

In this video, I’m talking about 8 reasons that you may be afraid to recover from your eating disorder. As a licensed therapist who specializes in eating disorders, I’ve worked with many patients who are afraid to get better. Let’s talk about the 8 common reasons someone may be afraid to get better and recover from an eating disorder. We’ll be talking about eating disorder recovery, bulimia recovery, anorexia recovery, binge eating recovery, or any type of eating disorder recovery; or fears associated with getting help for eating disorders. Let me know what other types of videos you’d like to see in the comments. 

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#eating disorder    #edrecovery    #kati morton    #therapy    #psychology    #mental health    #recovery    
Tips for positive body image

Tips for positive body image

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notdefinedbyed:No amount of food will ever hurt you as much as your eating disorder will.


No amount of food will ever hurt you as much as your eating disorder will.

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notdefinedbyed:Mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is.


Mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is.

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I’m choosing me.

I’m not choosing to gain weight. I’m choosing to be me.

because I am not …

* saying no to plans that might involve food.

* body checking after every meal to know how much self-loathing to carry with me that day.

*rigid. numb. foggy.

*stuck in my head. distant. never present. &never truly joining in.

because I am …

* sitting at a bar, alone, having margs just because //no special occasion needed to treat myself//.

* splitting an unplanned slice of cake with a best friend.

* spontaneous. clear-minded. emotional (for the good &for the bad).

* living life. experiencing the world around me. joining in &making memories with the ones I love oh so much.


positives to weight gain

*you wear clothes, no more clothes wearing you.
* &you get to buy new clothes
*moving without fear of breaking
*discovering your body does more than hurt &be cold.
*stepping out of the fog &being present.
*social eating is actually social (not a stressful clusterfuck)
*finding ways to define yourself other than the skinny one.
*feeling. having enough energy to experience&show emotion.
*freeing up brain space to think about so many other //better// things.
*having an all natural glow up.

seven becomes seventy.

you’ve got that power over me. all day, waking me up at night. you’ve got that power over me. you win, I don’t even fight.

a life with you is better, yeah you’ve got me to believe. it’s funny, not so funny, how you stole seven years away so easily.

you’ve got the power over me, so how do I set myself free? it’s time I fight, fight&shine my light. before seven becomes ten becomes seventy.

bigger me, bigger life.

I’ve been joining in, making memories, living life to the fullest. &with that came gains. I gained experiences. I gained relationships. I gained weight. &even in the midst of all the living,laughing,loving (lol, cringing), still the thoughts sneak in. the thoughts about my body. you know, the ones that say I need to lose the weight I’ve gained. those shit thoughts creeped in tonight. &me writing this is my way of //figuratively// slapping myself straight.

wtf ana.

yeah losing weight seeeeems nice. but to lose the weight, I’d have to lose SO much more. I’d have to lose friends. I’d have to lose mental clarity. lose drinks out with the girls. lose celebratory treats with my new work fam. the losses, they go on&on.

so am I willing to give up so much for one thing, a smaller me? nope. am I willing to shrink the joy I have in my new life to shrink my waist? nope.nope.

if bigger me means bigger life, then well… I’m here for it.

to start the week.

I see life as a joy to live, no longer a fight to win.

I wake up excited for what is in store, rather than counting down to bed time, how many more..?

but what has changed? the world around me, or me at the core?

I’ve changed what I allow myself to see. I live life the way I’ve always wished it be. I live each day as a celebration. today is never again, that’s the occasion.

how much more beautiful this world we live in, when the beauty we see starts from within.

flawed goals.

maybe there are no human //flaws//. maybe those are just human //realities// in which society randomly chose to label as imperfect.

maybe the goals we are striving for are the most flawed of all.

would we still have insecurities if beauty standards did not exist? what would we choose to look like? dress like? act like? … if society never wrote us the rules for being “good” “enough” “a-list”.

after all this time, I’ve really lost sight of me. is all this what I really want? or is this what I’ve just been told to be.

my little (but really kinda big) wins

not having to bring a sweater everywhere.

but also getting to buy sweaters //&all clothes// in real adult sizes.

sitting in all kinds of chairs, even the hard ones.

not waking up in the middle of the night hungry.

creamer in my coffee.

going to a restaurant &not already have planned out my meal.

ordering straight from the menu, no on the sides for me.

saying yes to plans that might involve food.

or saying yes to plans that are during my “normal” meal times.

no matter how seemly small a win may appear, that “small” win may be big for someone. without fear of judgement, fiercely celebrate all your wins. I know I am.

Talking myself out of using behaviors during the holiday season like:

500 followers?!?!? Oh god ok here we go…

I am not pro shit!

I am surprised by how many people are following me and I just hope everyone here sees me as relatable and just trying to cope. To all of my followers I’m so sorry for the shit we gotta go through but I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YALL! If yall wanna dm and rant about binging hella ya I’ll rant with you! If u wanna tell me your thinking/going through recovery TELL ME!! I’ll hype you the fuck up!! I am not here to promote ed shit but I am here to make sure no one goes through it alone.


