


Questa che vi sto proponendo è una fanfiction che sto portando avanti da un annetto su EFP e da poco tempo anche su wattpad. E’ la storia che ho creato intorno a Phil Coulson, mio personaggio preferito della MCU e, di conseguenza, di Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , dove incontra una ragazza, senza identità, con un codice al posto del nome e zero conoscenza del mondo esterno alla realtà di reclusione che ha vissuto fino al loro primo incontro. Comincia nel 2002, circa una decina di anni prima i fatti di Marvel’s The Avengers, mese più, mese meno. 

Il dolore era insopportabile. Lo era stato la maggior parte delle altre volte in cui 3-1-7 era stata sottoposta ad esami ed esperimenti, eticamente dubbi, per riuscire a scoprire l'origine dei suoi poteri.
Durante quegli anni in cui aveva vissuto nel l'istituto l'avevano sottoposta ad un numero davvero inquietante di interventi, la maggior parte dei quali alla testa.
Le avevano innestato svariati rilevatori di ultima micro-tecnologia-neurale in modo da poter monitorare il picco di attività cerebrale durante il manifestarsi del suo “dono”. E ogni volta, puntualmente, lei li aveva involontariamente fulminati, annullando così gli sforzi dei ricercatori.
Ma in quel pomeriggio, nel preciso istante in cui uno dei medici aveva cominciato a trapanarle il cranio dietro la nuca per farvi passare una delle nano-sonde-neurali , qualcosa dentro la cavia 3-1-7 si ruppe.
No, non parte dell'osso occipitale… ma qualcosa dentro di lei, ovvero il bisogno estenuante di continuare ad obbedire. Perché? Si era chiesta.
Strinse i denti per riuscire a sopportare il dolore e fare chiarezza nella sua mente martoriata, gridò mentalmente per trovare la forza di puntellare le mani e i gomiti sul lettino. Aveva difficoltà a mettere a fuoco i propri pensieri. Poche ore prima aveva subito un trattamento psicosomatico che la costringeva ad obbedire, a non ribellarsi, e i postumi erano gravi carenze di concentrazione.
Ultimamente quel trattamento su 3-1-7 aveva sempre meno effetto e aveva ripreso a ricordare come mai fosse lì, e come mai avevano cominciato ad obbligarla ad obbedire… Semplice! Durante uno degli esperimenti, anni prima, aveva tentato di ‘ribellarsi’. Parola curiosa non trovate?! R-I-B-E-L-L-A-R-S-I.

Sentì un tonfo metallico e un rumore stridente, girò la testa e vide il medico in ginocchio con gli occhi sbarrati e gonfi di lacrime che si reggeva la testa in un urlo soffocato. 3-1-7 ne approfittò alzandosi carponi sul lettino, utilizzò le proprie sensazioni per trasformarle in una sorta di enrgia e rompere i lacci che la tenevano, respirò a fondo cercando di racimolare un po’ di auto-controllo.
Si girò verso il medico che aveva recuperato lucidità e allarmato si stava alzando a cercare probabilmente degli anestetizzanti o peggio il teaser in uno degli scaffali lì di fronte.
La paura ebbe il sopravvento su 3-1-7. Si alzò dal lettino traballando, doveva fermarlo prima che lui fermasse lei, gli afferrò un braccio e sentì la rabbia, la sorpresa e la paura dell'uomo passarle per la pelle, con l'altra mano gli afferrò il viso per intralciargli la vista e allontanarlo dagli scaffali. Lui la colpì al petto con forza, senza scrupoli, per allontanarla ma qualcosa fece *chlack*… un rumore bagnato, viscido che non proveniva dalla stanza. Solamente 3-1-7 era stata capace di percepirlo. Lo aveva provocato lei.
Con il contatto fisico della sua mano sul volto dell'uomo era arrivata a toccare la sua mente, aveva toccato la sua paura e percepito la corrente elettrica delle sue sinapsi che lavoravano veloci per elaborare un piano…e lei le aveva interrotte bruscamente.
L'uomo sbarrò gli occhi e cadde in terra con un tonfo sordo. La ragazza lo guardò terrorizzata portandosi le mani al petto come se avesse preso la scossa, aveva perso il controllo e sapeva di aver superato il limite, l'unico sua possibilità in quel momento era scappare… Si, ma come? Non aveva la benché minima idea di come poter uscire di lì, non conosceva il luogo in cui aveva vissuto per 18 anni, era sempre stata dentro le solite 20 stanze, bianche e asettiche, senza mai vedere il mondo esterno.
Il pensiero era tremendamente deprimente ma doveva sorvolare e cercare di pensare alla svelta. Non riusciva a trovare la lucidità, si guardò attorno e spinta più dalla paura e dall'istinto che dalla ragione aprì la porta e uscì nel corridoio cominciando a correre, non importava la direzione bastava non rimanere ferma, come un animale chiuso in gabbia.
In fondo al corridoio si schierarono tre agenti vestiti di nero, muniti di casco e visiera. Loro erano i guardiani, coloro che si occupavano di non far scappare le cavie, 3-1-7 li vedeva sempre fare le ronde nei corridoi a due a due.
Dei tre quello centrale le si scagliò contro, l'afferrò per le spalle e la sbatté contro il muro con una forza spiazzante. Lei rimbalzò e cadde in terra, cercò di tirarsi in piedi ma l'equilibrio le venne meno lasciandola brancolare sul pavimento con la vista annebbiata. Gli altri due le puntarono le armi contro in sincrono, in un gesto meccanico, rimanendo immobili, mentre quello che l'aveva colpita la immobilizzò.
«FERMI!» una voce fermò l'azione. Alzarono tutti gli occhi verso l'altro capo del corridoio. Il secondo medico, di cui 3-1-7 ne aveva dimenticata l'esistenza e che qualche attimo prima che lei si ficcasse nei guai era uscito momentaneamente dalla sala operatoria, li stava raggiungendo a corsa. «Me ne occupo io!» Aveva le mani alzate e mostrava qualcosa che 3-1-7 non riusciva a mettere a fuoco. L'agente che la teneva a terra allentò la presa mentre gli altri due si allontanarono tornando alle loro posizioni, e lei ne approfittò, si voltò il più velocemente possibile trasportata da una scarica di adrenalina, gli afferrò il volto come aveva fatto poco prima con l'altro uomo, lui la colpì con un pugno in bocca e *chlack*…le cadde addosso, pesante e senza vita.
3-1-7 cercò di liberarsi dal peso del corpo inerme dell'agente ma era troppo per lei, l'adrenalina la stava abbandonando lasciandola indifesa. Sbatté gli occhi per schiarirsi la vista. Vide il medico sopra di lei, cercò di toccarlo allungando una mano verso di lui, partì l'allarme che assordò entrambi e che le fece chiudere gli occhi, gli altri due agenti non avevano perso tempo e spaventati avevano preso precauzioni.
F.Z.Z.T. una scossa elettrica le passò per tutto il corpo e quasi immediatamente le mozzò il fiato lasciandola priva di sensi.

