#aph iceland



I’ve been obsessed with soft drink cans lately. Have an Iceland with Icelandic orange soda

hand holding orange soda canALT

((Adding reference for some trivia)) Originally it’s Egils Appelsin! Appelsin itself means ‘orange’.

Image source

Reminder that Iceland is taller than Hong Kong:

Not by a lot but still it’s funny to me, also did y’all know that Iceland’s Japanese V/A has only voiced him? Fucking wild bro.


other ships’ first canon words to each other: a regular greeting, introductions, a compliment, a question, a joke, etc. something normal or cute.

aph iceland @ aph hong kong: are you STUPID

Damn bro, it really do be like that


Hong Kong and Iceland have a very sweet, puppy love type relationship. It’s still very new but the two are practically smitten and seem to be joined at the hip.

suckmyicelandick: I also doodled my versions of 2p! Hong and Ice for mine and my friends 2p shenanigsuckmyicelandick: I also doodled my versions of 2p! Hong and Ice for mine and my friends 2p shenanig


I also doodled my versions of 2p! Hong and Ice for mine and my friends 2p shenanigans (my 2p!Ice has normally longer hair but this one is with a haircut)

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Grizz: Denmark

Panda: Finland

Ice Bear: Sweden, Norway, Iceland

Hot take, Iceland pretends to be Ice Bear but he’s actually panda

ravenwritingdesks: Iceland doodlee

Norway: A beer for me, and he’ll have a Capri Sun.

Iceland: Norge, I’m an adult!

Iceland: I can order my own damn Capri Sun.


Historical Hetalia Week- Day 4


Iceland was never exactly high up on Denmark’s list of priorities…



  • ​The Theatre War was a mostly minor war in the larger Russo-Swedish War of 1788-90. When Sweden attacked Russia, Denmark-Norway was put into an awkward spot where they had to follow up on their promise to send troops and assistance to Russia. when they did, Sweden took up the opportunity to shore up PR by beating on the ol’ Danish enemies, as many in Sweden were against the Russo-Swedish War. 
  • Fun Fact! The war in Norway is called the Cowberry War in remembrance of the Norwegian Troops who had to survive off the land when denied assistance by the locals. They lost around 3000 men out of their original 8000-10000.
  • Iceland wasn’t doing so hot in the 1700s….. nor the 1600s… nor the 1500s…. Between June-February 1784, there was violent volcanic activity around the Laki fissure; this eruption led to clouds of poisonous gas compounds that contaminated the soil and killed over half of Iceland’s livestock, and destroyed the vast majority of their crops. This caused a famine that killed 1/5 to ¼ of Iceland’s population. The volcanic activity was responsible for a drop in global temperatures and subsequent crop failures in Europe, which might’ve been behind an increase in poverty and famine in France, eventually resulting in the French Revolution.
  • There’s like 327483284328 things I could say about Danish Rule in Iceland and the institution of Lutheranism over the formerly Catholic land but this is already way too fucking long
hkxice: Late night drawing.  To the lovely person who sent me the reference, thank you so much, but


Late night drawing. 

To the lovely person who sent me the reference, thank you so much, but I couldn’t do it. I need to keep my babies pure. ///

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jessifura: it’s truly not an art blog until i post some hongice in it (☞゚∀゚)☞


it’s truly not an art blog until i post some hongice in it (☞゚∀゚)☞

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「Garden of Immortal Children」 Enamel Pins ε(*・ω・)_/゚:・☆


When your kid is way more dirtier than you imagined

It’s rare to see den didn’t say a word throughout the comic











Let’s go guys! Do your worst!

I’ll start~


I put too much effort into the leaf

a companion for ur denmark

he’s just happy to be here~

He’s a little nervous

my gf and i watched the lotr extended edition and went a lil crazy so here’s a nordic 5 d&d lineup

5577v:completed the nordic kittiesnorway was requested by @norvegiya!! and i added a little iceland


completed the nordic kitties

norway was requested by @norvegiya!! and i added a little iceland too for good measure

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this is commission so do not use))

【Room of Chandelier】

 Am i the only one who sees todoroki and aph iceland as the same person?I mean I thought I drew icel

 Am i the only one who sees todoroki and aph iceland as the same person?

I mean I thought I drew iceland as todoroki but it seems that I just drew todoroki ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

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