#anti terf


















Anyway, if you’re a radfem, stay the fuck away from me

*tags post ‘radfem’*

Breaking news: moron doesn’t understand what tw tags are

I know how they work, but you must realise that just tagging ‘radfem’ is going to get you attention from radfems?

You must not realize you can ignore it?

You must realise you can not post in our tags?

Again, you must understand what trigger warning tags are?

I understand, you just don’t. They’re tags where you say ‘tw *thing*’ or ‘*thing* tw’.

You just don’t understand that because you want to trigger tag it ‘radfem’ then it’s going to end up in the radfem tags…

No radfem I’ve ever met in my fucking life has ever tagged their radfem bullshit as “tw radfem”. Blacklisting tags is specific, if you dont wanna see radfem shit you HAVE to filter out “radfem” dumbshit.

But you’re not writing radfem stuff. You’re writing about radfems.

You’re just mad that radfems dared to interact with you when you posted in our tags. If you can’t handle it then get the fuck out of them.

If all 50 of you can’t handle me, leave my blog ❤

I can handle you just fine. I deal with a lot of dumbasses and children

I hope you dont stay around those children for long.

Poor children? For what? Having someone who cares about their education?

Having to be near someone like you

A nice, smart person who not only cares for children’s education but has been told by multiple people that they’d make an excellent teacher because they know how to explain something to people in a way they understand?

No, a fucking radfem.

Imagine thinking you’re cool for harassing a 19 year old on the internet all day because they used a tag you didnt like. Couldnt be me.





Anyway, if you’re a radfem, stay the fuck away from me

Imagine being such a dipshit that you don’t understand that “#tw radfem” is used to denote content as triggering without shoving it into “#radfem” main tag content, and then screaming and crying when people looking for #radfem content are finding your #radfem tagged content, and then flipping your shit when people tell you this wouldn’t have happened if you simply used the #tw radfem tag instead.

Rub two brain cells together and realize that people who are triggered by radfems are 1. blacklisting the word “radfem” as a whole, meaning actual tagged #radfem content does not need trigger warnings because it’s still removed in the first place, and 2. don’t fucking venture into the #radfem tag in the fucking first place, so again, radfems do not need to tag #radfem tagged content with yet another #tw radfem tag.

Like seriously just admit you’re braindead

I dont know how else to explain this to you. People blacklist tags by using the exact words used in the tags, for example, instead of putting “tw rape” ppl usually just blacklist “rape” it’s the exact same with radfem shit, because no radfems tag their stuff as “tw radfem” most ppl just have the tag “radfem” blacklisted, which is why I put it there.

I’m not freaking out, I’m explaining this to a bunch of idiots who think it’s ok to harass someone (some of you from multiple side accounts btw) because they dont like their cult.

It’s genuinely demented that you think that parroting my own words back at me without understanding them and then pasting on the idea that you are the one that’s right on top of it makes you in the right.

Blacklisting “radfem” blocks both #tw radfem and #radfem you blithering idiot.

Brain. Worms.

Not for me it doesnt.


Reminder the Helen Joyce claims trans rights activism is funded by a globalist Jewish conspiracy, which is literally the same belief held by white nationalists. It should come as no surprise that hatred of jews isn’t the only part of Nazi ideology Joyce wants to emulate here.



those new pictures of ellen page are so tragic bc it’s like girl you could have been dressing like this the whole time.

you didn’t have to transition to have this style.

haven’t you ever heard of butches?

you could have cut your hair and worn band tees and tank tops and not worn makeup and still been a woman.

hell, you could have shown hollywood that there’s more than one way to be a woman.

you could have been a role model for lesbians and gender non-conforming women.

instead you gave in to internalized misogyny and lesbophobia, and that’s really fucking tragic.

Elliot Page is a man. Don’t deadname him. Don’t claim that a person realizing they are a transman is misogyny or lesbophobia. Don’t insult butch lesbians or transmen by claiming transmen are just “deluded butches” or the like when transmen are menandbutch lesbians are women. And if you don’t like the fact Elliot Page is a man? Then find someone else to be attracted to and leave him alone.

This is disgusting! OP is perfectly willing to deny Elliot Paige his bodily autonomy, the labels he identifies himself with, and even his fukcing name. All because OPs “team” (not lesbians by the way, because most lesbians are not transphobic pieces of shit like TERFs are) no longer has access to him.

This is beyond transphobic. This is hateful fetishizing of a trans man who wants nothing more than to live his life in the way he sees fit. This is rage over no longer having access to his body, over not being able to control his very identity. OP, and anyone who shares these kinds of views, has no right to call themselves a Feminist, much less a decent human being. This is fucking Patriarchy with a “radical feminist” sticker on top.