«Aiutami! Invece di star lì a tenere lo sportello…quello sta aperto anche da solo!» disse un uomo, vestito di nero, da dentro un furgone parcheggiato in un vicolo buio. «Magari se tu fossi un po’ più cortese…» rispose l'altro, con ancora il camice addosso, abbastanza spazientito.
«Oh mi scusi dottore! Le dispiacerebbe darmi una mano, sa sono un po’ incasinato qui dentro?! COSI’ VA MEGLIO PEZZO D'IDIOTA?» L'uomo con il camice bianco prese la cavia 3-1-7 ancora priva di sensi per le gambe e aiutò l'altro uomo a portarla fuori dal vano e a poggiarla sul marciapiede umido e maleodorante. «Sbrigati, falle l'iniezione e andiamocene, prima che passi qualcuno di qui…» Il dottore alzò gli occhi al cielo, prese una siringa e tre fiale dalla tasca del camice spiegazzato. «Chi vuoi che passi di qui?» Caricò la siringa con il liquido delle tre fiale e ne cominciò a premere lo stantuffo per sistemarla. In realtà per il loro scopo non importava davvero eliminare l'aria all'interno della siringa, era più un gesto abituale il suo. «Questa dose dovrebbe bastare a…» «DOVREBBE?» Lo interruppe arrabbiato l'altro.« Sii certo che la metta k.o. non voglio storie con il capo. Se scopre quello che è successo la nostra coscienza, se ne abbiamo una, sarà l'ultimo nostro rimorso.» L'uomo in nero sbatté lo sportello del furgone innervosito e spaventato. Dovevano mandare in overdose mortale la ragazza, così da lasciarla lì e farla sembrare una tossica qualsiasi, di cui nessuno si sarebbe preoccupato più di tanto. L'uomo in nero guardò l'orologio. Dovevano davvero sbrigarsi. Di solito avevano un'altra metodologia per sbarazzarsi delle prove, ma la struttura dove lavoravano era già stata trasferita per metà, insieme ad un paio di cavie che il capo aveva ritenuto più interessanti e meno problematiche per le sue esigenze di quel momento. 3-1-7 sarebbe stata l'ultima ad essere trasferita, evidentemente aveva scelto il giorno sbagliato per ribellarsi, con tutti i problemi che aveva dato durante quegli ultimi anni arrivati a questo punto dei giochi era più facile liberarsi definitivamente di lei.
3-1-7 socchiuse gli occhi senza vedere niente, solo ombre in uno sfondo semi-buio. Sussultò quando sentì un pizzicotto su un braccio e un ago freddo penetrarle la pelle…fece per gridare ma in realtà non uscì una sola nota dalla sua bocca. Ci riprovò…
Poco più in là quella sera un agente in vacanza dal suo ‘straordinario’ lavoro si stava dirigendo al punto d'incontro per un appuntamento galante con una donna che aveva conosciuto un mese prima durante una missione sotto copertura. Era contento, aveva trovato questa persona brillante e la sera si prospettava tra le più belle passate negli ultimi tempi. Tempi in cui il suo lavoro era diventato un appuntamento fisso. Non che gli dispiacesse, sia ben chiaro, amava il suo lavoro. Però, beh si sa, nella vita c'è bisogno anche di staccare la testa e trovare del tempo per se stessi.
Affrettò il passo, era in anticipo come sempre e voleva rimanerlo, girò l'angolo e… «AAAAAAAANGH!» un urlo strozzato lo raggiunse dal vicolo all'incrocio davanti a sé. Lasciò cadere a terra la piccola scatola di cioccolatini che aveva preso per l'occasione e attraversò l'incrocio non curante dell’ ALT! lampeggiante in rosso e facendo inchiodare alcune macchine.
Imbucò il vicolo e vide due uomini che gli davano le spalle, uno in piedi stava prendendo a calci un fagotto blu, che poteva essere un bimbo o una ragazza date le piccole dimensioni, mentre l'altro era chinato ad osservare la scena. L'agente non ci pensò due volte corse verso di loro e afferrò per le spalle l'uomo in piedi che cercò di liberarsi dalla sua presa ma lui lo colpì forte con un pugno prendendolo in pieno volto, scaraventandolo a terra e lasciandolo rintontito carponi sull'asfalto. Guardò il fagotto blu, prendendo atto che fosse una ragazza con un camice spiegazzato, sporco di sangue, del sudiciume del marciapiede e strappato in più punti. L'altro uomo si era scansato, facendosi da parte impaurito e schiacciando qualcosa di vetro con un piede.
L'agente si avvicinò alla ragazza cercando di capire se c'era qualcosa che avrebbe potuto fare per lei. 3-1-7 con l'aria confusa, gli occhi velati che fissavano indistintamente un punto sopra di lei, allungò una mano e afferrò la giacca dell'agente cercando di mettere a fuoco la scena, e di combattere spasmodicamente contro il cocktail che le era stato appena iniettato.
L'agente si voltò verso l'altro uomo con il camice a cui semplicemente rivolse uno sguardo rigido che gli fece alzare le mani in gesto di arresa: «La prego sono disarmato!» Anche l'Agente lo era ma non lo avrebbe rivelato, si limitò a guardarsi attorno e notò delle fialette rotte sul marciapiede e una siringa usata, si portò istintivamente una mano alla cintura spostando lo sguardo arrabbiato verso l'uomo con il camice.
«Non muovere un muscolo! Dimmi che cosa le hai iniettato.» gli ordinò l'Agente in borghese, o quasi a questo punto della vicenda.
Sollevò la testa alla ragazza delicatamente, stringendo labbra e denti in un gesto nervoso e aggrottando le sopracciglia preoccupato. Aspettava una risposta dall'uomo con il camice e invece sentì l'uomo dietro di se muoversi e un rumore metallico lo avvertì che aveva tolto la sicura all'arma. Arma a cui l'Agente non aveva minimamente pensato, e per la quale mentalmente si maledì.
Alzò gli occhi al cielo e insieme, lentamente lasciando la ragazza, anche le mani disarmate. Vide il medico correre via, scattò verso di lui velocemente per fermarlo ma l'uomo in nero ancora intontito dal pugno preso poco prima sparò senza prendere la mira. Il rumore dello sparo fece modificare la dinamica dell'azione all'agente che frenando lo scatto si buttò a coprire la ragazza con il proprio corpo per proteggerla. Sentì le portiere chiudersi e il furgone partire con una sgommata.
Sbuffò, le vacanze lo avevano davvero così rallentato? In realtà era accorso nel vicolo pensando ad una delle tante aggressioni a cui le grandi città come Los Angeles erano abituate, ma si era ritrovato in una situazione decisamente diversa, ed era stato fortunato che il colpo di pistola non fosse rivolto verso di lui.
Allentò la presa sulla ragazza sorreggendole la testa e scansandola dal proprio petto, la guardò con i suoi occhi verdi e le sorrise dolcemente, la lasciò appoggiata al proprio braccio, in modo che non tornasse a toccare il marciapiede e goffamente, data la posizione, si tolse la giacca per mettergliela addosso e coprirla, visto che il camice che indossava era in uno stato a dir poco pietoso.

