#ash wayne


Okay I’m gonna break a fourth wall here for a minute

So we all know this is an RP page and I never post about my personal life just fun Batfamily online edits I make with my OC. Well I’ve been absent for a bit and you guys deserve to know what’s been going on. So my personal life has been a world wind of a mess recently and a lot has been going on that I rather not go into detail and I’ve been battling my mental health because girl it is after me ‍♀️, but I’m looking on the bright side and starting to feel like myself again. And I’m so sorry about the absence I’ve really missed making these and I promise I will be back very soon and I’m gonna try to make them even better because I haven’t liked everything I’ve done recently and you guys deserve better. I started this as something fun and to pass time and didn’t expect it to really blow up. And I’m so thankful for every single one of you who love what I enjoy making. This has become one of my favorite things to do and honestly I can’t thank you guys enough for the support and love. I promise to be back soon with so many new and great post. Also if anybody is going through anything and needs someone to talk to know my inbox & messaging is always open. Also if you just have any questions feel free to message!!


