

jason, suffering from blood loss and getting stitched up by alfred in the cave’s medbay: worth it

batfamily sketch dump! pls dont judge me on jason’s hair, im still working through it lol

Chad Todd:


& they were roommates

tim drake x reader


college batfam/atla smau: you and the gaang are college students at Gotham University. when suki moves out of your apartment, you need a roommate to help you with rent. tim drake is desperate to get out of the manor, so when he hears of your predicament, he jumps at the chance to move in. you quickly discover that the ceo of wayne enterprises is actually a harmless big dork. so why does he keep coming home covered in bruises?


& they were roommates

tim drake x reader


college batfam/atla smau: you and the gaang are college students at Gotham University. when suki moves out of your apartment, you need a roommate to help you with rent. tim drake is desperate to get out of the manor, so when he hears of your predicament, he jumps at the chance to move in. you quickly discover that the ceo of wayne enterprises is actually a harmless big dork. so why does he keep coming home covered in bruises?



college!atla/batfam social media au: in which the gaang are broke nonbender college kids at Gotham City University. y/n wayne thinks the boy who works at the tea shop is cute. zuko thinks the girl who comes into the tea shop is cute. shenanigan ensue.

taglist (closed):@cipheress-to-k-pop@coldlilheart@thxnderclouds@loxbbg@vrthngiwnt@thanosismybitch@im-in-lokis-army@emmasjulixn@anime-simp@professor-hibiscus@rosetheshapeshifter@cece-lives-here@wickdtechnical@5sos-wdw@iknowrocknroll567@silverreading@gokm1023@ela-ena@394pitterpatterpotter394

A/N: yo guys! so on top of this smau, i’m thinking of starting another one as well. same concept, but backwards. college au, and reader is a member of the gaang at gotham university. it’ll be a tim drake/reader, where tim and reader become roommates. i cant go to therapy rn due to corona so i’ll be doing these two smau’s instead i love u all very much and i’m praying for everyone reading this to stay safe and mentally alright during these scary times!

Y’all wanna know what I’m thinking about recently?

✨Socialite Tim✨

And I don’t mean like ‘Public mask to cover vigilantism’ I mean like really actually, ‘raised by his parents to be the high society gentleman they wanted him to be’ kind of Socialite!Tim.

And because I haven’t seen anything that will satiate this hunger, I have taken it upon myself.. to write:

Stephanie stares at their target from across the room. The slender, dark haired man was easy to lose in the sea of posh black suits and champagne drinking snobs; every time she looked away, the guy would be shmoozing it up to some new group of people. It was ridiculous, he was like…. Her age!

“Hey,Jason,” Stephanie jabbed her elbow into the man next to her, startling him from his judgement of the hors d’oeuvres.

“What Imposter? Lose track of him again?”

“No jackass, tell me how is it that some richie 17 year old is running Drake Industries when I can’t even manage to pass my Biology exams?”

“Probably because you don’t study Steph,” a smushed voice answered from behind them. They both turned to see Duke struggling to swallow a crab-cake.

“… What are you doing, Duke?”

“It’s so dry you guys, I can’t swallow it, I’ve been trying for five minutes.” Duke mumbled, catching the crumbs that fell out as he did so.

“You know, it’s customary not to insult the host’s food when you been graciously invited to their gala,”

The trio whipped their heads around to look directly at the smooth voice who’d spoken just moments before.

“Though I don’t know how you’d know that, so I guess I’ll allow you a pass. Timothy Drake,” the man stuck his hand out in greeting, “What a pleasure to meet the newest of the Waynes. Duke, was it?”

Jason grasped the Timothy’s hand with a suppressed sneer as both he and Stephanie stepped forward to block Duke from sight, “I’m Jason, Todd-Wayne that is. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Timothy half-smiled, “We have actually,” he dropped their hands, discreetly keeping his hand from touching his clothes, “Though it was before your.. accident so I can’t imagine you’d remember.”

Jason grit his teeth, “No, I guess I don’t.”