«Sono l'Agente Phil Coulson, lavoro per la Strategic, Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement & Logistic Division. Sei al sicuro adesso.»

Lo disse con una calma tale che solo un'Agente dello S.H.I.E.L.D. era addestrato a mantenere. «3-1-7» rispose con un sussurro la ragazza.
«Cosa significa?» Le domandò Coulson passando due dita sulla macchia che il marciapiede le aveva lasciato sul volto. Alcune lacrime scesero dalle guance di lei, lo guardò negli occhi per alcuni istanti e perse nuovamente i sensi.
L'inoltro della richiesta di - EMERGENZA - alla base S.H.I.E.L.D. più vicina era già partito dal telefono dell'Agente dal momento in cui aveva notato la siringa in terra con le tre fiale rotte accanto. I telefoni in dotazione agli Agenti, che Coulson portava sempre attaccato alla cintura, erano muniti di tasti veloci di emergenza che spesso nelle situazioni critiche potevano rivelarsi dei veri salvavita. Infatti già si sentiva il rumore di un Quinjet in avvicinamento.

Agent Janice - 11. Istituto parte II(on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/MpKdsAxiWE «Sono l'Agente Phi

Agent Janice - 11. Istituto parte II (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/MpKdsAxiWE «Sono l'Agente Phil Coulson, con la Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcemente e Logistic Division. Sei al sicuro adesso…» Questa é la storia di una bambina particolare che viene segregata in un misterioso ‘Istituto’ all'età di 10 anni. Tredici anni dopo, l'incontro fortuito con un Agente dello S.H.I.E.L.D. in vacanza le cambierà completamente la vita. Questo é solo l'inizio di quello che davvero é la storia della cavia 3-1-7…

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Agent Janice - 9. Una Missione Inaspettata (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/KuwRentpBD «Sono l'Agent

Agent Janice - 9. Una Missione Inaspettata (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/KuwRentpBD «Sono l'Agente Phil Coulson, con la Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcemente e Logistic Division. Sei al sicuro adesso…» Questa é la storia di una bambina particolare che viene segregata in un misterioso ‘Istituto’ all'età di 10 anni. Tredici anni dopo, l'incontro fortuito con un Agente dello S.H.I.E.L.D. in vacanza le cambierà completamente la vita. Questo é solo l'inizio di quello che davvero é la storia della cavia 3-1-7…

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EFP — Quando di Dinosauri Dominarono lo SHIELDWattpad — Quando i Dinosauri Dominarono lo

EFP — Quando di Dinosauri Dominarono lo SHIELD
Wattpad — Quando i Dinosauri Dominarono lo SHIELD

One Shot ambientata nel 2013, appena sopo la caduta dello S.H.I.E.L.D. il Team Coulson si troverà ad affrontare la nuova arma biologica a marchio Hydra… che li lascerà a bocca aperta.
Questa storia è nata da un mio sogno, fatto circa un annetto fa e che mi fece ridere un sacco, nonostante durante il sogno me la sia fatta sotto dall'ansia.
Spin-Off della mia Fan Fiction principale sull'agente Janice (personaggio di mia invenzione) che vede protagonista Coulson.

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Agent Janice - 7. AAA Cercasi ‘Agente Supervisore’ Livello 6 || Parte #2 (on Wattpad) ht

Agent Janice - 7. AAA Cercasi ‘Agente Supervisore’ Livello 6 || Parte #2 (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/mJnBm8Ostz «Sono l'Agente Phil Coulson, con la Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcemente e Logistic Division. Sei al sicuro adesso…»

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Battle Scars #6 (1st appearance of Agent Coulson)#comics #comicbooks #comicbooksociety #comicbookc

Battle Scars #6 (1st appearance of Agent Coulson)

