

hi if you headcanon dick grayson as neurodivergent and you’re neurotypical pls be mindful of what you put out there and try your best to stay informed and respectful. also if someone critiques it saying it’s harmful or not proper representations pls listen to what they say thanks

I would just like inform everyone how the batfam lives in my mind as someone who has given up on canon:

bruce is batman. obviously. also, bruce isnt ab*sive.

dick is currently nightwing. ric never even happened :) dick is thriving.

jason is the red hood. he is living his anti-hero life to the fullest. he and bruce have their deifferences, but they don’t hate each other.

tim is red robin. idc that dc writers put him back as robin. I’m ignoring that. he’s making a name for himself and doing well.

damian,, uh I flux between him being robin, and him also not being robin as the current run says. but he’s still a child in my mind.

steph is ? idek. dc just doesn’t give a fuck about her anymore so for me she’s just living her life rn.

that is all.

I think it’s funny how whenever we picture teen superheroes, they’re always so hot and perfect when they’re not in disguise. like, come on. they’re teenagers sweating under a mask for hours and hours at a time. they’re gonna have acne. and if they wear any type of helmet, you bet ur ass they have hat-hair most of the time. they’re missing some teeth, some never get them fixed, some get crowns. most of the time their noses are slightly crooked from having it broken. they have chronic eye bags and tangled hair and probably don’t find much time to shave. they’re always sore, and they’re always tired. nothing pretty or glamorous about it. nothing to show for their sacrifices apart from week old bruises and vertigo when they stand up too fast.



if I was dick grayson I would simply not lose my memories

like rip to ric but I’m different

- Timothy Drake (a.k.a Red Robin)


if I was dick grayson I would simply not lose my memories

like rip to ric but I’m different

the soul sucking dark abyss that is the ric run is officially over!! we’re back babey!!!!

also pls reblog with ur favorite dick headcanons to give me a shot of serotonin thank you >:)

Bruce is so used to the newer Batfam members inherently looking at him to protect them he doesn’t kn

Bruce is so used to the newer Batfam members inherently looking at him to protect them he doesn’t know how to deal with Cass’s instinct to protect him. 

(Gotham Knights 002)

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 The appropriate reaction to Batman and Nightwing about to start yelling at each other. (Gotham Knig

The appropriate reaction to Batman and Nightwing about to start yelling at each other.

(Gotham Knights 001)

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Dick Grayson is Batman’s Greatest Success

Tim tells Dick that he and Bruce are different, but way more alike than either of them would like to admit. The need for independence, to be a hero, to have his own city to protect, while it may have brought resentment for nightwing in their early stages of their relationship, a part of me believed it made bruce so proud when Dick left Gotham.

Though they share these similarities, Dick is everything that Bruce isn’t. He’s suffered the same traumas that Batman has, but because he was by Bruce’s side, he’s healed and coped. He has the ability to trust others, and ask for help. Look at all of the people he’s been able to help. Dick Grayson is who he is because of the bonds he’s created. Because he’s able to easily trust others. Because he’s not obsessed. Unlike any other, and unlike the bat, Dick Grayson is able to inspire hope and goodness. That’s what separates him from Bruce. And I think Dick is exactly who Bruce wishes he were. Who he would’ve been had he been able to move on. But again, Bruce is so proud of his son for what he has become. To all the Robins, Dick is the golden standard that each Robin looks towards. The oldest. Someone who is compassionate and kind, but strong and assertive. A true leader.

In Grayson, Dick spent 10 days in the desert without food or water to protect a baby. The little water he had for himself, he left it for his enemy, midnighter, to make sure he didn’t die either. And one of the men who finds him proceeds to say, that this is no god, it’s just a man. This moment encapsulates Dick Grayson’s heart.

Someone who does the good because it is the good. Someone who inspires others to be better. Because they all want to be like him. Someone who saves his enemies before saving himself.

And through everything, after Dick resented Batman for not treating him as an equal, Bruce now sees Dick as someone who can be an even better Batman than he can, if he wanted to. That’s the highest praise coming from Bruce Wayne himself. Coming from THE Batman. And that is why Dick Grayson is Batman’s greatest success.

My entry for this year’s @batfam-big-bang! From @enchantingruinscandy ‘s fic “They Can Wait” which i

My entry for this year’s @batfam-big-bang! From @enchantingruinscandy ‘s fic “They Can Wait” which is about some good ol’ family bonding :’) <3

Check out the fic and all the other amazing works over on the big-bang tumblr!! → @batfam-big-bang 

(IDs under the cut!) 

[ID: A digital drawing of two people. Bruce Wayne on the left and a young Dick Grayson on the right. They are inside an ambulance. Bruce Wayne is a young adult man that is wearing a suit and tie. He is sitting to the right of Dick Grayson, wiping a tear from saids face. His back is slightly bent as he is looking down at Dick with a smile on his face. There are tears in his eyes. Dick is laying upright on a stretcher. He is a preteen wearing a white dress shirt that is torn at the arms. His right arm is bandaged and being held up by a make-shift sling. He is looking up at Bruce with a smile. Tears are streaming down his face. End ID]

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// dc pride spoilers

