#black women deserve better



Then these same Black men have the nerve to call us angry and overly emotional, when they’re the ones that shoot, steal, and kill as soon as shit gets hard. Black women are the strongest women I’ve ever seen in my life; yet we’re the most taken advantage of. If a Black man, let alone any man, had to endure what Black women endure on a daily basis from the moment they’re born to the moment they pass over, they wouldn’t last ONE DAY. 

Fucking right I’m angry. I’m pissed that young Black women and girls are being killed, raped, molested, dismembered, trafficked, abused, assaulted, and taken advantage of, and not a single sound is being made. Not one protest to stop the rampant sexual abuse in Black homes. Not one peep about missing Black women and children. Not a fucking sound regarding the constant ridicule Black women face on a daily basis not just by society, but by the very same BLACK MEN AND WOMEN WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN COMMUNITY WITH. And since they do it, other communities think it’s okay to perpetuate this same abuse. I’m so fucking sick of it.

Honestly, if it weren’t for Black women society would’ve collapsed on itself and everyone fucking knows it. Yet these Black men keep expecting us to coddle them when they’re getting shot and harrassed by police officers for shit they brought upon themselves. I ain’t marching nor defending anyone if it isn’t Black women and children, you got me fucked up.

Flowers for The Lady

Yes, you deserve appreciation

Yes, you deserve respect

Yes, you deserve love and laughter

Yes, you deserve rest

Yes, you deserve forgiveness

Yes, you deserve chances to learn from your mistakes

Yes, you deserve respresentation

Yes, you deserve equal pay

Yes, you deserve to lead

Yes, you should express your anger

Yes, you should show your pain

Yes, you should honour your tears

Yes, you should put yourself first

Yes, you should desire the best for your life

Yes, you should further your education

Yes, you should step out on faith

Yes, you should embrace your spirituality

Yes, you should ignore the naysayers

Yes, you should show up and show out

Yes, you should breathe

Yes, you can sleep

You are what you think, see and feel

Be blessed

And move with intention

You can do it Sis


Author - @iameriwa

Model - @aapioo

Photography - @caramia


As a Black geekette, I’m dedicated to helping aspiring and established women of colour in their professional lives.

I want to encourage more of us, especially Black women to persue careers in tech, apply for product management, human centred design, digital transformation, and leadership roles.

Don’t worry if you don’t have qualifications, your skills are transferrable.

Step out of your comfort zone, and begin a journey of self improvement, by investing in your education and training.

Take free online courses.

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There’s a shortage of female talent in the industry, especially Black women ‍‍‍

Side note - I’m featured on Imperial College London’s #BlackToTheFuture segment.

My advice for Black students struggling to bring their whole selves into their professional lives is to know your worth and be willing to walk away if others don’t appreciate what you bring to the table. Always advocate for yourself and your community. If you don’t, who will? Lastly, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to become a ‘model Black student’. Instead, focus on being real. Your authenticity and unapologetic nature are what counts - not approval, appreciation, or applause from others.

Queens, our future is bright (Amin Ase) ❤️

Author - @iameriwa

Model - @nadiya.mc

Clothing - @binarybeauty

Praise be to God

From the age of five I was instructed to take care of my Mum and Sister.

Why would anyone ask a child to take on such responsibility?

I wasn’t old enough to question the instruction, so did my best to adhere.

You see my Dad died when I was five, and at that time, my baby sister was barely one.

My Mum was constantly in and out of the hospital, managing an inherited red blood cell disorder.

I had no choice but to grow up, and do so fast.

Becoming responsible at such a young age was a gift and a curse.

I didn’t get a chance to enjoy my childhood, or my teenage years because I wasn’t considered a child.

Everyone who could, took advantage.

That being said, all my experiences prepared me for the many challenges I’ve been through and overcome.

I’ve always been wise beyond my years, and felt a sense of duty to care for my loved ones, before myself.

However, now I’ve established healthy boundaries.

I do things out of love not obligation.

I don’t allow anyone to emotionally abuse me or guilt trip me.

I don’t give anyone my hard earned money whenever they ask because they’ve been irresponsible with their finances.

I don’t allow anyone into my space if their energy isn’t right or aligned with mine.

I don’t wait for anyone’s appreciation, applause or approval, I don’t need it.

I don’t hold malice but where necessary I will keep my distance.

I don’t have any expectations so don’t get disappointed, just pleasantly surprised.

I’ve stop holding people to my standards, I know we are all different, and have different paths.

I’ve let go of all my hurt and anger

I’ve realeased all my past pain and embrace my present, while remaining optimistic about the future.

I love myself first

I prioritise my needs first and don’t apologise for doing so

I’m focused on my mental, physical and spiritual growth and that’s it.

I’m blessed and highly favoured

I let God guide my footsteps and walk confidently moving forward.

Praise be to God - Amen

Author - @iameriwa

⁣Photography - @xander.foto

⁣Model - @attrvcion

⁣Hair - @tossedtresses⁣

⁣Stylist - @talyseanir_ ⁣

Focus on your own race

Whatever talent(s) God gave you, please ensure to cultivate and nurture them daily.

If you maintain a genuine interest (and passion) for what you’re doing, there is a strong chance of becoming successful at it.

Just be mindful that the tangible results/rewards of your hard work may look different from others.

Success is a subjective experience, and many people who appear to be living their “best lives” on social media, in private are actually struggling: be it financially, emotionally or spiritually.

Always stay focused on your own race, and run it at your own pace!

Remember, don’t ever compare yourself to someone else. Your only job is to become a better version of the person you were yesterday.

You’ve got this Sis ❤️

Author - @iameriwa

Model - @joray_smiles ⁣

⁣Photography - @conceptart_photography

Never Settle

Irrespective of how I feel about Nicki’s personality, I do respect and admire her contribution to Hip Hop and women empowerment.

So much so, that I was extremely saddened and disappointed in her choice of partner. Anyway, I urge women, especially single women, to use Nicki’s marriage has a cautionary tale. If you’re successful, and have choices, DO NOT settle down with a man who isn’t on your level.

I know that society puts tremondous pressure on women to get married and have children; but try to be strong, and wait for someone more deserving! DO NOT ignore the warning signs, the excess baggage, lack of financial security, and criminal background, just because you’re eager to become a WIVE and MOTHER.

Love yourself enough to not invest in a nonentity like Mr.Petty ‍♀️


Model - Nicki Minaj