#comics #comicbooks #comicbooksociety #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comiccollector #igcomicbookfamily #igcomics #comiccollection #marvelcomics #Marvel #agentsofshield

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Every single season finale you get me so good @agentsofshield. Here’s to season 5!
#marvel #agentsofshield #shield

#marvel    #shield    #agentsofshield    
After having gone to the #MarvelUniverseLive show tonight at the #HondaCenter, i just had to post an

After having gone to the #MarvelUniverseLive show tonight at the #HondaCenter, i just had to post another one of my photos from my S.H.I.E.L.D. photoshoot! Isn’t she a beauty? #marvel #marvelous #agentsofshield #shield #theavengers #captainamerica #ironman #thor #thehulk #blackwidow #hawkeye #starkindustries #FP102 #natasharomanoff #dodge #dodgedart #disney #disneyside #carphotography #canon #canon7D #photosbychile #chilebob

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SHIELD Photoshoot. #shield #agentsofshield #marvel #marveluniverse #theavengers #captainamerica #iro

SHIELD Photoshoot. #shield #agentsofshield #marvel #marveluniverse #theavengers #captainamerica #ironman #thor #thehulk #blackwidow #hawkeye #nickfury #agentcoulson #hydra #abc #abc7 #abcfamily #loki #wintersoldier #superheroes #disney #disneyside #instadisney #dailydisney #squaready

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religion’s in your lips, the altar is my hips (17006 words) by mssimmonsfitz
Chapters: 7/7
Fandom:Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Skye | Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa, Skye | Daisy Johnson & Daniel Sousa
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Daniel Sousa
Additional Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut?, idk?, Established Relationship, Bondage, Cunnilingus, Dirty Talk, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, daisy has a thing for suspenders, and Daniel has a thing for her dress, dousy, Sousy, Daisysous, Voyeurism, Fingering, Shower Sex
Series: Part 3 of teeny-tiny dousy drabbles.Summary:

Daisy and Daniel decide to…experiment.

@agentsofshield panel @wondercon is so good. They showed us the first episode of the next season. It

@agentsofshield panel @wondercon is so good. They showed us the first episode of the next season. Its so good and will keep you wanting more.
#wondercon2019 #wondercon #agentsofshield #marveltvseries #marvelshows #marvel (at Anaheim Convention Center)

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Wow! This is all kinds of amazing! Well done @kdi_franco_ ❤️#FitzSimmons #agentsofshield #fanart #il

Wow! This is all kinds of amazing! Well done @kdi_franco_ ❤️#FitzSimmons #agentsofshield #fanart #iloveddressingthemup #season3

Repost @kdi_franco_
FITZSIMMONS IN “THE SINGULARITY” 3x18 (@lil_henstridge @iain_decaestecker)


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Grumpy Cat comes with me on every location & always reminds me of my AOS fam ❤️ and the fact tha

Grumpy Cat comes with me on every location & always reminds me of my AOS fam ❤️ and the fact that Mondays kinda suck #grumpycat #onlocation #islandlife #bts #agentsofshield (at Honolulu, Hawaii)

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Thank you @vogueparis for including @agentsofshield in this piece! One of the things I’ve always bee

Thank you @vogueparis for including @agentsofshield in this piece! One of the things I’ve always been most proud of is how we portrayed the ladies & empowered them with their costumes. And couldn’t be prouder of Costume Designer @whitneyhg who carried that torch on for S5 & S6 ❤️ #agentsofshield #womenofmarvel #costumedesign

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Countdown to #SHIELD100 #agentsofshield #marvel

