

I, for a fact, know that Jason once said: “The more I read, the more I know… like isn’t that just wild?” while being completely blown away by the very same notion

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626​​​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional”

A/N: Last partttt, sorry it took so long and that it is so long. 

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

They scanned around, seeing nothing but knowing someone was there, ready to fight. Then the familiar silhouette appeared, perfectly outlined by the street lamp.


“Where were you?!” Jason yelled. Suddenly, she jumped down, legs straight into his chest, he fell down with a slam, “what the hell-”

The woman threw a punch at her oldest brother as he stood within her reach, before she glared at him. 

Dick never felt this amount of fear in a long time, the moment they made eye contact, he could tell by the ice cold and unmoving gaze she held, she was not the same person. 

“Hey, chill.” Tim pulled the girl off of him, holding her in a headlock. Resisting, she kicked his kneecap with her heel, making him groan in pain. 

Batman jumped in, hitting the back of her head, knocking her out instantly. Her body slumped in Red Robin’s embrace.

“What the hell!! You could have been careful with her!” Jason yelled, standing up with a grunt.

“It looks like she was about to kill us.” Tim breathed out. In protest, the former looked at Dick to back him up, but watched as he stayed silent, staring at the ground, he agreed with him. And Jason knew, deep down, that it was true as well. 


“How much longer?” Dick held the ice pack against his jaw. 

“Hopefully soon, but I can’t be certain unfortunately.” Alfred informed, placing the small tray on the counter. 

“What happened to her?” Damian murmured. 

“She was brainwashed,” Bruce spoke from the Batcomputer. 

Silence, a mournful silence. 

“We’ll have to try and get her memory back.” 

“How likely is it that we get it back?” Tim inquired. 

“I’m analysing the toxin that was in her body, so I can’t be sure until I get a concrete result.” 

The sound of restraints rattled through the cave and the brothers were quick to jump to their feet to crowd into the room where the girl was restrained, for safety purposes. 

They were met with wide (E/C) eyes. 

“Who are you?” her eyes narrowed. 

“Your brothers.” Dick mumbled.


Once they realised they were no longer a threat, they sat down, relaxed, relieved that either the toxin was slowly wearing off or that she was knocked out enough to forget that she had been trained to have a grudge against them – to put it lightly.

“How long was I out?” she whispered.

“48 hours.” 

The woman was clearly disturbed, worry written all over her face, realising that her whole identity was at stake and she couldn’t remember a single thing. She was unable to even look at the men in front of her, not wanting to see the tired faces desperately trying to bring their loved one back, knowing it might be a long, rough ride that might never end. 

 “Did I do that to you?” she pointed to Dick’s jaw. He nodded slowly, “I’m sorry.” 

“It’s okay,” he chuckled, realising they didn’t completely lose her as her worrying nature resurfaced. 

“How was I like…before?” 

Dick glanced at his brothers before he started.


“This will be your new home from now on, make sure to take as long as you need to settle down, Lady (Y/N).” The butler spoke.


“Would you like me to introduce you to your brothers?” 

“I have brothers?” her eyes lit up.

“Of course! They are in the kitchen, expecting you, this way please.” 

The girl was so excited to have brothers, but she was also extremely nervous, what if they don’t like her? That she’s annoying? What if she’s excluded because they’ve been here longer? 

“Hi!” A cheerful, cooing voice tore her out of her worries as a tall boy who was smiling down at her. “My name is Dick.” 

“Dick…” she whispered, her eyes wide, she was definitely old enough to know what that meant. A taller man behind him cackled. 

“I-it’s a nickname!” he spluttered.

“For what?” Her face contorted to disgust.

“I’m Tim,” a shorter one interjected.


“Jason.” the one who was laughing before greeted, not rudely but not at the same extent of welcomeness as the others. 


“Was I a good sister?” 

“Dick? What happened?” (Y/N) rushed into her kitchen, dropping her filled shopping bag on the counter and racing to his side. 

“I’m okay.” he grunted, holding his shoulder.

“It’s not, you’re bleeding.” As delicately as she could, she helped him up towards the bathroom. Once she took her time to stitch him up, she cleaned up his wound, “I’ll put a clean set of your clothes on my bed for you to change in, let me know if you need help.”

Without a word, he changed whilst she made a warm soup for him to relax. 

“Here,” she handed it to him as he sat down, curling up in her side.

