


Facebook group for all witches.

#TheWitchesSafeSapce is a group for witches across the globe to unite & network. and create magick! Witches from all traditions & paths are welcome. Share information on your tradition, magick practices, or general witchcraft information and learn from others as we all grow. All are welcome All races, All sexuality all open-minded people are welcome to come and learn and share their own experience.

Protection amulet

Items needed

-Piece of jewelry your choice, (rusting resistant)
-Rose of Jericho
-Small bowl of Water

Step 1- Place the rose of Jericho into a small bowl of water let it open up.

Step 2- once the rose of Jericho is open pull it out of the water and place it on a towel or in a dry bowl,

Step 3- Place the jewelry onto the center of the rose of Jericho and let it close up

Step 4- take the now dried and closed up rose of Jericho with the jewelry in the center and place it back into that same bowl of water you might have to top it off, now that its back in the bowl of water you’re going to say the following,

I place onto this/these (name the item)
the power of protection to its bearer,
A shield I call forth from the elements
Earth, Air, Fire, an water.
Unseen, untouched, unmoved
This is my will so mote it be.

Step 5- At this time the rose of Jericho should be opening up you may now dry it off and wear it keep the water in a small jar and when you feel like you need to boost the amulet just dip it in to the water, also the amulet can be charged in the moon light.

Items Needed.

  • 1 Red Apple
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 Whole Cloves
  • 1 Green Chime candle or a white
  • Small pot of half and half water/vinegar

Step 1- Cut the apple in half horizontally.

Step 2- write bad Luck reversed like “kcuL daB” on to the bay leaves,

Step 3- Take the bay leaves and put the writing face down on to the apples star on both sides. Take the whole clove and pin the bay leaves to the apple with the cloves one on each end of the bay leaf.

Step 4- Light your candle and then drop the apple into the pan of water/vinegar on the stove/fireplace or whatever you use to cook on and let it start to boil. Then you are going to repeat these words Below.

“Today is not my day
Everything has gone astray
Bad luck coming my way
Wane back to back
Good Luck shall now be the way
Flows to me day to day
Blocking bad lucks way”

Step 5- Let the candle burn down and the water to cool completely then add into a Misting Spray bottle and Spray and walk into the mist just say.

“Luck luck come my way
With the mist on this day”
by Stephan Howard

Stay Faithful Honey Bee


*Item of partner that they wear often- E.g. watch, Shoes, necklace, ring,

*Small Jar

*3 spoons Basil (Dried & Ground)

*7 Rose petals (Dried & Ground)

*3 Apple (Dried & Ground)

*Bay Laurel (Dried & Ground)

Step 1- Grind all the ingredients into a powder.

Step 2- Put them all into the Jar and you are going to whisper into the jar as such.

“Love we Promised
Love we give
Is ours and ours alone
Strangers kiss are like a
Bubbling bee’s sting.
When they Cross their queen.
Stay in the honey pool or else
face the honey hive’s tortured

Step 3- Now that you have spelled your herbs, your going to place the item/s of your partner on your altar or work space and then Sprinkle the powder over the item/s and then say,

“This amulet i activate with
This word of power “animatus” Aka animate"

Step 4- Then let them wear the items and make sure they don’t know about this spell you cast over them.
(Notes- all spells i post are written by me and me alone)
here is a link to my Small witch FaceBook group please feel free to join. it is also privet if your are in the broom Closet.

Witches Ball Banishing Spell


  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Glass Ornament “Traps and banished Spirit”
  • Whole Clove “Protection”
  • Glass/Mirror Shards “Attract the spirits”
  • Cinnamon “Protection”
  • Rosemary “Energize the spell”
  • Cayenne Pepper “Protection”
  • Peppermint “Banishing”
  • Sea Salt “Cleansing/Concerting”

    -Step 1 Light your white candle And say.

“By this candle
I draw My power Here.”

-Step 2 Put all ingredients into the Ornament.

-Step 3 Place the ornament in front of you and put your hands around it and then say the following below…

“Evil spirit standing tall
It’s time you made your
Greatest fall,

I banish you with
My holy Light,

Away you go
Out of my Sight,

Take with you
This endless night ,

This is my will
So mote it be.”

Self-love spell


  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 3 Teaspoons Pink Himalayan Salt.
  • 12 to 15 Rose Petals
  • 3 Pinches Rosemary
  • Your Hair/nails
  • Oil to feel the jar. grapeseed, jojoba, and olive oil

Step one, Put all the Dry ingredients into the jar then the oil.
Step two, Put the lid on the jar “make sure to secure the candle to the lid of the jar with a few Drips of the wax from your candle, while the candle is lit say the following below.