Fuck off with your hateful, transphobic, lesbophobic, fetishistic rape apologism and LEAVE ELLIOT THE FUCK ALONE. He would be just as disgusted with you now as he would have been before he even realized he was trans. He is who he is and no amount of vile, regressive tantrums will ever change that. Your only option is to stay mad about it, and go fuck yourself.




Why do trans women always get blamed when formerly “female” products or spaces get turned to gender neutral or whatever, like radfems getting mad at trans women for some reason for the female symbol being removed from menstrural products…. trans women aren’t the ones that is supposed to be for you know…… not saying there is anything wrong with that symbol getting removed because there isnt…… like the people advocating for things advertised towards women to be gender neutral are transmasc people. trans women uh, actively want to be referred to as women. I feel like that should be obvious.

trans men: can we stop referring to abortion as a womens rights issue because it affects us too and it makes it difficult for us to get abortions when we need it

terfs: why did trans women do this? you cant even say women these days, all because of trans women





Me: trans women cannot reclaim terms like d*ke because it was never used to disparage them and is disrespectful to the women who have heard it their whole lives and trans women appropriating lesbian culture and identities is, intentionally or not, a perpetuation of compulsory heterosexuality especially given that there are TRAs who refer to cis trans couples as being ideal.

some weirdo: you’re a terf that bathes in menstruation blood and want all trans women to die, to suffer, and to be oppressed.

I want trans folks to live comfortably and respect other peoples boundaries. I want them to not behave inappropriately and disrespectfully towards lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. I want them to not push cotton ceiling rhetoric or sweep under the rug female oppression and their participation in it, that’s far from unreasonable.

Well that much is reasonable—cotton ceiling rhetoric and ignoring sex-based oppression are reasonably bad things, and who wants anyone to behave disrespectfully towards others?—but they don’t quiiite tally with the first paragraph.

I expect it’s your ideas about so-called “TRAs”, policing trans people’s sexuality, and the strange ideas of compulsory heterosexuality that people are objecting to.

Considering slurs like fag and dyke hold so much historical value and have been directed at a very specific group of minoroties, mlm transmen and wlw transwomen can’t reclaim those words sorry.

They do, but considering gay, trans men and trans lesbians haven’t been excluded from those groups when they’re used as slurs it is either callous or dishonest to ban them from reclaiming them.

since this’ll be the last post on this blog:let’s end it with some discourse, shall we?
anyway! I cannot speak for trans women (neither can you!), but I can say historically as LGBT history goes, Trans woman can reclaim faggot. faggot was coined by homophobes or LGBTphobes because it was flung at people trans men for being masculine and not feminine like you lovely terfs want them to be. Trans women had it thrown at them for the same reason most cis gay men were called it:because they were feminine. Cis gay men were called campy and said to mock the female form simple because of their feminine personality. Trans women can also use the d slur because they are lesbians. there’s no argument there. they are lesbians. you said they’re wlw right? you called them transwomen! therefore they are women and lesbians! see? easy to understand. (sarcasm obviously, but I’m also being serious)

You can be critical of gender roles and without invalidating trans women. You can be a radfem without supporting terfs and transphobes. This blog is run by a nonbinary afab lesbian. I took this url from a terf.

I am not attracted to “biological females.” I am attracted to women. That does not mean I am expected to be attracted to all trans women, just that I might be attracted to a trans woman at some point. I am definitely not attracted to trans men. I dated one before he came out, and when he came out, I stopped being attracted to him.

All politics should be based on compassion. You don’t have to be compassionate towards men, however, trans women are not men. If a trans woman is being sexist, you can call her out on it, but you don’t need to misgender her. I have known women who are extremely sexist. Does that mean they’re men? No. It means they’ve been exposed to misogyny and internalized it.

@vagitarian-validation I highly doubt you meant to follow me.


“kids are detransitioning”

no. actually, children now feel comfortable and accepted enough to experiment with their gender, pronouns, name, and presentation. and while some of them end up realizing they were cis the entire time, they now have a new understanding and appreciation for one of the most marginalized and abused groups of people in the world.

there, I fixed your shitty headline.

the-awkward-turt:profeminist: SourceWant more info? Here ya go: This Biology Teacher Disproved Trans




Want more info? Here ya go: 


This Biology Teacher Disproved Transphobia With Science 


Sex redefined

“The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.”

More on anti-trans arguments as bad science

As a biologist I am reblogging this so hard.

Biological sex is not and has never been a binary. The complexity of the natural world cannot be contained in neat little societal boxes. Stop using science to justify your bigotry.

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