


Used “how to widdle a simple bear” video as the basis for this, followed by panda pics and Wood burned the black of the fur.


Spoiler rant below because I was doodling like a mad man when listing to the latest episode of the Penumbra.

So how about that episode folks? We got Nureyev voice, Juno being one second away from a break down, Puck trying to hold things together and then! Rita! Our dear sweet lovely Rita.

You know what? I don’t hate Slip Jackson. He’s just some kid, just like little baby Nureyev at the time.

I don’t know about you but it was driving me up the wall. Had to of listened to it four times through

[Sketch Version can be found here]

read in the ’Excuse me, he asked for no pickles’ voice

Took a while to color this, got more invested in the Valentines Day Special than I anticipated, especially this little pic.

Fearlesslilarose300 said —

Is she a werewolf? Because she makes me go Awroo!

Far from being a good boy, I just ended up working on this whenever I wanted to XD Wanted the colors to be as vibrant as Rita’s personality, cuz I miss my girl. And you know she glitter bombed Jet and he wore the sparkles proudly and well.

Question for all of you binder wearing people.

How on earth do you dress without a binder?

I was not prepaired for how wrong all my clothes look now without the binder on. Hell, not just look, but how wrong they feel without the binder ‘leveling the playing feild’.

I know you have to be careful binding at the best of times, I just also have to be mindful of breathing with long haul covid.

If anybody has stories or tips to share, please do so. I’m genuinly curioius about this. And if you have questions of me, please feel free to ask.

This is a commission for the wonderful and magnificent @deavaric. They tasked me with drawing their original characters Ais (with the dragon wings) and Onyx in their first meeting. Given how injured Ais was, she doesn’t have a memory of their first moments.

They know how I love drawing the blood and the bruising and the whump, bless them from the bottom of my agnostic heart.

They are shape shifters (a dragoness and a selkie), a life style that is hostile to clothes.

Used “how to widdle a simple bear” video as the basis for this, followed by panda pics and Wood burned the black of the fur.



So I have been employed for almost two months now and can honestly say that I am loving it so far!

You know your work place is going to be special when your colligues are protective of your boss but also your boss is protective of you. We work with people in crisis so its sooo nice knowing your coliges have your back, so you can do what you can to aid your clients. I just come back home from 12 hour shifts ecxited!!!

School has also been plowing ahead, enjoyable as ever just a lot of back to back long days XD

Covid still tries to kick my butt, but I will hopefully have a doctors visit with the insurance kicking in :D

id: sketch shaded in light blue of Rita [redacted] (a short plump woman bedecked in love day themed attire) standing protectively in front of Jet Siquliak (a tall muscled man in a trench coat) saying "Excuse me, Mista Jet said honor ya coupon" Rita's comms has a count down. ALT

How about that Penumbra V-Day Special eay???? Was screaming in ace the entire time!

Fearlesslilarose300 said —

Is she a werewolf? Because she makes me go Awroo!

If I am a good boy, I will allow myself to color it. Work and school have really picked up (and yeah, I should be finishing an assignment right now but, Rita-)
