


noah fence but why are dyadic ace-exclusionists talking about intersex people “not wanting to be lgbt” when we’re not a hivemind and it’s an intracommunity issue with intersex people ourselves, which is a WHOLE different issue separate from ace discourse

i consider myself lgbtqia+ for being intersex, if another intersex person disagrees then this is an intersex intracommunity issue, and an entirely different discourse that should solely be made up of intersex people.

dyadic/perisex/non-intersex people need to stop bring up intersex people into ace discourse. ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to speak for us “as a community”. we’re all individual people with our own ideas of what it means to be LGBT(QIA+).

andplease,for the love of christ, stop saying “the intersex community has said they don’t want to be lgbt” because i don’t remember being invited to a fucking intersex meeting where we all unanimously agreed to remove the I from LGBTQIA+. this is an intracommunity issue that non-intersex people should not be involved in.

As an intersex inclusionist, I could not agree more with OP. Pls, FTLOG, STOP speaking over us to use our intra community issues as tools for a gotchya. S T O P!!!!!!



Hello, ace friends! The Care Bears are here to send lots of love and positivity your way. You’re all wonderful and valid and we Care Bears and Cousins hope that you all know that you’ll always be welcome here in Care-a-Lot. If anyone calls you broken or hates on you for being ace, come here for hugs and cuddles and if the bully tries to follow you here, we’ll give them the old Care Bear Stare!


Art by PwahLaLa

We here at @carebearsnotdiscourse​ are beyond thrilled to introduce to you all this amazing new blog called @care-bears-for-aces, that’s an important part of the Care-a-Lot tumblrverse! 

This new blog appears to be specifically about lifting up and loving aces in particular, so I really hope that you will all check it out and follow. ⭐️

