
tayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.ttayaart: Coming soon: A Second Darkness | a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.t


Coming soon: A Second Darkness| a fancomic written by @anelderling and illustrated by me.

this is not incest and the creators request you do not tag it as such.

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dear batfam fans who wish the batkids were more diverse and spent more time appreciating each other as found family and fighting as a team and less time angsting and punching one another,

i’m 100% with you, but i also really hope you are both reading and going to see shazam because it legit has everything you desire

Go! eve robins!

decided to draw the boys, Lonnie Machin is Jason’s best friend from when he was living in Crime Alley. He knows Batman’s secret identity and generally acts as a big brother and sort of a ground control/tech support to Jason’s Robin.

still experimenting with art style, here’s the family. Decided that Jason during his robin years deserves a friend, he’s Lonnie Machin (Anarky) another streetkid. There’s also Talia who is Bruce’s main love here.


they found Bruce’s old gameboy and decided to play with it but they needed his help to beat one of the levels




8 year old Dick’s third trip to Bruce’s office and being so helpful that he pressed ALL the elevator buttons so that they could shout good morning to each floor


“Dick, this is the eighty-second floor, could we please–”

“Good morale is a preeminent factor in all workplace environments. I saw it on Discovery Science, CSPAN, and also Bill Nye. HELLO EIGHTY-SECOND FLOOR!”

25-year-old Dick doing the same exact thing. The people on the floors now yell back.


“hey batkids, everyone copy?” ☎️

inspired by the very iconic earring communicators babs builds in batgirls #2!!


I think Tim is the cryptid of the superhero community. Hear me out:

In Young Justice, it’s explicitly stated multiple times that Tim Drake’s Robin has never been caught on film. There are no pictures or videos. Even earlier on, in World’s Finest Three, Tim gets Superboy to take all of the credit for taking down Metallo and Poison Ivy (something even the reporters find hard to believe) because Tim can’t let anyone know it was Robin.

Furthermore in Young Justice, the ongoing conflict between Robin and his team is that they find it hard to trust him because he can’t reveal his identity to them. But more than that, he can’t reveal his identity to anyone, he isn’t supposed to let anyone know that Robin even exists. There are fake “files” on all of the characters and even the government doesn’t know who the f Robin is, and the file questions whether or not he actually exists.

Then, there’s the part of the comics where Tim is forced to give up Robin, and Steph replaces him for a bit, and literally nobody outside of Gotham knows. He didn’t tell his friends, Bruce didn’t tell anyone, nobody knows that Tim isn’t Robin anymore. And then, he comes back. Just as out of the blue.

In the Red Robin run, it’s canon that nobody knows where Tim is aside from Ra’s al Ghul (who stalked him from the start and so shouldn’t count). Oracle doesn’t know where he is, none of his friends know (two of them are “dead,” so it’d be hard for them to know), everyone who runs into him is like “??? who tf???” Even Dick only has a vague idea. The whole point of Tam’s side plot is that it is nigh impossible to find Tim unless he decides to collapse onto your hotel room’s bed while bleeding out next to an assassin. As one does.

What does this mean?

It means that some superheroes definitely don’t believe that Tim exists, probably the younger ones. Superman or someone is like “Man, I miss the Robin that didn’t threaten me with swords,” and they’re like “Dick?” “No.” “Jason?” “No.” “??? The girl one?” “No.”

Like, some people have definitely never seen/heard of this weird third Robin, and they definitely think it’s something the older heroes are making up to mess with them. On conspiracy boards in Gotham, some people tell tale of the third Robin, the one that came before the Stabby Robin, and other people are like “You’re making this up! This guy doesn’t exist!”

I bet Duke is occasionally like “Hey, I haven’t seen Tim in like three weeks, is he still alive?” And someone else (Dick or Bruce) is just like “What are you talking about? Tim’s been sitting over in that corner.” And Duke just sees Tim unmoving in a corner, and is like “…that doesn’t answer the question, is he still alive?”

Tim is canonically, in the comics, the best at remaining unseen. He’s a cryptid. Kon and Bart tell horror stories about him and have blurry photos (taken blurrily on purpose in the same vein as Big Foot) that they show younger heroes. Jason occasionally regales his goons with stories of a creepy stalker child who fights crime. Dick tells his coworkers about his brothers but they don’t believe Tim exists because everytime they ask for a photo of him, Dick just shrugs and says he’s a bit camera shy. Damian complains about his brothers and all of his classmates are kind of worried he made up Tim, because he’s never come (it’s funny to imagine Jason and Dick and Bruce all coming to pick up Damian from school. It’s funnier to imagine that even Cass has picked him up). Several workers at Wayne Enterprises think that “Tim Drake-Wayne” is just a made up entity to keep the company out of enemy hands.

Tim is a cryptid, thanks for coming to my TED Talk


Hush little Robin don’t say a word

Big brother is here to comfort you

And if my Robin continues to fear

Big brother’s gonna paint the streets bright red

Vampire King Dick Grayson is giving me ideas…

Not a ship art


thinking abt how ppl voted to kill off Jason Todd

Okay, I was scrolling through the comments of this post that I made:

And then I saw this comment from @tangled-headphone-c0rd:

Just saying, @tangled-headphone-c0rd , that’s pretty good! :D*click follow*


“CAN WE GET A MAINTENANCE GUY DOWN HERE? I don’t think fluorescent bulbs cast that much shadow.”


“Oh, and if you like wanna film this and tag our little brothers that’d be cool too.”

Love how Dick is still reaching for the coke

 Assassin Babys✨binge watched Titans I almost kind of enjoyed it, but i didn‘t expect the main foc

Assassin Babys✨

binge watched Titans I almost kind of enjoyed it, but i didn‘t expect the main focus to be on the batfam i ain‘t complaining because i love the batfam drama but i thought it would be different. ANYWAY i loved how even Tim Drake had an appearance?!?! Here you have my assassin Babys just because i felt like drawing them and sry for not posting in so long again

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ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE] ankalimes-trash:god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!  [SOURCE]


god it took me AGES but it’s finally done. Happy Batman Day!


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