#astrology transits


mercury being in taurus right now is contemplation. once it enters gemini we can begin putting our plans into action. testing ground. then cancer where perfection and standards form and leo is where our initial idea will see it’s success. work with transits.

Jupiter and Venus are both in sidereal Pisces today. Jupiter, the great, generous, friendly giant planet is at home in wise and experienced ♓Pisces(5°). The blessings keep coming when he is in this relaxed state.

Venus, is described as Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and abundance,gets exalted in Pisces. It’s a great time alla round for interpersonal relationships or for romance.

Pisces as the oldest water sign is extremely sensuous and spiritual. Indulge your creativity. Meditate. Listen to the voice of experience. It’s a good time to sit down and think about what lessons you’re taking from your experiences and whether those conclusions hold true.

Today, October 27, 2020

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

  • Pisces Moon 20° conjunct Pisces Neptune 18° (2° orb)- 0535 EST

Dreamy, passive, unbalanced. This is the energy that can be felt today. This can make us hypersensitive, which can weaken our nervous system and create unknown or easily influenced anxiety. We may want to be alone with our thoughts early in the morning. Avoiding the truth could be possible as well. Expect to have realistically, vivid dreams with a heightened imagination. Emotions run high, so unexplained crying or overreactions can become present.

  • Scorpio Mercury rx opposite Taurus Lilith- 0633 EST

Challenging secrets may be revealed. Taurus Lilith encourages us to survive & stand our ground. With this energy, some may have to do whatever is needed to be done to survive, despite external judgement. In turn, this can create a hostile conversation or unpleasant realization. Something that no one wants to acknowledge could find its way to the surface.

  • Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Jupiter 20° (exact 0° orb)- 0950 EST 

A really positive energy that can bring us social success and material gains today. Can create a positive outlook on life with the feeling of sincerity. Interests may peak in art/crafts. Optimistic & feeling good.

  • Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Pluto 2 2° (2° orb)- 1353 EST

This energy awakens our sentimental endeavors. We actually will feel enjoyment with action and adventure. There may be a desire to travel or plan a trip. Be sure to double check any reservations or planning with Mercury & Mars still in retrograde!

*The 3 favorable aspects of the Pisces Moon and Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto gives us a powerful opening for spiritual stimulation. Meditation could bring an awakening or epiphany. These aspects also gives us stronger imaginations, gain in sympathy, positive outcomes in legal cases, and intense feelings of love and interests.*

  • Venus leaves Virgo & enters Libra ♎️- 2133 EST (ends November 21, 2020)

Today is a big Libra energy day! With both Venus & Mercury entering Libra within minutes apart, a break from any negative astrological transits should be in order. Venus enters it’s home sign of Libra bringing friendly, kind, and extremely personable influences. We can find us taking interest in all things beautiful; music, art, fashion, creativity, poetry. Libra Venus can help us remember what we love about the people closest to us & put us in a better mood for compromising.

  • Mercury rx leaves Scorpio & enters Libra ♎️- 2149 EST (Libra Mercury rx goes direct November 3, 2020 & enters back into Scorpio on November 10, 2020)

With all the Libra energy happening at once, the urge to show off our artistic talents can emerge. The collective should show a higher aesthetic sense and we should all seek harmony & balance more than usual. Mercury rx encourages us to face our shadow, and in Libra, it brings out relationship issues & karma once again to make sure we are working on finding healthier connections & eliminating any extra baggage that is in the way of finding balance. It can bring up issues from September (when Mercury was in Libra then) and invite us to review the lessons we went through before entering intense, deep Scorpio for a second time. Any underlying manipulation or controlling dynamic needs to be uncovered and solved. This means communication with the people we love needs to be open & honest.


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

transitioning sun through the houses

okay, so first of all, this is a transit post, which means it’s not about your natal house. i use the app ‘charts’ to see the current transits of the planets and in which houses the planets fall.

example: it’s currently the beginning libra season, which means the sun is in my 11th house, since my 11th house is from 23° of virgo to 18° of libra.

transit sun in your:

1st house: this is the time te recharge yourself for the coming sun cycle. when the sun is located here, it’s time to take care of yourself, build some confidence and express yourself. this is also a good time for manifestations.

2nd house: it’s time to set boundaries. when the sun is located here, you’re more in charge of your life then when the sun is located in other houses, because of the things you enjoy doing. this is also a good time to reassure your own psychological needs.

3rd house: when the sun shifts into your 3rd house, the main focus will be on social contact. it’s to to think about the people you enjoy being around and what treats they have in common. it’s also a good time to tell people what your needs are.

4th house: the sun transiting through the 3rd house means that you probably want to retreat back to what it comfortable, but you have to make sure you won’t screw up your bond with the outside world. this time is a time you’re thinking and learning a lot about yourself, and just like the 1st house, make sure you take care of your own needs.