“Self Love isn’t selfish
It’s a journey that I start
Here and now,
I promise myself,
To fall back in love with
My flawed skin,
My flawed words,
My flawed heart.
This is my time to be
Reborn from the ashes my of pain,
Sorrow, and my Grief,
Like a Phoenix
I will Rise
More Beautiful,
More Confident,
More Happy,
And best of it all
More ME!
This is my will
So Mote it be”

Step Three set it up on a shelf or bury it in a backyard, you can also add rose quarts to this if you would like to, and please feel free to alter this to your own liking.

Facebook group for all witches.

#TheWitchesSafeSapce is a group for witches across the globe to unite & network. and create magick! Witches from all traditions & paths are welcome. Share information on your tradition, magick practices, or general witchcraft information and learn from others as we all grow. All are welcome All races, All sexuality all open-minded people are welcome to come and learn and share their own experience.

Binding spell

-Items need-

  • Photo of person
  • Black twine or tape
  • Jar of graveyard dirt (from the entrance gate)

Step 1, On the back of the photo write what your binding them to or from for example “I bind you from doing harm to me and my family”

Step 2, Roll the photo inward then start to wrap the photo in the tape or twine as you do this Say the following.

“By earth an Air I bind you,
By Fire and water I bind you,

By spirit you are already bound
As I desire,

By three and nine
Your power I bind,

By the moon and the sun
My will soon to be done,

By sky and sea
Keep harm away from me,

Cord goes around your power is bound,
My sight is revealed”

Step 3, Take the photo that’s been wrapped and stick it into the Jar of graveyard dirt. And once the jar is closed and tightened say the following

Sealed in earth you are
Unleashed when I say,
In the ground you shall stay.

Side Notes: When you are ready to let this person go, Take them out of the jar and burn the tied up photo. Feel free to join my Facebook Group- Link below https://www.facebook.com/groups/thewitchessafespace
By SilverStag

13 Clove Healing Talisman

Items needed

  • 13 whole Clove (Take off the Heads)
  • Sewing needle
  • 12 to 15 Inches Red thread
  • 1 white candle
  • Witches Holy water (how to make it will be listed below)
  • Photo/statue of Archangel Raphael (one that resonates with you)
  1. Light the white candle in front of the photo/statue
  2. String the clove heads onto the red string
  3. now dip the string with the clove heads into the Witches holy water
  4. put the string into the Candle While saying the following

Healing thoughts sent in flight on the wings of Archangel Raphael

Bring the brightest of blessings this night

Send the healing white light from above

Surround (person using the talisman) in swirling bright light of love

So mote it be

Witches Holy Water (Boil and let cool)


Sea salt


this talisman can be used as a necklace or a bracelet.

this is not a replacement for Doctors please see your doctors as normal and use this as a secondary help source as all sources of witchcraft should be.

Please Feel free to join my Group on Facebook its Privet so if your not out the broom closet your safe.

Just about every religion incorporates sacred objects into its observance and practice. Whether it’s special vestments worn by religious officiants, statues of deities honored at shrines, candles, amulets, chalices or other symbolic items, people have been creating and utilizing physical artifacts—or “tools”—in order to create and maintain spiritual energy and focus in their ritual practices.

Athame: Used for directing energy and casting rituals

Wand: Used to direct energy and casting circles 

Chalice: Used to hold ceremonial drink 

Boline: Used for rituals and harvesting/cutting herbs

Incense: Used to cleanse

Censer: Used to burn incense pods

Scourge: Was used to whip witches as initiation into covens but now is used in     some ritual poses by the Priestess and Priest when they do the “Osiris” pose with their arms crossed in front of their chests holding the athame and the scourge.

Cingulum: Used like a belt, can symbolize ranking via color, but is mainly used to measure the circle for casting 

Besom: Used to sweep negative energies 

Cauldron: Used to burns herbs and incense, can be used to make spells

Jewelry: Used upon intention, ex. pentacles on necklaces for protection and ring magick. 