Countdown to #SHIELD100 #agentsofshield #marvel

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Countdown to #SHIELD100 #agentsofshield #marvel #LoveMySHIELDfamily

Countdown to #SHIELD100 #agentsofshield #marvel #LoveMySHIELDfamily

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In honor of tonight’s episode of Agents of SHIELD here are some of my fav behind the scenes pics!I

In honor of tonight’s episode of Agents of SHIELD here are some of my fav behind the scenes pics!
I’ll be forever grateful for my time on this show. I love my SHIELD family ❤️
Happy everyone! #SHIELD100 #agentsofshield #marvel

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I love this crazy group & they’re back with you tonight! ❤️ #agentsofshield #shield100

Repost @chloebennet
What a stone cold pack of weirdos. Golly gee I love them so. #agentsofshield is back tonight. And our new baby angel @dovecameron makes her debut! ⚡️⚡️

The perfect selfie requires a sacrifice or in this case 2 - sorry @geoffreycolo & @zacharyburrab

The perfect selfie requires a sacrifice or in this case 2 - sorry @geoffreycolo & @zacharyburrabel
: @lil_henstridge
#shield100 #agentsofshield

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What an incredible night celebrating the road to with my SHIELD family. So proud to have been part o

What an incredible night celebrating the road to with my SHIELD family. So proud to have been part of this show with these incredible people ❤️❤️❤️ #agentsofshield #shield100

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Love this fan poster by @bosslogic #agentsofshield #roadto100

Love this fan poster by @bosslogic #agentsofshield #roadto100

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@whitneyhg & @florencefaivre in our first Sinara fitting! We took a page from Deadpool to approx

@whitneyhg & @florencefaivre in our first Sinara fitting! We took a page from Deadpool to approximate what her make up would look like with the costume! #ThatTapeReallyDoesStickWell #BTS #agentsofshield

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Loving this pic that I took of @jennifer_grey that @clarkgregg just posted for their anniversary #re

Loving this pic that I took of @jennifer_grey that @clarkgregg just posted for their anniversary #rediculousbody #jealous #gorgeous #redoaks #agentsofshield #clarkgregg #jennifergrey #marvel #hot #repost

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Daisy was walking around the base, trying to find something to make her warm. The weather is extraordinarily cold, because why not? It's December 23 at around five o'clock in the morning and the winter holidays are not being subtle. She walked into the kitchen to make some warm chocolate drink, there she saw FitzSimmons seated around the table, having breakfast.

 Jemma: Daisy, good morning. We have some coffee, sausage and egg toast. Grab a bite?

Daisy: Mornin’ twins. Sure, sure. After I find some hot drink that could stabilize my chilling body.

Fitz: Ahh! We made coffee. Still hot.

Daisy: That would do. I just need it. Thanks.

 Daisy went straight to the coffee maker and poured it to her mug.

 Fitz: I might be back on the 2nd of January.

Jemma: Oh perfect, I might be back on the 3rd. Mack’ll be back on the 3rd also.

 Daisy sat beside the two.

 Daisy: Where’s Mack now?

Fitz: He left this morning and went home for the holidays.

Daisy: Oh.

 Daisy kept silent. She grabbed some toast and ate some.

 Fitz: Let’s just meet on the 28th.

Jemma: We could do that. Dinner, London. Awesome.

Daisy: Almost forgot, I have to tell Piper something. See you, guys, later.

Fitz: Sure.

Jemma: See you, Daisy.

  Daisy stood up with her coffee on one hand and a saucer containing two toasts on the other, one she already took a bite, then she went out of the kitchen. She is feeling uncomfortable with what FitzSimmons are taking about. Sure, they have families to go home to, but she doesn’t. She walked and went to the gym. There she saw Piper and Davis, they are having an early exercise.

 Piper: Daisy!

Daisy: Oh, hi guys!

Davis: Since when did the gym become a good place to eat?

 Daisy, Piper and Davis laughed.

 Daisy: Has any one of you seen Coulson?

Piper: He left at around 1am, he has some business transaction he needed to attend to.

Daisy: When he’ll be back?

Davis: I heard, he’ll be staying there until next year.

Daisy: That’s awesome. See you guys.

 Daisy felt sad, she walked out again and went to the Armory. Nobody was there. She sat on the mat and started consuming the remaining toast.

 Daisy felt alone. She is the only one who doesn’t have a family here, yes she has a dad, but he does not even have an idea who she is, so that doesn’t count. She is the only one who does not have anybody. Well, she and Coulson. But he left, Coulson left her. Of course, he will. She is nothing but an employee to him. Why would he think she’ll need him?

 Daisy is holding back her tears, and trying to calm the pain she’s feeling in her heart.

 Jemma: Daisy!!! I’ve been looking all over for you.

Daisy: Jemma, what’s up?

Jemma: I just want to say good bye and happy holidays.

 Fitz entered the room too.

 Fitz: See you on the 2nd of January, Daisy. Happy holidays!

 Daisy stood up, and gave Fitz a hug.

 Daisy: See you, Fitz. I would never forgive you if you’ll be back without good presents for me.

Fitz: Copy.

 Daisy then hugged Simmons.

 Daisy: Merry Christmas, Jemma.

Jemma: To you too, Daisy.

Daisy: See you next year.

 FitzSimmons left. Daisy felt empty.

 She went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes she used. There she saw May, taking some wine.

 Daisy: Very early for some wine.

