#altar tools



Athame, Wand, Book of Shadows, Candle/incense holders, Playing or Tarot Cards, Cauldron, Small Jars. Ribbons, Bones (don’t kill anything and make sure it’s ok to pick them up though), Chalice, Boline, Altar Cloths, and Bessom.

The Elements: 

Air:Feathers, Smoke, Wand, Symbols, Candles, A Hand Fan, Bells, Pictures, of the Sky, Streamers, Spoons, and Art of Birds, Angels, and Faeries. 

Fire:Lighters, Matches, Candles, Incense, Cauldron, Athame, Symbols, and Fire Opal. 

Water:A Chalice, A Bowl of Water (it can be sun water, seawater, rainwater, etc), Seashells, A Mirror, Mermaid or Fish Statues, Symbols, and Blue Candles. 

Earth:Salt, Crystals, Herbs, Flowers, Dirt, Wood, Green Candles, Bones, Leaves, and Pictures of Trees and Nature in General. 

Gods and Goddesses: 

Have colors/animals/flowers/herbs that they’re connected to on your altar, leave them offerings, have a picture or a statue of them, have 2 sides of your altar (one for the god and one for the goddess), have prayer beads, and a god and goddess candle. 


Do what works for you, if you can’t have a huge altar with a lot of tools, thats fine. You make an altar out of an Altoids tin or a shoebox. 

You can make altars for sabots, the fae, your deities, or the elements. You can also decorate your altar for the seasons or the sabots too. 

If you don’t believe in any gods or goddesses, you don’t have to believe in them or put representations of them on your altar to be a witch. Personally, I’m secular and I don’t work with any deities/spirits. 

Take my advice with a pinch of salt. You don’t have to follow exactly what I say, these are just ideas. This is your practice and you can do whatever you want to. Don’t be pressured to do something just because someone told you to, this is your practice; not theirs. 

Thank you for reading this and have a magickal day! ❤❤❤

Just about every religion incorporates sacred objects into its observance and practice. Whether it’s special vestments worn by religious officiants, statues of deities honored at shrines, candles, amulets, chalices or other symbolic items, people have been creating and utilizing physical artifacts—or “tools”—in order to create and maintain spiritual energy and focus in their ritual practices.

Athame: Used for directing energy and casting rituals

Wand: Used to direct energy and casting circles 

Chalice: Used to hold ceremonial drink 

Boline: Used for rituals and harvesting/cutting herbs

Incense: Used to cleanse

Censer: Used to burn incense pods

Scourge: Was used to whip witches as initiation into covens but now is used in     some ritual poses by the Priestess and Priest when they do the “Osiris” pose with their arms crossed in front of their chests holding the athame and the scourge.

Cingulum: Used like a belt, can symbolize ranking via color, but is mainly used to measure the circle for casting 

Besom: Used to sweep negative energies 

Cauldron: Used to burns herbs and incense, can be used to make spells

Jewelry: Used upon intention, ex. pentacles on necklaces for protection and ring magick. 

Spear: Used as a ritual tool for Odin

Stang: Used for directing energy and assistance on spiritual path

Bell: To stop and start a ritual 

Offering Dish: Used to offer our offering to our deities 

Hat: Symbolizes the witch herself and her knowledge, fedora like hats are used more often to give off the same look

Crystals: Can be used for healing and magick, each crystal has a different property 

Oils: Used for spells and baths

Resin: (Pine) used to wake the circle

Mortar and Pestle: Used to grind up herbs

Rune Sticks: Used by oracles, usually thrown and read

White Stick: Grants invisibility and protection

Silver Spoon: Used to dig up dirt

Scrying Mirror/Bowl: Used to receive visions and messages

Gazing Ball: Used to scry as well

Hollow Glass Orbs: Used to ward off the home of witches spells, evil spirits, and ill fortune 

Pendulum: Used for divination 

Witches Spoon: Special spoon used for tea

The Garter: Used by high priestess to symbolize the head of the coven and her level 

Skull: Used for protection and used to call the ancestor of which the skull belonged to (can be replaced with a handful of soil)

Talismans: Used to symbolize what we want to push towards, also protection

EDIT:@twilightmagick said this and i completely forgot to add it in at the bottom YOU DONT NEED TOOLS AS A WITCH you are the magick, tools only serve to help you out and please don’t buy new tools they can be expensive go to your local thrift or you can make your own tools if you so please but yeah thank you to the person that pointed this out

New In Stock at Portland Button Works and the PBW Witch Shop and PBW Zine Distro January 13, 2021

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New Stuff in the Portland Button Works Shop and some restocks:

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