

Rhysand being Rhysand

Tamlin: I will give you anything to free Feyre from the bargain.

Rhysand: Interesting offer…… Magic 8 Ball, should I take it?

Rhysand: It’s a solid nah, Tamlin, better luck next time.

Visit @ the Summer Court

Rhysand: Alright, meeting adjourned. Let’s go drink and celebrate.

Tarquin: Agreed, I shall offer my finest alcohol from the family vault to all……except Cassian.

*cue laughs and cheers*

Cassian, in the corner: *grumbling* it was ONE building get over it.

Amren’s Collection

Amren: How can I arrange to receive more blood rubies?

Varian: ……The blood rubies were a THREAT not a gift? You’d have to commit crimes against the Summer Court to get more.

Amren: That can be arranged.

Varian: …………I forgot I have to go…………

Varian: *frantically speedials Tarquin from a broom closet* MISTAKES WERE MADE.


Cassian: *about to knock on the door of the House of Wind*

Mor: *bursts out the door* Leave. LeaveNOW.

Cassian: What’s wrong?!

Mor: Feyre’s trying to cook. Go before you get food poisoning again. It’s too late for me, she already knows I’m here.

Cassian: I owe you my life *runs*

Bat Boys

Feyre: I have a weird question that I have wanted to know for years……

Rhysand: This’ll be good.

Feyre: Since Illyrians have bat wings, do you ever hang upside down like bats?

Cassian: Yes, of course.

Rhysand: STOP. No we DO NOT do that.

Morrigan: Hey Feyre, is Rhys around?

Feyre: Yeah but he’s unavailable.

Morrigan: I’m his favorite cousin, he’ll make time for me.

Feyre: Rhys and Cassian have been arm wrestling for the past hour. Anytime one of them loses they ask for a rematch.

Morrigan: *sighs* not again.

Feyre, holding her newborn baby: Rhys, do you think you are ready for parenthood?

Rhysand: Easily, I’ve been parenting Cassian for centuries.


Cassian: Anyways, what are we having for dinner Rhys?

Night Court Shenanigans

Morrigan: Cassian, how often do you clean your knives?

Cassian: Whenever they get blood on them. So a few times a week I guess.

Morrigan: You stab someone several times a week?

Cassian: You don’t?

Building IKEA Furniture: Night Court Edition

Feyre: Has trouble understanding the instructions; convinces Rhysand to help.

Rhysand: Helps everyone else build their furniture and forgets to build his own.

Cassian: Loses a screw and spends the rest of the day offering favors to anyone who will give him one of theirs instead of going back to IKEA.

Azriel: Finishes building first.

Morrigan: Convinced she can build without the instructions (spoiler alert: she cannot).

Amren: Hires other people to build her furniture.

Nesta: Did not go on the IKEA trip.