May: This is grape juice.

Daisy: I see.

 May grinned.

 Daisy: Did FitzSimmons bid goodbye to you, they just left.

May: Yes, they did.

 Daisy started washing.

 May: My mother called.

Daisy: Oh.

May: I will be leaving at 10 this morning, spending the holidays with them.

 Daisy wants to cry, but she kept washing the dishes. May noticed that Daisy’s shoulder stiffened when she announced her trip. She knew what Daisy must’ve been feeling right now. Christmas holidays, all of the people in the Light House leaving for the vacation, and she isn’t, they are the only family she’s got. And Coulson, well, he’ll be back by next year because of some mission he needed to do.

 Daisy: When will you be back?

May: On the 6th.

Daisy: Happy holidays!

 Daisy immediately finished and walked out. She went to the gym, wanted to punch something, hoping nobody’s in there.

 She hit the punching bag again and again. She’s feeling lonely and hurt. She’s alone, nobody wanted to be with her. She poured her anger and kept on punching.

 May: You will hurt yourself if you don’t stand properly.

 Daisy was taken aback, surprised, she didn’t notice May come in.

 Daisy: I’m good.

May: It's 7 am. I have to pack my bags.

Daisy: You came here just to tell me that?

 Daisy is annoyed, she felt like May is rubbing it on her face.

 May: Yes.

Daisy: Fine. Then pack your bags, and leave then.

May: Alright, but after your anger management, make sure you pack yours too, because we’ll leave at 10. Sharp.

 May walked out. Daisy was speechless, she chased May.

 Daisy: What?

Daisy: May, wait!

 May stopped walking and turned to face Daisy.

 Daisy: What do you mean?

May: Pack your bags, I don’t want you to be late.

Daisy: Me?

May: Why? Do you think I’ll just leave you here? Alone?

 Daisy was surprised and speechless.

 May: We leave exactly at 10.

 Then May walked away and never looked back. Daisy didn’t know what to say or what to think.


 Daisy went back to her room and started packing. She has to pack a lot because they will be staying at the “Mays” until the 6th of next year. In just a matter of minutes, she finished packing, considering she doesn’t have a lot of stuff.

 She lay down on her bed, closed her eyes just to rest.

 When she opened her eyes, she jerked when she peeked at the clock, it's 11:57 am. She fell asleep for nearly 4 hours. May told her they’ll be leaving at 10 o'clock, sharp. Daisy knows May, she is, has been, and will always be particular when it comes to time.

 Daisy: dammit!!!

 Daisy went out of her room and ran. She chanced upon Piper.

 Daisy: hey, Piper! Have you seen May?

Piper: I talked to her this morning, she already left for vacation Daisy.

 Daisy felt like something stabbed her in the chest. But she didn’t show it.

 Piper: she told us that she’ll be going home for the holidays, and will be leaving at around 10. She didn’t tell you?

Daisy: she did. I just forgot. Anyway, thanks.

 Daisy went back to her room and sat on the bed. She wants to punch something again. She’s so pissed at herself. She shouldn’t have slept. She hates herself.

 She punched her pillow, the base then shook a little. Daisy’s anger is quaking the base.

 There was a knock on the door. But Daisy is not in the mood to talk to someone, so she ignored it. But the door opened.

 May: Finally, you’re awake.

 Daisy’s eyes widened. The sound of May’s voice never felt this good.

 May: I thought you were awake ‘cause you’re causing the earthquakes.

Daisy: Piper said you left.

May: I told them I’ll be leaving at 10.

Daisy: You didn’t.

May: ‘cause you’re asleep.

Daisy: I thought you left me.

May: I went here around 10, but you were sleeping soundly, peacefully. I decided to let you rest. I couldn’t wake you up.

Daisy: I really thought you left me.

May: I wouldn’t. I.. (pause) couldn’t.

 There was silence between them. It wasn’t awkward. It was just silence.

 May: so, you ready, now?

Daisy: yup.

May: let’s go.


 Daisy: Do your parents know that I’m with you?

May: Yes.

Daisy: Really?

May: I told you.

 Daisy kept quiet, looked at the surroundings and smiled.

 May: It’ll take us 6 more hours. You can stay at the back so you can sleep, if you’re tired.

Daisy: No, I’m good.

May: Okay.

 Daisy is excited. Nobody, except Coulson, has ever met May’s folks. It’s like meeting the ‘grandparents’ for the first time, she thought.

 May: By the way, my parents thought you’re my daughter. Just ride with it.

 May said it very casually. Daisy jolted.

 Daisy: I’m sorry, what?

May: You heard me. Just– ride with it.

Daisy: W-well– w-why– h-how–

May: Daisy.

Daisy: How did they think that?

May: I told them.

 Daisy started having butterflies in her stomach. She felt good, and embarrassed by the thought.

 Daisy: You did?

May: I told them I’m bringing you home with me. They just assumed you’re my daughter. I didn’t want to talk a lot, so I just agreed.

Daisy: But— Why— But–

May: Coulson is, supposedly, your dad.

Daisy: I’m still processing everything you just told me and–

May: Don’t worry about it. Just be yourself.

Daisy: I don’t think we can pull this off.

May: You don’t need to sell it. Just be you. And if they ask you, tell them the truth. At least I don’t have to do the talking.

 Daisy rolled her eyes.

 May: And never roll your eyes on me!