“Thank you.” 


“Hey, you okay?” she looked over at him, eyes in a state she wished she didn’t see so often for his sake.

“Yeah,” he breathed out, running a hand through his hair. 

With one hand on the steering wheel, she poked his cheek.

“Want some McDonalds?” Glancing at her, she gave him a sympathetic smile.


“You were the best sister.” The eldest chuckled, a nostalgic look in his eyes. Her heart tightened. She had seen that look before.

“Snacks!!” she announced, holding two bags filled to the brink with all sorts of snacks, “Damian, I saw this wooden bracelet charm when I was out and thought of you, here.” (Y/N) handed it to him.

“I don’t wear those, it’s stupid.” He tutted. 

“Oh, okay then, I’ll return it I guess-”

“No give it to me.” the youngest snatched it out of her grasp and slipped it out, looking at the TV grumpily.

“Nothing for me?” Tim gasped. 

“I bought you a kilogram of NERDZ. Will you drop it now?” 

“Yes!!” he screeched.

The beautiful memories returned, but also the traumatic ones that happened not too long ago. Watching her silence, deep in thought made them stressed. Was she remembering? 

Until she started crying. 

“(Y/N)?” Dick’s eyes widened.

“I was so scared,” Jason scooped her up in his arms as soon as she said that, there was no doubt, “it hurt so much and I felt so alone.” burying her face in her brother’s shoulder, she sought comfort at the traumatic experience. 

“We’re here for you.” Dick kissed her forehead, cupping her cheek. 

“Want a hot chocolate?” Tim inquired.

“Uh-huh,” she sniffled. 

“Let’s go then.” Helping her stand up, they started walking towards the cave entrance, Damian hurrying to keep up with them, holding his sister’s hand in reassurance. 

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging:@lumifuer@ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette@schweeeppess@gearsinice@mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa@caswinchester2000@brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad​ @itzagothamcitysiren​​@plaguedoctorsnake​​ @starshineandbooks @lucy-roo​​@loxbbg​​@vix360​ @thebloodrobin​​@vvipgot7be​​ ​

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional”

A/N: Part 2 of 3

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

“Still no word?” Jason entered the cave, slipping off of his helmet. It had been just over a day, attempting tirelessly to pursue any leads that might have come up. 

“No, it’s like she slipped off the grid, out of the world, no CCTV footage, no witnesses, no chipped cars, nothing.” Tim typed away on his computer, eyes red and dry from the lack of sleep and ungodly amounts of coffee that have entered his system since then. 

Dead-end after dead-end made them more depressed and desperate. It was impossible to find a tangible lead to go on and the evidence left was near to nothing. 

“Everyone, go to bed.” Batman spoke after standing up. 

“What?” Jason snapped.

“We’re doing a regular patrol tomorrow, seeing what word on the streets are, so everyone, get some sleep so we can find more information in a better headspace.” 

“Tch, better headspace.” Jason followed his brothers up the stairs, rolling his eyes at the irony of it all. 


Her throat burned from yet another blood-curdling scream. It was such a dark and cold room, the aspect of time had dissipated in the darkness long ago. What time of the day was it? How many days had gone.

Six was the answer, but the damage caused would take years to get over. Helpless and alone, desperately wishing, hoping someone would hear, someone would come to save her. This perpetual isolation with disappearing hope now grounded within her, shook into her very core. The lulled buzzing from the other room, the stressful footsteps, ready for the worst to come if the figure would enter this particular room, but never the full preparation. 

She got more than she bargained for, but then again, she didn’t expect this to happen to her. 

Her energy was slowly leaving her body, she was weak. Older and newer injuries never quite tended to for more unnecessary pain, frightened of closing her eyes for a second, not knowing whether the demons would also appear in her mind as well. 

Growing fearful of the silence, preparing for a storm that always seems to just about come. 

Drowning, beating, dreading the next day would come just as bad as the previous one. It frightened her how quickly she became accustomed by it, and how devastatingly long it would take to mend the pieces back together. The silence was also unbearable, waiting for something to happen, like the storm, only brewing now. 

“Knock knock,” the voice rang as the door opened with a hiss as it screeched against the floor. 

Frightened, she didn’t dare open her eyes, feeling her heartbeat pound in her ears and chest, holding her breath in an attempt to conceal herself. 

