#black-and-white thinking


You know, as a millennial who rebelled against their parents’ strict black-and-white fundamentalist worldview by finding and fully embracing the grayness of everyday morality, it’s really jarring to watch Gen Z rebel against their parents’ strict black-and-white worldviews by adopting an equally rigid black-and-white worldview that just clings to the polar opposite opinions of their parents’. It’s like watching someone who’s complained about being forced to wear dresses their whole life decide to rebel by wearing only blue dresses instead of pink ones. You’re not getting rid of what your parents forced you into; you’re just changing the look of it. 

Simple outline drawing of the profile view of a head, eye open and the brain visible, on cream card, against a pale purple background. The brain is split in half vertically - with the left side painted black and the right side painted white, and the whole shape thinly outlined in grey. At the bottom part of the brain in the middle section is a red circle, from which a red arrow extends out, pointing into the the left side of the brain. At the bottom left hand corner of the image is the artist initials "R.E." written in black.

All in the mind series - Black and white thinkingbyAriee


Please kick the “Good People Can’t Do Bad Things and Bad People Can’t Do Good Things” mentality to the curb, and also start applying some nuance to the “Good Person-Bad Person” dichotomy, thank you.