 Daisy’s jaw dropped. She smiled. The last sentence that May told her is funny. She just saw what kind of a mom she will be, or she is.

 Daisy felt her heart aching. She never thought she wanted May, as a mother, this much.

 May: You’re staring.

 Daisy came back to reality. She didn’t realize she was staring at May. Daisy looked down then outside.

 Daisy: Sorry.

 May looked at Daisy for a second.

 May: Anything wrong?

Daisy: Nah.. Just a little tired.

May: I told you to take a rest. I brought a blanket, you can use it.

Daisy: It’s okay. I can rest from here

May: You sure? You want to have a stop over?

Daisy: No need.

May: Alright.

 Daisy leaned on the window. She closed her eyes. Blushing because she was embarrassed. She never wanted anybody to know she longs for May as a mother. Hell, she, herself is still in denial with the fact that she sees May, and Coulson, as her parents. It is embarrassing, for May, or anybody for that matter, to find out she feels this way.

 But she does, she wants them. She wishes they’re hers. She hopes for it. Questioning fate why it brought them into her life and not making them hers, or making her theirs. Why?!

 Then, she felt a blanket covering her body. The car went slower, then into a full stop. She didn’t open her eyes. May is fixing the blanket, making sure she’s covered. Then she felt May’s hand brushing the hair away from her face.

 Daisy wants to cry. This woman, who taught her so much, practically raised her from nothing. She has been, with Coulson, raising her. Why aren’t they her parents, she asks.

 The car started moving again.


 May: Daisy. Daisy.

 Daisy woke up. Hearing May’s voice.

 May: We’re here.

 Daisy looked around and saw a very huge house with a very big lawn. It’s like a mansion.

 A man, in a black suit, opened the car’s door on Daisy’s side. May just alighted their car.

 Two more men, both in a suit, approached them, one of them took out their luggage out of the car, the other one, talked to May.

 Daisy looked around. The house is too huge, she couldn’t believe it. It was even bigger than Ian Quinn’s mansion.

 Man1: You must be– 

 May: Come on Daisy.


 Daisy: Where’s May?

Lian and William May looked at her.

Daisy: –Mom!!! Where’s “MaY” Mom.

William: Your mom must’ve taken a nap. Sit down with us.

Daisy sat down beside the couple on a chair of a round table where Lian and William were also seated.

Lian: Do you want any drink, hun? Tea? Coffee? Anything?

Daisy: Soda?

William raised his hand and a butler approached him.

William: Soda for my granddaughter.

Daisy cringed for being called as “granddaughter”, then the butler nodded then left.

Daisy: *whispers* cool.

Lian: Food? Bread, hun? Take anything you want from the table.

Daisy: Yup. Thanks.

 Daisy took a bread and some spread and started eating.

 William: Have you liked your room Daisy?

Daisy: Yes, gramps. It’s awesome. How many rooms do you have here?

William: 15 rooms, for sleeping. Excluding the master’s bedroom, and your mom’s room. But all in all, 21.

Daisy: Whoa! You can make this a mini hotel.

 William and Lian laugh.

 Lian: I used to bring some trainees here, but since I retired, it became just guest rooms.

Daisy: Still..

Lian: The room that you chose, that’s yours. I won’t let anybody take it, from now on, it’s yours and yours only.

 Daisy felt sad and glad at the same time.


 May was about to go outside to go to the garden where the others were eating, but decided to spy and listened to them first and hid herself behind the wall.

 William: What’s wrong sweetie? Why do you look so sad?

Lian: We’re so sorry you got to spend your holidays with old people like us, than with your friends back in the city.

Daisy: No! It’s not that.

Lian: Then what is it?

Daisy: It’s— this. Everything. You.

 Lian and William looked confused.

 William: Us?

Daisy: The way you look at me. The way you smile at me. When you hugged me earlier. The way you make me feel special.

 Lian and William were still confused.

 Daisy: I have spent just a couple of hours with you two, but I can already feel that you care for me, REALLY care for me, and that you.. (long pause) love me.

 Daisy holding back her tears.

 Lian: Then what is wrong with that, hunny?

Daisy: Bacause I don’t deserve it.

 Lian and William’s eyes widened. They both want to rebut what Daisy had said but Daisy continued speaking.

 Daisy: I don’t. I’m sorry. I just–

 William: You deserve it. You are our granddaughter, of course we love you.

Lian: And I have always wanted a grandchild.

Daisy: But that’s it. I am– Because I’m not–

 Lian and William have no expressions.

 Daisy: –your granddaughter. I am not even remotely related to any of you. I am not your daughter’s daughter.

 Daisy felt like someone’s crushing her chest. The words that came out of her mouth were killing her, she did not know why it hurt that much.

 William put his hand on top of Daisy’s head and gently caressed her hair.

 William: We know sweetie.

 Daisy was surprised.

 Daisy: You do?

Lian: Of course, we do. I was a spy, for crying out loud, how can you think I wouldn’t find out?! (Laughs)

Daisy: It’s just.. Because of the way you treat me. It’s as if I was–really, your granddaughter.

William: Because you are sweetie.

Daisy: I’m no–

Lian: DAISY.. You are.

 Daisy was speechless.

 William: You knew Milly as a very quiet person, who doesn’t want to open herself to others.

Daisy: and deadly.

Lian: Sure, that too.

William: She got it from your grandmother. Anyway, when your mom left for SHIELD, we obliged her to call us every now and then, just to update us.