Spear: Used as a ritual tool for Odin

Stang: Used for directing energy and assistance on spiritual path

Bell: To stop and start a ritual 

Offering Dish: Used to offer our offering to our deities 

Hat: Symbolizes the witch herself and her knowledge, fedora like hats are used more often to give off the same look

Crystals: Can be used for healing and magick, each crystal has a different property 

Oils: Used for spells and baths

Resin: (Pine) used to wake the circle

Mortar and Pestle: Used to grind up herbs

Rune Sticks: Used by oracles, usually thrown and read

White Stick: Grants invisibility and protection

Silver Spoon: Used to dig up dirt

Scrying Mirror/Bowl: Used to receive visions and messages

Gazing Ball: Used to scry as well

Hollow Glass Orbs: Used to ward off the home of witches spells, evil spirits, and ill fortune 

Pendulum: Used for divination 

Witches Spoon: Special spoon used for tea

The Garter: Used by high priestess to symbolize the head of the coven and her level 

Skull: Used for protection and used to call the ancestor of which the skull belonged to (can be replaced with a handful of soil)

Talismans: Used to symbolize what we want to push towards, also protection

EDIT:@twilightmagick said this and i completely forgot to add it in at the bottom YOU DONT NEED TOOLS AS A WITCH you are the magick, tools only serve to help you out and please don’t buy new tools they can be expensive go to your local thrift or you can make your own tools if you so please but yeah thank you to the person that pointed this out

Eros: The Desire


Eros was the Greek god of love, or more precisely, passionate and physical desire. Without warning he selects his targets and forcefully strikes at their hearts, bringing confusion and irrepressible feelings or, in the words of Hesiod, he ‘loosens the limbs and weakens the mind’ (Theogony, 120). Eros is most often represented in Greek art as a carefree and beautiful youth, crowned with flowers, especially of roses which were closely associated with the god.

Eros – known as Cupid to the Romans – was the Greek god of sexual attraction, a constant companion of Aphrodite. Variously depicted as either a beautiful youth or a mischievous nude boy, Eros is most commonly represented with a bow and an unlimited number of arrows which he uses to overpower the reason and incite erotic feelings in any mortal or god per Aphrodite’s or his own wish. Once, though, he accidentally scraped himself with an arrow – and that’s how he fell in love with Psyche, who will later become his wife for eternity.

The first of these is Hesiod’s Eros, a primordial being, “the most beautiful of the immortal gods,” one of the very first few deities that sprung into existence. In this story, Eros was the son of Chaos, and the brother of Gaea, Tartarus, Erebus, and Nyx. A universal cosmic force, he became Aphrodite’s companion soon after her birth, which he had previously overseen.

However, possibly due to the fact that Eros was constantly accompanying the goddess of love, later authors reimagined him as one of the many children of Aphrodite and Ares. In this case, there are at least three more winged love gods such as him, all of them his brothers: Anteros, Pothos, and Himeros. Together, they are often referred to as the Erotes.

I am a powerful being
I am at one with the Earth, the Universe and the Divine 
I am on the path to connect with my highest self
My former selves are letting go 
I am a model of greatness

Just a daily reminder to drink water, eat food, take your meds and go drink some tea


Take a look in the mirror,

What do you see, 

I see a strong person,

Ready to take on the world, 

or your to-do list, 

or simply your morning routine,

chin up darlings,

your so deserving of your wishes *mwah*


- Z

The Wheel of the Year is a diagram of the Sabbats celebrated in Paganism, equinoxes are included here as well.


Yule: Celebrated at the Winter Solstice, Yule is the celebration of the Goddess giving birth to the God.

Imbolc: Celebrated on February 2, it is the time when the first plantings of spring crops occur. It is also considered to be a time of spiritual cleansing and renewal of vows.

Ostara: Celebrated at the Spring Equinox in March, this sabbat represents a new beginning partly because it marks the beginning of longer days and shorter nights. It also marks the union of the God and Goddess and therefore symbolizes fertility.

Beltane: Celebrated on May 1, it represents the end of the planting season and the beginning of harvesting. It also represents fertility, as the celebration often involves loosened rules for fidelity.

Litha: Celebrated at the Summer Solstice, this sabbat represents the peak of the God’s strength. It may involve lighting large bonfires to ward off evil spirits.

Lammas: Celebrated on August 1, this is a time when the Goddess turns over control to the God. It is a time of feasts and craft festivals.

Mabon: Celebrated at the Autumn Equinox, Mabon represents the balance between light and dark, as it is the day that nights start becoming longer than days. It is officially the Pagan day of Thanksgiving.

Samhain: Celebrated on Halloween, Samhain means the end of summer and the beginning of winter. On this night, the dead are said to be able to communicate with the living in order to be with and celebrate with their families.

Other depictions include the Celtic Wheel of the Year with each holiday being represented by a rune.


Write a letter to yourself, forgiving yourself of all the things you did but don’t like dwelling on, and apologizing to your younger self for not treating your mental wounds like you would physical, then write about what you’re going to improve about yourself, stick to it.

Casting Circles is very important for baby-witches to learn for protection and in general for spells, but before preforming any spells please make sure you know how to cast a circle. 

What is a circle, and why does it matter?