5th house: this is a happy transit, since the sun is in the house of rulership. this is the time for creativity, expression and having fun in general. it’s also a good time to build new relationships or have fun with the people you’re already close to.

6th house: it’s time to think and take care of your responsibilities. if you’re struggling with procrastination, then this is the time to look at what works and motivates you and what doesn’t. this transit can also indicate slight physical health problems.

7th house: this is the time to work on yourself through the eyes of other people. it’s also time to work things out with your significant other when it’s not working out, or if it’s going well, it’s important to have fun with them.

8th house: this transit has more layers to it then all the others. it’s time to think about your emotions, mental being/identity. sometimes your emotional patterns go through so much at this time, that you’re transformation into a new person. this is completely okay, just make sure you love and accept yourself and what’s happening to you. it may be rough when going through this, but in the end it’s for the better.

9th house: you might just transformed into someone new, so this is the time to align your beliefs with your new personality. it’s also time to start a new hobby or job or find new interests. you might also start to see things from a different perspective.

10th house: this is the time for your career. this house isn’t very personal, but it influences more yourself towards to outside world, it’s time to shine. prepare for your future and change what hasn’t helped you in the past.

11th house: at this transit, you probably what people that love you around more then usual. mainly because this is the time you want to bond with new people or participate in new groups. you already figured out what you want from yourself and others, so this the time to put this into action.

12th house: this is a deep transit. your old bad habits might come to the surface again, but you have to keep them away. old emotions and feeling come back which makes it a tough time, stay true to yourself or you might get lost in them again. even though it can be hard, try to look at what this sun cycle has given you, what have you learned?



Pluto Transits to Ascendant

“How could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?”

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Whether it be a square, conjunction or opposition or trine or sextile, Pluto transiting over personal placements will transform their very essence. The square, conjunction, and opposition will do this in a very uncomfortable way, the most devastating felt of these transits will be to the ascendant as anything that touches it also in some fashion touches the descendant.(relationships with other people, relating to others, drawing in Plutonic people that bring about more self awareness, more awareness of power dynamics) Same can be said for any transit over the MC and IC, or any transit to these points as well, but I digress. These transits can last up to two years and can be very isolating, so if you see your friend’s chart and they’re going through it, be patient and be kind, they are probably scrutinizing theirselves more than anyone else. Pluto wants to get rid of wasted feelings, energy, and any falseness on the point or planet it is touching. These transits are long enough that you will inevitably emerge a different person and self awareness and self compassion are necessary to come out a better one, because this is an opportunity to actually strip the unnecessary and become more powerful in your environment and in your self concept. It is important to not fight the change in yourself and environment during this time because this resistance will only make things last longer and more painful. I became much more assertive and in tune with my needs and being during a Pluto trine Sun transit, and when it conjuncted (as well as Saturn in Capricorn) my ascendant experienced a very long period of solitude caused by health issues and depression, but emerged much more equipped to be a friend and partner to those I would encounter. By the end of this transit my entire friend group had changed, people showed their true colors, and I have never been more at ease with how I am perceived because I was able to become authentic in a way I would never have had to without these losses and realities. I had many health issues as it neared my Ascendant from the twelfth house and by the time it came to my first house I had troubleshooted everything, changed my diet and routine, and quit old medications and started new medications. Like the natal placement, when Pluto is in the 12th house conjunct the ascendant, people are repelled by your power, repressed negative energy, and are put off by their own insecurities that it triggers, as it enters or transits into your first house, you become magnetic, comfortable with your flaws and this ease not only soothes others but makes them drawn to you as an emblem of strength and confidence, and I invite you to note the difference in how people treat you as Pluto transits applying, and separating upon the ascendant, how you can go from pariah to the most sought out person in the room.

If you have planets conjunct the rising or descendant like I do, this whole process will be more intense than those without. Ex: my mercury squares the natal ascendant so when Pluto was conjunct my ascendant it was squaring my Mercury, making communication that much more difficult. If your Moon, Sun, Mercury or Venus or Mars are touching your AC/DC Axis be especially wary of these planets and the degrees Pluto will touch them at and in what capacity. The aspect Pluto makes to them during this period will bring you strength (trine/sextile) or bring that much more resistance and pain… and ultimately transformation. (conjunction/square/opposition)

With Pluto simultaneously touching the descendant, you will feel the power dynamics at play in your relationships, or simply just become more conscious of them, who relies on you to remain weak in order to feel comfortable in your presence, who rejects your desire for freedom of expression, and who builds you up. Alternatively, if losing control makes you exhibit more tyrannical black and white stances on things you may have to reexamine what, who, and why you feel entitled. You are the only person who is aware of your experience and this transit and sense of rejection does not make you above having courtesy, empathy, and patience with others. If you are already Plutonian by nature like I am, black and white attitudes on morality and justice can be your bread and butter, but clinging to being right on a sinking ship will not bring you peace in this internal upheaval you are enduring. If you are not self righteous in your feelings and behavior you will naturally set boundaries, learn what you will and won’t tolerate from others, and learn to expect more from others if in the past you were a door mat or someone that was taken advantage of. If you behave in a tyrannical way you will feel the weight of that karmic energy 10 fold and swiftly, Pluto leaves no prisoners.