Lian: She used to do that, but stopped after Bahrain. But we let her move on.

William: She never did. Until..

Lian: She met you.

Daisy: Me?

William: You, and FitzSimmons.

Lian: You became everything she ever wanted to have before Bahrain. You made her that one thing she wanted to become before that tragedy.

Daisy: What was it?

Lian: A mother.

William: Sure, blood and relationship is important in a family. But remember, you do not have to be biologically related to become a family. As long as you care about each other and that you love them, that is all that matters.

Lian: My Milly loves you, all of you. FitzSimmons, you, Philip.

William: You are, now, her immediate family.

Lian: Dysfunctional! But a family. That’s why, we do not care if she has given birth to you or not, for as long as in her heart, you are her daughter, that makes you, the three of you, our grandchildren.

Daisy: How can you say that? She is just my mentor, my SO, my boss.

William: Hun, don’t act stupid. I know you know, and I know you feel it.

Lian: You long for it, you just don’t want to admit it because you are afraid she doesn’t feel the same way about you. But I am telling you hunny, she does.

William: She’ll give her life to anyone of you kids, not just because it is her job, but because that’s what parents do, they’d do everything for their kids, willing, to even sacrifice their lives for them. To protect them.

Lian: And Melinda, YOUR mom, she would do that.

 Daisy was left speechless. Lian reached out for Daisy and hugged her, William stood up and hugged them both.

 May went outside and walked towards them.

 May: You’re gonna suffocate her.

 The three were surprised. William immediately went back to his seat. Lian did not immediately let go of Daisy. May sat on the vacant seat beside Daisy, thereafter, Lian completely let go of Daisy.

 May: What’s happening here?

Daisy: Nothin’. Gramps and Grams just missed me.

 Lian and William both laughed.

 May: Funny. You haven’t even met before today. How come they’d missed you? (smiling)

Daisy: Because I’m VERY adorable.

May: *chuckles* oh, are you now?

Daisy: Yes. And clearly, I got it from Dad.

Lian: Obviously, hun.

May: Oh you just wait Mom, ‘cause she’s stubborn.

William: Well, that, she must’ve gotten from you, Milly.

 Daisy and Lian laughed. May rolled her eyes.

 When the night arrived, Daisy, who stayed in the garden with her computer, decided to go to her room to rest. After taking the stairs, she was about to enter her room when she heard voices from another room, the master’s bedroom. She went there and noticed that the door is slightly open. She was about to touch the knob but retreated and walked away.

 The door suddenly opened, she was a little surprised and walked hastily. She saw May walking out of the door and she saw Daisy.

 May: You alright?

Daisy: Yeah, yup, yes.

 May narrowed her eyes.

 May: What’s wrong?

Daisy: Nothing. I was just surprised with you coming out of there. Good night.

 Daisy went straight to her room and closed the door behind her.

 She put down her laptop on the table near the TV, then she sat on her bed. She can’t believe how happy Lian and William make her. She felt loved, genuinely loved, by them, and she already do love them.

 She thought of May, of how awkward it must have been for her. Deep inside, she knew May is hoping this would end, soon.

 Daisy heard a knock on the door, then it opened. It was May, she went inside her room.

 Daisy: Hey! What up?

 May closed the door behind her and walked inside.

 May: I just want to know, how you doing? Are you good? Bored? Tired?

Daisy: I’m fine, great, actually.

May: Good. I’m glad you are.

Daisy: How about you?

May: Me?

Daisy: Yeah, you.

 May didn’t answer immediately. She was confused and intrigued by Daisy’s question.

 May: Good?

Daisy: Okay.

May: Wait, why? What do you mean?

Daisy: Nothing, it’s just– I’m.. kind of.. invading your space. I’m bothering you, so, I was just thinking–

May: You aren’t.

Daisy: Stop it, I know I’m overstepping, especially with, you know, your private life, and I am–

 May was a little annoyed.

 May: You are here because you should be here. And for the record, you are not, and have never been a bother to me, you got that?

 Daisy was overwhelmed, she is so happy. She never thought May’s words would feel this good, but it did.

 May approached Daisy, hunched, and then held her arms.

 May: Got it?

Daisy: Yes–

 May stood up, about to leave.

 Daisy: (whispers) –mom.

 May felt like a heavy brick is dragging her heart. The last word Daisy said felt so good it’s hurting her.

 May reached for the door knob and turned it, and without even looking back.

 May: Have some rest. Granma will expect you tomorrow for breakfast cause then she’ll probably bring you with her to the market.

Daisy: Okay.

 May went out of the room and closed the door behind her. She leaned on it, closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened her eyes, a tear fell from it. She didn’t even realize that the word “mom” that daisy jokingly uttered would make her this heavy.

 She walked to her room and immediately sat on the bed. She repeatedly hears the word “Mom” in her head, and it’s in Daisy’s voice.

 The heavy feeling in her chest keeps on dragging her. It makes her feel happy, but sad at the same time. It’s overwhelming.

(To be Continued)

To the man who is willing to give his everything to his family;

The one who keeps everyone together;

The guy who is willing to risk his life for the world;

And most especially, to Leopold, Jemma and Daisy’s Dad–


You do not need to be biologically related to someone to be a father, and you, Phil, is a good example of a natural Dad, especially to the Bus Kids. We love you!!!

P.S. it was Mama May who took this photo of her family!
