

I’m choosing me.

I’m not choosing to gain weight. I’m choosing to be me.

because I am not …

* saying no to plans that might involve food.

* body checking after every meal to know how much self-loathing to carry with me that day.

*rigid. numb. foggy.

*stuck in my head. distant. never present. &never truly joining in.

because I am …

* sitting at a bar, alone, having margs just because //no special occasion needed to treat myself//.

* splitting an unplanned slice of cake with a best friend.

* spontaneous. clear-minded. emotional (for the good &for the bad).

* living life. experiencing the world around me. joining in &making memories with the ones I love oh so much.


positives to weight gain

*you wear clothes, no more clothes wearing you.
* &you get to buy new clothes
*moving without fear of breaking
*discovering your body does more than hurt &be cold.
*stepping out of the fog &being present.
*social eating is actually social (not a stressful clusterfuck)
*finding ways to define yourself other than the skinny one.
*feeling. having enough energy to experience&show emotion.
*freeing up brain space to think about so many other //better// things.
*having an all natural glow up.

And another thing: I both have fat and I AM fat. Being fat is part of who I am. It is part of my ide

And another thing:

I both have fat and I AM fat. Being fat is part of who I am. It is part of my identity. I cannot be #bodyneutral. My body has been politicized since the moment I got here and it is my responsibility to own every inch of it. Even the bad parts. Even the hard parts. ESPECIALLY THE BAD AND HARD PARTS.

Body liberation is not pretty or happy or fun but it will surely set you free and that’s good enough for me.

Nobody said it’d be easy.

Wearing the new @theunderbellyyoga collection- shop the link in my bio (at Durham County, North Carolina)

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