“I know you’re awake.” the person chuckled, her eyes opened slowly, submissively, the only source of light coming from the corridor, “but now I’m going to make you fall asleep.” a hand in her hair to pull her head back, exposing her neck.

“Mmh,” she struggled, unable to express how painful this stabbing pain was through her muffling cloth-of-a-gag. It was only a needle, how could it feel so excruciating? Needless to say, it made her vision blurry and she soon fell into unconsciousness.

Perched on the rooftop, Red Hood scouted the area, releasing a long sigh. A month, that is how long it has been, and nothing came up about her. He kept wondering where she was, what she was doing right now, was she still in Gotham? If only he knew.

“Anything?” Dick questioned through the intercom.

“Nothing.” Tim answered. Robin was perched on a gargoyle in the center of the city, opposite of the tallest skyscraper in the city. 

He was about to move on, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, before static came from the tower, before the image of Scarecrow was displayed on the enormous screen covering the building.

“It’s Scarecrow.” Damian spoke.

“Here as well.” Nightwing chipped in.

“He’s showing himself all over the city.” Batman spoke. The few people that were out at that time scurried around the screens, some people woke up from their slumber to witness the commotion.

“Good evening, Gotham, although, I will only be addressing The Bat and his… underlings,” he started. It appeared he was in some sort of rundown warehouse, and those types of infrastructure were sprinkled all around the city, “I have planted a bomb, on one of the peers leading to the port, if you can find it before 3 a.m, a missing little girl will no longer have a beating heart. Crushing two birds with one stone” he chuckled.

“Motherfucker.” Red Hood cursed. 


“He’s right.” His brothers interrupted. 

“Lucius,” Bruce pressed on his earpiece, “is Batwing ready?” 

“Ready when you are, sir.” He answered promptly, “I’ve sent it on it’s way to you.” 


“We only have half an hour left.” Red Hood announced, having scouted out the outsides with his brothers to see if they could spot anything unusual. 

“I know.” Bruce spoke, scanning each building with the Batwing for any signs of heat or chemical reaction. His breathing caught in his throat when he found a heat signature.

“The old cement factory, first floor.” Revving their motorcycles, they raced down the street towards their sent location.

And sure enough, there the bomb was, intact, with a good 20 minutes before it blew, nothing they couldn’t handle. 

“It might be rigged.” Dick warned as Jason approached it to disarm it. Hauntingly, he was able to without an issue, just like a regular bomb. 

“It’s done.” Red Hood peeked at his brothers and Bruce, but his tone of voice suggested what everyone else was thinking, how easy all of this was. 

Despite the yellowish light coming from the street lamps outside, the place looked pretty deserted. Dick couldn’t see a single person in sight, civilian or otherwise, this was a trap, for sure, but nothing was happening. 

No one moved, nor spoke, and they were getting more and more anxious. The tension was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. 

Until a figure rushed past the light coming from outside.

What was that?

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @disa @caswinchester2000 @brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad@itzagothamcitysiren@plaguedoctorsnake@starshineandbooks @lucy-roo@loxbbg@vix360 @thebloodrobin@vvipgot7be​ 


He has an obsession alright

I feel this in my soul.

Swords I still want: a claymore and a Kilij.

dick grayson is a DILF.

D- detective

I- id

L- like to

F- fuck

tim drake antis are the weakest links in society actually. i support tim drake rights but more importantly, i support tim drake wrongs.

Working on a batboys Halloween Keychain Collection

Working on a batboys Halloween Keychain Collection

Post link

AHHHHHHH my Robin’s Shake is finally here!!!!!!!!! *screams*

#red hood    #jason tood    #robins    #batfamily    #dick grayson    #nightwing    #damian wayne    #tim drake    #red robin    
Currently working on this trying to figure out which model to use for a shake keychain!

Currently working on this trying to figure out which model to use for a shake keychain!

Post link

WonderBat (Bruce Wayne and Princess Diana) icons and header from Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman ‘77 (Parker, Andreyko, Hahn, 2016-17)


Talia al Ghul icons from Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman ‘77 (Parker, Andreyko, Hahn, 2016-17)


Batman (Bruce Wayne) icons from Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman ‘77 (Parker, Andreyko, Hahn, 2016-17)


Robin and Nightwing (Dick Grayson) icons from Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman ‘77 (Parker, Andreyko, Hahn, 2016-17)

