#after all


Memo from the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation
To: Minister of Magic
Copy to: Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, MI7
Dispatched: 3 AM, 11/08/2014
Status: Private

This isn’t just goblins anymore. Its either them or Russia. 
- P.W.

of course anne is spending her life taking care of frogs, it’s good practice for when she has to take care of universes

Hello girls and boys,

I sometimes worry that I keep this all too impersonal, that this should be a relationship between me and you, rather than just a one way street. I’ve always answered questions in private, but turned off the anonymous function a long time ago because I had no intention of making such questions public. 

But I’m finding myself feeling a little more relaxed about things these days, and a little less concerned about cultivating such a rigorous aesthetic. So I’m going to give anonymous questions another go, and see what happens. 

See if I can’t get a little inspiration from you, turn this more into a cycle and less of a straight line.



People who think Ayato is truly loyal to the Raiden Shogun is eating straight out of his palms tbh

And the one sitting on his desk, weapon in a vice grip-


He smiled, warm and welcoming.

“Goal, long time no see! How have you been? I’m guessing well, with how everything looks here.”

Read more: After All on AO3