“All the same, while the invitation was open any of the Wayne family, I had hoped to see your Father in attendance, is he here?”

“Oh, he’s around here somewhere..” Steph gave a nervous laugh. No he wasn’t. Bruce was nowhere to be seen. In fact, Bruce was most likely looking through the Drake’s office finances. Y’know, the Drakes’ who’s son they were currently talking to. The one they were supposed to be watching.

That Drake.

“A shame. Well, if you see him, let him know I’m looking for him. I have… a business proposal for him,” Timothy’s lips twitched into a smirk as he drifted away to another group of chittering adults.

All three vigilantes stared after him, “Yeah, there’s no way he doesn’t know about the embezzlement.”

“Timothy Drake’s gotta go down.”


Okay so this is really a very rough draft and I actually kinda don’t like how it came out but idk I think there’s more where this came from…

Damian Wayne and Emiko Queen would have been great together had DC decided not to drop the ball and ruin it as hard as they did. The setup was there. The comedic potential of having Oliver be the overprotective big brother and the arguing that we could have gotten between him and Damian would have been funny. The dynamic would have been fun. Not to mention the potential crossover stories involved with the Batfamily and Arrow Family. I can imagine them at some sort of Wayne/Queen Gala and the press getting in their face about the 2 of them only for Emiko and Damian to react to it in a comedic way or something like that. There was potential to have some great scenes with Damian and Emiko connecting over their upbringings and how they truly understand each other’s situations. Working things out together and being there for support and such. It could have been great. Maybe one day this will happen. But, only time will tell.

In the meantime I think someone should write a fan fiction about it. Make it fun and entertaining.



I absolutely love this guy

I’m going to attempt to caption this. This man talks fast and puts a lot into a minute.

[Video I.D.

Bruce enters the room, clearly agitated.

Bruce: “Alright, which one of you motherfuckers did it?”

Tim Drake, slightly alarmed: “Woah, Bruce, you doin’ good?”

Bruce, so very annoyed: “Nah, nunununu, shut the fuck up. Which one of you did it!?”

Jason Todd: “Well, that very much depends on what the fuck you’re asking about.”

Dick Grayson: “Yeah, what he said. ‘Cause honestly I’ve done like six things in the last four hours alone that could probably tempt that response.”

Bruce, done with his children: “Confess, or I call Alfred in here and he’ll make you tell me.”

Time Drake, calling bullshit: “Nah, nah you’re bluffing. You wouldn’t dare.”

Bruce: “Alfr-”

Tim Drake, cutting him off, afraid now: “Me and Stephanie convinced Damien that petting zoos were like free yard sales for barn animals.”

Bruce, surprised: “I’m sorry you did fucking what!?”

Dick Grayson: “No, no that’s not it. Uh, the villains from the Silver Age that you thought disappeared didn’t. I just fight them alone and don’t tell you about it because I don’t want you to break all of their bones.”

Bruce, taken back slightly: “Jesus Christ, I’m not that violent, am I?”

Jason Todd: “A little while ago I replaced Two-Face’s coin with an identical replica that’s weighted so that it will always land with unscarred side face up.”

Bruce, shocked: “Is that why we haven’t heard from him in like three months?”

Tim Drake: “I painted all of Jason’s helmets blue.”

Dick Grayson: “And I replaced all of his guns with water pistols.”

Jason Todd: “I replaced all of Tim’s coffee with decaf.”

Tim Drake, angrily: “You what!?”

Bruce cuts in: “Alright, enough Jesus. I was asking which one of you told Superman that if he exposes more skin he’ll get more sun radiation. He’s out there in a fucking Speedo.”

Dick Grayson, laughing: “Oh, yeah, that was me.”

Bruce: “Alright, great, come fix this.”

Dick Grayson: “Sounds to me like there ain’t a situation that needs fixing.”

Bruce, sternly: “Now!”

End Video I.D.]

Puppy Ace is so cute

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a blonde, a redhead and a brunette decide to be Batgi

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a blonde, a redhead and a brunette decide to be Batgirl…

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