Pluto trine and sextile the ascendant are similar to the square, opposition and conjunction but you don’t have that unsure-inferiority complex in the beginning, the transit will break down what and who you don’t need but the resistance is less because with the loss comes assured confidence and rebuilding comes simultaneously and naturally to stripping down of these facets of your life.

By far the hardest thing I’ve ever lived through was a Pluto square ascendant transit that lasted over a year. Completely decimated my ego


Pluto Transits to Ascendant

“How could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?”

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Whether it be a square, conjunction or opposition or trine or sextile, Pluto transiting over personal placements will transform their very essence. The square, conjunction, and opposition will do this in a very uncomfortable way, the most devastating felt of these transits will be to the ascendant as anything that touches it also in some fashion touches the descendant.(relationships with other people, relating to others, drawing in Plutonic people that bring about more self awareness, more awareness of power dynamics) Same can be said for any transit over the MC and IC, or any transit to these points as well, but I digress. These transits can last up to two years and can be very isolating, so if you see your friend’s chart and they’re going through it, be patient and be kind, they are probably scrutinizing theirselves more than anyone else. Pluto wants to get rid of wasted feelings, energy, and any falseness on the point or planet it is touching. These transits are long enough that you will inevitably emerge a different person and self awareness and self compassion are necessary to come out a better one, because this is an opportunity to actually strip the unnecessary and become more powerful in your environment and in your self concept. It is important to not fight the change in yourself and environment during this time because this resistance will only make things last longer and more painful. I became much more assertive and in tune with my needs and being during a Pluto trine Sun transit, and when it conjuncted (as well as Saturn in Capricorn) my ascendant experienced a very long period of solitude caused by health issues and depression, but emerged much more equipped to be a friend and partner to those I would encounter. By the end of this transit my entire friend group had changed, people showed their true colors, and I have never been more at ease with how I am perceived because I was able to become authentic in a way I would never have had to without these losses and realities. I had many health issues as it neared my Ascendant from the twelfth house and by the time it came to my first house I had troubleshooted everything, changed my diet and routine, and quit old medications and started new medications. Like the natal placement, when Pluto is in the 12th house conjunct the ascendant, people are repelled by your power, repressed negative energy, and are put off by their own insecurities that it triggers, as it enters or transits into your first house, you become magnetic, comfortable with your flaws and this ease not only soothes others but makes them drawn to you as an emblem of strength and confidence, and I invite you to note the difference in how people treat you as Pluto transits applying, and separating upon the ascendant, how you can go from pariah to the most sought out person in the room.

If you have planets conjunct the rising or descendant like I do, this whole process will be more intense than those without. Ex: my mercury squares the natal ascendant so when Pluto was conjunct my ascendant it was squaring my Mercury, making communication that much more difficult. If your Moon, Sun, Mercury or Venus or Mars are touching your AC/DC Axis be especially wary of these planets and the degrees Pluto will touch them at and in what capacity. The aspect Pluto makes to them during this period will bring you strength (trine/sextile) or bring that much more resistance and pain… and ultimately transformation. (conjunction/square/opposition)

With Pluto simultaneously touching the descendant, you will feel the power dynamics at play in your relationships, or simply just become more conscious of them, who relies on you to remain weak in order to feel comfortable in your presence, who rejects your desire for freedom of expression, and who builds you up. Alternatively, if losing control makes you exhibit more tyrannical black and white stances on things you may have to reexamine what, who, and why you feel entitled. You are the only person who is aware of your experience and this transit and sense of rejection does not make you above having courtesy, empathy, and patience with others. If you are already Plutonian by nature like I am, black and white attitudes on morality and justice can be your bread and butter, but clinging to being right on a sinking ship will not bring you peace in this internal upheaval you are enduring. If you are not self righteous in your feelings and behavior you will naturally set boundaries, learn what you will and won’t tolerate from others, and learn to expect more from others if in the past you were a door mat or someone that was taken advantage of. If you behave in a tyrannical way you will feel the weight of that karmic energy 10 fold and swiftly, Pluto leaves no prisoners.

Pluto trine and sextile the ascendant are similar to the square, opposition and conjunction but you don’t have that unsure-inferiority complex in the beginning, the transit will break down what and who you don’t need but the resistance is less because with the loss comes assured confidence and rebuilding comes simultaneously and naturally to stripping down of these facets of your life.
