#arc trooper echo


Sometimes I look at that group holo and think Echo was trying to imitate Cody’s hairstyle. Of course this is just a dumb thought/quick doodly sketch and really has no relevance to anything in particular it’s for funsies

So I started a New Year’s illo a while ago and apparently I never got around to reopening the file to fix everything I needed to so I could finish it. And boy do I need to rearrange some things, BUT here’s a WIP of… *gestures* this mess.

TRICK OR TREAT??? My brain went dumb and decided half of the Batch went as Hunter for Halloween. (I’ll make up for this, honest. Hunter and Tech will be present)

Inking C-C-Combo Breaker! I drew Echo last night and questioned my life choices

-= Bad Batch Week 2021 =-

Day 1: Favorite Member

  1. Echo. It’s Echo.
  2. I love them all but I love Echo. He grew on me after watching TCW the first few times. His overall development makes sense to me. His armor is the cheese bomb and it pleases me to see how vicious he gets when he’s being violentfighting.
  3. If you have been following me forever, you shouldn’t be surprised by this fact. If you have just joined me, now you know. I dug my grave and I’m sleeping in all six feet of it. >:|


Echo in a hoodie x2

Rex: Look, I really really need you two to stop flipping people off. Especially the Chancellor, he’s going to notice eventually.

Echo: But it’s like a secret code.

Fives: Yeah, a special salute from our middle fingers.

*cue them flipping the bird while saluting a sighing Rex*

payroo:The holo was just one of many out of the stack Finn had taken from the Resistance records stopayroo:The holo was just one of many out of the stack Finn had taken from the Resistance records stopayroo:The holo was just one of many out of the stack Finn had taken from the Resistance records stopayroo:The holo was just one of many out of the stack Finn had taken from the Resistance records sto


The holo was just one of many out of the stack Finn had taken from the Resistance records storeroom to supplement his thus far rather one-sided historical education while he recuperated, but his eyes were drawn as if by tractor beam to the tiny lettering printed on the side.

CT-7567 - that sounded like a stormtrooper designation. And below that - CC-2224. CT-5555.

Clone troopers. To hear the First Order tell it, they had been an ideal to strive towards and ultimately exceed, the perfect soldiers who had ushered in the Empire thanks to their absolute obedience and uniformity.

But when Finn booted up the holo, he saw the faces of individual men, and to his surprise,
names. Rex. Cody. Fives. Echo. Tup. Kix. Jesse. The list ran on and on. He saw a dizzying range of tattoos, elaborate painted designs on armor, intricate patterns shaved into hair - even the tilt of one clone’s eyebrows set him apart from the furrow of his brother’s, a playful twist of the lips here against a harder line of determination there.

Finn didn’t know how many hours passed as he sat riveted by the holo-record. Despite the cruel circumstances of their creation, the clones had risen above being the emotionless tools they were intended as, had minds and hearts that refused to be reduced to mere organs. One had even come close to unmasking the vast conspiracy behind the rise of Palpatine. A pawn, rising against the chessmaster. And though the clone, no, the man (
Fives, Finn burned the name deep into his memory) had ultimately failed, reading about how he defied everything he knew so he could fight for what was right set something to steel in Finn’s chest.

He raised his fingers to pass through the projection, as if he could absorb it into his very self like the tattoos that marked so many of the men. Finn would not let those names be forgotten.

fullview here

ETA: Thanks for the warm reception on this picture/ficlet! (especially these awesome tag ficlet-comments) - I just want to clear up a few things I’ve seen in the reblog tags of this:

1) I’m very flattered that some are tagging this as the novelization, but this is just my own writing. :’D

2) This ficlet is meant to take place after the events of TFA while Finn’s in recovery - I imagine Finn finds the records in some Resistance storeroom (I don’t think the First Order would look kindly upon Fives for one! And since now Filoni says Rex lives to RotJ I can picture him telling his story to the Rebellion.) It’s important to me that Finn decided to defect on his own due to his intrinsic strength and goodness! I just imagine him finding records about clones as kind of extra encouragement after the fact.

anyway, thanks for the support this has gotten! glad to see so many fellow finn and clones fans popping up!

*falls over while clutching heart*

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Clone Wars 7x2 review. (SPOILERS)

Well, this season is just going to be an emotional rollercoaster and I’m just not prepared for the end. I’m so happy Echo is alive, but at what cost? He looks so fragile/ruined, and even if he does survive the state he’s in, he’s going to go through order 66. So no matter how long we have Echo back for, we just know he’s going to die and I’m already crying. This episode brought back A LOT of Fives trauma for me, his ending was so devastating in season 6. To know that Echo will find out what happened to Fives will be soul destroying. But I’m very intrigued to see where this is all going to go.

The Bad Batch we’re awesome again, I’m going to miss them after this arc is complete. I’d love to know what happens to them during order 66. I hope we get to see that. I’m also hoping we get to see Rex, Wolf & Gregor discover & take our their order 66 chips.

Animation was on point again, the fight scenes were epic and I loved the primitive race they introduced. They were pretty damn cool.

Lastly the fact that Rex fully knows about Anakin & Padme is so heart warming to me. Anakin really trusts Rex enough to know all his secrets. I love that Rex helps Anakin to sneak away so he can have his cute little hologram calls with Padme she was looking hella pregnant in this episode too. I wonder if we’ll see her tell him this season? But, let’s not forget THAT Obi-Wan line to Anakin about Padme!!! He fully knows already about them and he’s choosing to keep the secret for his brother the feels man! The feels!


Rex and his boys!!!! Look at that proud dad ♡♡♡

I’m getting there!

(I’ve almost finished coding all of the boy’s romance arcs. Then all I need to do is write out the different endings and then all I’d have left to do is finish all the backgrounds and sprites I need.)

ignore the weird screenshot, it’s because I have a monitor connected to my laptop, it makes it easier to work with two screens.


Redraw of rex and echo

had the pleasure of working with @laz-laz-ace-pilot again, this time for an au Echo! thank you Lara

had the pleasure of working with @laz-laz-ace-pilot again, this time for an au Echo! thank you Lara <3 <3

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Rex and his boys!!!! Look at that proud dad ♡♡♡
