#agere carer



random things that make me feel little:

• “do you need the potty?”

• “hold my hand baby”

• “you’re too little for that”

• “make sure you wrap up warm little one!”

• “do you want me to cut your food up for you?”

• “who’s my good girl/boy?”

• “let me help you tie your shoes”

• “do you want some more juice in your sippy baby?”

• “why don’t you colour me a picture?”

• “if you’re a really good girl/boy today then we will go buy some candy!”

• “want to watch some cartoons while daddy/mommy is at work?”

• *spoon feeding*

• *bottle feeding*

• “does my little baby want to be carried?”

• having my onesie snapped up for me

• having my shoes and sockies put on for me

• “what colour is the flower, baby?”

• “what sound does a puppy make?”

• *forehead kissies*

• “come sit on my lap!”

• *hair stroking*

• having my paci put in when i’m being fussy

• being rocked in daddy/mommy’s arms

• when daddy/mommy knows my stuffie’s names!

• “awww you’re so tiny”

• “do you wanna play with your stuffies with me?”

• “looks like somebody needs naptime!”


i want to…

be babied

be called princess

be held in my cg’s arms

be bottle fed

be dressed in my cutest onesie

be told i’m too little to do certain things

be told i’m so cute with my paci in

be praised when i colour a picture

be told to go take a nap

be taken to build a bear

be told it’s okay to be little

It’s okay to go at your own pace, sweetheart. If you need more time, there are people that will wait for you. If you need help, I’ll lend it to you. You’re going to do everything you want, sometimes we just end up taking the scenic route.

the school year’s just about wrapping up, isn’t it, little one? you worked very hard this year, and I know you’re going to finish strong! repeat after me: I have a sharp mind that makes me a great student. It’s okay to not know everything, I can always learn. I work hard and try my best. I am going to do well on finals.

remember to take study breaks, get some rest when you need it, and don’t forget to eat something if you’re hungry! and above all, remember:

I love you bunches, kiddo, and I see how hard you’re trying every single day ❤️

Good morning and happy Friday! Today’s going to be a great day, yeah? Here are some things we can do to make sure today gets off to an awesome start:

- Eat some breakfast! Even just a little something is good, I had a breakfast bar, some applesauce, and some coffee! ☕️

- Take our meds! Medicine helps keep us healthy!

- Go potty! Don’t forget to wash your hands!

- Brush our teeth! We want to have healthy teeth and breath that doesn’t smell icky!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I have to work today but tomorrow’s Saturday, so we can relax after we get home!

Today marks the start of a special holiday for several of our friends! Today is the start of Lunar New Year! You may also know it as Chinese New Year, because it’s the first day of a new year in the Chinese lunar calendar! Because it follows the moon phases, it changes every year, but this year it starts today, February 1st, and ends on February 15. Kind of like the zodiac, years in the Chinese lunar calendar have animals - this year is the year of the tiger! I thought you might like to color some of the animals, too!

Lots of Asian countries celebrate Lunar New Year, so let’s learn what some countries do!

In China, people wear cheongsamorqipao,andeatfishanddumplingscalledbao!

In Korea, people wear colorful costumes called hanbok! They eat dumplings called mandu and rice cakes called ddeok!

In Vietnam, people wear silk tunics with pants - they call this áodài! They eat sticky rice cakes called bánh tét or bánh chung.

In several countries, people give children lucky red envelopes filled with money! ❣️❣️ Some of these have very fun designs, like animals that match the year and cartoon characters!

Happy Lunar New Year! Let’s wear red and gold for good luck, and make this year awesome!

oh, hi sweetheart! what’s up? you have something to tell me? alright, I’m all ears!

okay, I think I understand - you want to go by a different name, right? what name should I use?

wow! I love that name, it suits you perfectly! and you picked it yourself? that’s so awesome, you’re so creative! can you tell me one more thing, baby? what pronouns do you use?

okay, I see! thank you for telling me. I love you no matter what and I’m so proud of you - you’re my perfect, lovely, thoughtful angel and I think your name is amazing!

A lil bit about me:
pronouns: They/Them
Biological age: 17
Teenie age: 0-6
⏲timezone: eastern
triggers: autism jokes, animes that sexualize children (really anything that sexualizes children), gore, things that hurt animals, etc mental and physical illnesses/conditions: anxiety, depression,  PTSD, Asperger’s Syndrome
about: Uhhh… I’m a nonbinary awkward frog who is really shy and doesn’t talk a lot because new people tend to scare me. also, I never know what to say. I’m always open to messages though. I have Asperger’s syndrome so it’s hard for me to socialize and make friends, and I tend to accidentally offend people, so apologize if I  do this to you. I like Disney and Sanrio (am kin with many Sanrio Characters) when I’m tiny (also obsessed with Winnie the Pooh), and I love watching kids TV Shows such as My Little Pony and other shows from my childhood. They help me calm down when I’m stressed. When I’m big I like Creepy stuff (creepypasta) and other things of that Nature. If you have any questions or want to get to know me feel free to let me know OwO
What I’m looking for in my regressor/sib/carer: Someone who can talk to me regularly, video call maybe, be someone big to regress with (if that makes sense). I want someone to color (who asks me to color them pictures)  and do activities with me,  who encourages me to be smol, and someone who isn’t uncomfortable with me acting like a tiny smol (0-3), because I know some other people are.   I’ve never had a carer and I feel a void missing.  I know I type a lot I’m sorry .-.

❤️I know this is a lot to ask but I’m desperate and lonely XD❤️

so uh idk I guess reply or reblog, or message me if interested.


Have a nice day! Reminder: message me if you’re interested. Or if you just want to talk. I’m lonely