A circle is often a barrier that houses your spells and rituals. By casting a circle, you’re allocating energy to protect you from any unwanted or negative outside influences. There are a lot of formal ways to begin a circle and some informal.

It’s important to note that there are many ways to cast a circle.

In traditional witchcraft, you might call upon a god or goddess, while if you’re a secular witch, you might call upon the elements, or create a wall of your own energy. A circle isn’t mandatory, but it can significantly assist with protection and energy.

How to cast a circle

Always begin by cleansing your space. You can either use your mind to mentally push out, use incense to burn away or use a broom or besom to sweep away. Once you have your method for cleansing your space, it’s time to define your circle. To define your sacred circle, it’s important to take your space and location into consideration. Are you in your bedroom? Bathroom? Or outside? You can make your intended circle as large or as small as you’d like. You can mentally define your circle or mark the directions or elements with candles or crystals. If you’re using the four elements, you can create a cross shape. If you’re using the five elements, you can create a pentacle shape.

To cast a circle by calling upon the elements, begin facing the east. This is home to the element of air. When you move clockwise, you’ll end facing North where you can begin your ritual or spell work. Stand in your intended circle as you begin to relax and focus on your breathing. Take as long as you’d like at this step or until you feel calm, centered, and present.

What to Do/Say

Begin by envisioning the wind whipping around you and get really in tune with the element of air and say: “Element of air, I call on you.”

Moving clockwise, turn to the south. Envision crackling flames and the warmth of the sun. Once you are in tune with fire, say: “Element of fire, I call on you.”

Turn to the west. Envision flowing water in waves and waterfalls and streams, possibly moving around your body. When you feel attuned with water, say, “Element of water, I call on you.”

Turn to the North. Conjure up the scent of the earth after it rains. Imagine the silence and darkness of a cave and the rooted feeling of being barefoot on the earth. When you feel attuned, say, “Element of earth, I call on you.”

Still facing North, become aware of your feet and send a column or roots of light deep into the core of the earth. Bring this energy up from the center of the earth and into your body and visualize a white light flowing, creating the circle and say: “With these elements together under spirit, I cast a circle of protection above, below, within.”

This is where you perform your ritual, meditation, or spells.

You can also temporarily exit your circle without repeating the entire circle casting process. To do so, hold an athame or wand in your hand and make a cutting motion across the line of the circle and say: “I use this athame of crystal to open a door.” Your wand or athame will help you direct energy to make an incision in your circle of energy. When returning, you can simply reverse the process to close the door.

Opening a circle

Also called closing a circle is a way to release the energy you’ve built and is a way to thank the elements for their assistance.

The process of opening a circle begins with you facing north to release earth and saying:  “Earth, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Next, you’ll turn to the west to release water: “Water, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Then, you’ll turn to the south to release fire: “Fire, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

  After that, you’ll turn to the east to release air: “Air, thank you for your energy. I bid you farewell.”

Finally, you’ll return back north to release spirit and the circle by saying: “Spirit, I bid you farewell. I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.”

Other popular phrases for circle casting and opening:

“The circle is open, but never broken. The love of the deity name is forever in my heart.”

“Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.”

“I thank you, element of name for lending your energy tonight. I bid you farewell.”

“I call the Guardian of direction and the element of element to watch over this sacred circle.”



Nyx: The Night


Nyx is the Greek Goddess of the night, and the daughter of Chaos. Her birthplace was not on Earth but in Gaia. She is Primordial God. It is said that she was created near the beginning of time. Her home is in the depths of Hades’ underworld. Nyx has a shadowy figure, which makes her the perfect personification of the night.

Nyx is a very unique goddess. She can impact mankind in a good or bad way. Her ability to bring sleep or death unto to the human race. Zeus even feared Nyx because she was older and stronger than him. That speaks volumes of her power. The moonstone is used to honor her to this day. It reflects it’s owner and should be used during the full moon.

Nyx lived in Tartarus. However, Nyx is not exactly the personification of evil in greek mythology. She’s never spoken of having done anything more ‘evil’ than Zeus himself does in any mythology. Yet, many see her as more of a villain figure than she ever appears to be.

Nyx married Erebus, the God of darkness. Nyx and Erebus produced Hemera (Day) and Aither (Light). Hemera is Nyx’s opposite. Nyx brought the dark veil over the night, while Hemera chased the dark mists away each morning. Interestingly so, Nyx was able to create her own dark spirits including Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. More of Nyx’s children include, Geras, Moros, Nemesis, the Keres, and the Oneiroi.

Hey all! Just a reminder to please visit our website and sign up for our group chat and/or Hawthorn Academy!

- Rose Hawthorn