2014 Summer Series: Episode TWO

Hosted & Produced by Caroline Rothstein

Filmed & Edited by Kieran Najita 


Founded in 2008, “Body Empowerment” is hosted and produced by NYC-based writer, performer, body empowerment advocate, and educator Caroline Rothstein. In an effort to promote eating disorder awareness, prevention, and recovery, as well as promote positive body image worldwide, Caroline shares her own recovery stories - both the challenges and triumphs - as well as the ways in which we can empower our bodies and selves on emotional and mental levels. 

New episodes of the 2014 summer series air every Tuesday through August 2014. 

Caroline welcomes and encourages viewer comments, questions, and video topic requests.

Spread the word - we all deserve a lifetime of empowerment!





For all booking inquires, please contact: [email protected]

All rights reserved by Caroline Rothstein, 2014.


2014 Summer Series: Episode ONE

Hosted & Produced by Caroline Rothstein

Filmed & Edited by Kieran Najita 


Founded in 2008, “Body Empowerment” is hosted and produced by NYC-based writer, performer, body empowerment advocate, and educator Caroline Rothstein. In an effort to promote eating disorder awareness, prevention, and recovery, as well as promote positive body image worldwide, Caroline shares her own recovery stories - both the challenges and triumphs - as well as the ways in which we can empower our bodies and selves on emotional and mental levels. 

New episodes of the 2014 summer series air every Tuesday through August 2014. 

Caroline welcomes and encourages viewer comments, questions, and video topic requests.

Spread the word - we all deserve a lifetime of empowerment!





For all booking inquires, please contact: [email protected]

All rights reserved by Caroline Rothstein, 2014.

✨REPEAT AFTER ME: I am enough. I am good enough. I am beautiful. I am loved. I deserve to feel happi

I am enough.
I am good enough.
I am beautiful.
I am loved.
I deserve to feel happiness.
I accept myself as I am.
I am worthy of nourishing my body with the food it needs and deserves.
I deserve to rest when I need to.
I am capable of achieving my dreams.
I will treat myself like my own best friend.
I am perfectly imperfect.

IG: @naturally_nina_

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Is there such thing as TOO HEALTHY?? My answer is yes. No matter how ‘healthy’ your diet is, if you

Is there such thing as TOO HEALTHY?? My answer is yes.
No matter how ‘healthy’ your diet is, if you have a toxic relationship with food, one that controls you, consumes you, slowly destroys you, then that’s not healthy.
If eating healthy compromises your ability to:
Listen to your body
Eat the foods you love most + enjoy them too
Give your body all the nutrients and energy it needs
Recover from exercise
Feel at peace with yourself
Enjoy some less healthy foods occasionally, such as going out for icecream with friends
Go out to eat and eat food you haven’t prepared yourself
ENJOY LIFE and not worry about food all the time
Then that’s not healthy.
I struggled with orthorexia for years and years of my life and refused to admit it because I was ‘just trying the be my healthiest’.
TRUE HEALTH includes balance. Harmony between the body, mind and soul. And if to overcome your food fears + maintain a healthy relationship with food you need to eat a square of chocolate after dinner or go out to eat once a week, then THAT IS HEALTHY for you.
Because in the end, we only have one life. Finding balance between a healthy body, mind and soul so you feel your best but also feel freedom + peace with food and your body, is so much more important than having the textbook ‘perfect’ diet (which doesn’t exist anyway, trust me)✌❤️

IG: @naturally_nina_
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REAL TALK: I wasn’t going to post this. To be honest, I still feel very self conscious and unsure ab

REAL TALK: I wasn’t going to post this. To be honest, I still feel very self conscious and unsure about so many people seeing these photos…but this week is National Eating Disorders Awareness week, and if I can help even just one person, it’s a million times worth it❤️
I wouldn’t wish an eating disorder upon my worst enemy. It doesn’t just destroy the body, but it consumes the soul, leading you to wither away to nothingness. Losing all control over your life, your health, your mind.
Eating disorders make you lie, isolate yourself, break things, act irrationally and obsessively, hurt the people you love, hurt yourself.
It took me almost a decade of suffering to speak up about what i was going through, and even longer to truely admit I had a problem with food.
Admitting I had a problem was one of the hardest things I could possibly imagine. But it is nothing to be ashamed of. We are never ashamed of having a cut or a broken leg, so why should having a broken mind be any different?
If you are reading this, THIS IS A SIGN. Take that jump. Take a leap of faith. Reach out for help and accept all the help you can get. Recovery is painfully hard, tiring, scary, but I can tell you with all my heart, it’s so worth the fight
You don’t have to do this alone, and no matter how impossible it may seem right now, I can promise you with all my heart: if I can, you can too✨

IG: @naturally_nina_

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