that line the walls of Amsterdam’s famCoffeeshop life in Amsterdam ❤️ Some of the art and nostalgia that line the walls of Amsterdam’s famCoffeeshop life in Amsterdam ❤️ Some of the art and nostalgia that line the walls of Amsterdam’s fam

Coffeeshop life in Amsterdam ❤️
Some of the art and nostalgia that line the walls of Amsterdam’s famous coffee shops

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Yummy reblog if you interested

Yummy reblog if you interested

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Last night I got really high and waisted with some friends and today I woke up and found this in my notes

420 - NOT a fan. I can’t be the only one…can I?

Ok so….I’m a total uppers girl. I cannot stand weed. Like, at all. I love the way it smells, but I hate the way it makes me feel. When stoned, im either suuuuper chill and lazy, with a strong case of the munchies. I can put down over 1000 calories easily when stoned because I have no concept of feeling full. And then you know what that means…..I gain weight and get fat.

Or….I’m getting lost in a head trip of thoughts that sends me into a panic attack. Once when I was stoned, I thought about how I’m gonna die, when it’s gonna be, and then I worked myself into a huge anxiety attack.

Marijuana is not as wonderful and healthy as everybody says it is. I don’t appreciate stoners putting me down for my drug of choice and acting like they are better than me because they smoke weed. Shut the fuck up and let me enjoy MY choice of smoke.
