#actually intersex



noah fence but why are dyadic ace-exclusionists talking about intersex people “not wanting to be lgbt” when we’re not a hivemind and it’s an intracommunity issue with intersex people ourselves, which is a WHOLE different issue separate from ace discourse

i consider myself lgbtqia+ for being intersex, if another intersex person disagrees then this is an intersex intracommunity issue, and an entirely different discourse that should solely be made up of intersex people.

dyadic/perisex/non-intersex people need to stop bring up intersex people into ace discourse. ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to speak for us “as a community”. we’re all individual people with our own ideas of what it means to be LGBT(QIA+).

andplease,for the love of christ, stop saying “the intersex community has said they don’t want to be lgbt” because i don’t remember being invited to a fucking intersex meeting where we all unanimously agreed to remove the I from LGBTQIA+. this is an intracommunity issue that non-intersex people should not be involved in.

As an intersex inclusionist, I could not agree more with OP. Pls, FTLOG, STOP speaking over us to use our intra community issues as tools for a gotchya. S T O P!!!!!!


Hyperandrogenism “Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition characterized by high levels of androgens


“Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition characterized by high levels of androgens in females. Symptoms may include acne, seborrhea (inflamed skin), hair loss on the scalp, increased body or facial hair, and infrequent or absent menstruation. Complications may include high blood cholesterol.” -Wikipedia

A color correction of a flag I created for myself before the creation of this blog; hyperandrogenism is a (often intersex) condition that can be a cause or symptom of multiple disabilities in AFAB people, such as my Hidradenitis Suppurativa.

  • Testosterone molecule (as an umbrella for androgen hormones).
  • Ring for individuals whose hyperandrogenism is intersex in nature, representing their wholeness and bodily autonomy (derived from the intersex flag).
  • Red: The courage to love yourself, however that love takes shape.
  • Pink: hyperandrogenism not diminishing the femininity of those with a feminine gender and/or gender expression.
  • White: The countless number of genders hyperandrogenism can present in.
  • Dark Gold: The large population of individuals thought to have hyperandrogenism (~95 million) wishing to thrive in their own equally worthy lives.

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mtndewdreams:Intersex people are beautiful! yeah we are! 


Intersex people are beautiful!

yeah we are! 

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can everyone just stop 

just stop



intersex folk?????? 

they exist. they’re like unicorns and 100% magic and wonderful so no use saying otherwise 

have a nice day (: 

The “I” Doesn’t stand for invisible!

This is it! Today’s the last day to get a t-shirt like Hanne is wearing here in support of intersex

This is it! Today’s the last day to get a t-shirt like Hanne is wearing here in support of intersex youth!  Don’t miss out! Click here to get yours! 

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Check these quotes from new intersex advocate & activist Hanne Gaby Odiele! We are so proud of hCheck these quotes from new intersex advocate & activist Hanne Gaby Odiele! We are so proud of hCheck these quotes from new intersex advocate & activist Hanne Gaby Odiele! We are so proud of h

Check these quotes from new intersex advocate & activist Hanne Gaby Odiele! We are so proud of her and the work she is doing to raise intersex visibility and stop unnecessary intersex surgeries! 

Find out more about Hanne’s story and what it means to be intersex here!

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Fashion Model Hanne Gaby Odiele discloses she is intersex!

We have been working with Hanne for a while to get her ready for this, and we are so excited and proud to welcome into our advocacy work! She is going to do great things!


You know who don’t get enough love? 

Intersex people. Whether they are part of the lgbtq+ community or not (which is up to them). Intersex people are amazing and very important. 

Intersex people are just all around awesome in my books.

And we love YOU!!! <3


Happy Intersex Awareness Day!!!! Today I’m talking all about my specific intersex variation - CAIS. Please subscribe to my channel and let me know what you think!xoxy

I am intersex

Happy Pride Month! This year, President Biden included Intersex in his proclamation for Pride Month. Intersex people are born with a difference of sexual development in their anatomy, reproductive organs, or genetics. It is not a sexuality. It is not a gender identity. It is how we are born. I am intersex and I am proud of my body.

This isn’t the usual thing I post here but I’m trying to be more open and unashamed of who I am. Don’t forget about intersex people this pride month.
