
“Do you really want to be happy? You can begin by being appreciative of who you are and what you&rsq

“Do you really want to be happy? You can begin by being appreciative of who you are and what you’ve got.”

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“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”

“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”

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“Do you really want to be happy? You can begin by being appreciative of who you are and what you&rsq

“Do you really want to be happy? You can begin by being appreciative of who you are and what you’ve got.

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Царь Гесар из Линга, владыка драла и верма.

Царь Гесар из Линга, владыка драла и верма.

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Kek Lok Si - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si - Penang, Malaysia

Kek Lok Si - Penang, Malaysia

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Kek Lok Si Temple - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si Temple - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si Temple - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si Temple - Penang, MalaysiaKek Lok Si Temple - Penang, Malaysia

Kek Lok Si Temple - Penang, Malaysia

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Everybody loves the sunshine. #TakuyaKuroda #MusicLovers Si alguna vez te vuelves loco: Artificial,

Everybody loves the sunshine. #TakuyaKuroda #MusicLovers

Si alguna vez te vuelves loco:
Artificial, débil o vano.
Cuelga gotas de rocío de tu sirena
Olvida tu computadora
La noble verdad llegará a ti
Puedes poner tu vida en orden
Si alguna vez desarrolla verrugas
O tener pensamientos antisociales
Si tu cara está llena de líneas
Un desastre con mentes sin explotar
Puedes poner tu vida en orden
Cuando tu cerebro necesita polifilia
Consígueme ese asesino humano
Y nos iremos lejos
Al matadero del tío

Si alguna vez pierdes el fusible
Ese es el pequeño cantando el blues
En sus zapatos ortopédicos
Si tu cuerpo es débil y tu mente está equivocada
Si has olvidado las palabras de tu canción favorita
Puedes poner tu vida en orden
Si no puedes distinguir el trasero del codo
La basura del cementerio
No puedo distinguir un pingüino de un violonchelo
Puedes poner tu vida en orden
Cuando tu cerebro necesita a Platón
Consígueme ese asesino humano
Y vamos a ir más allá
Al matadero de mi tío
Consígueme ese asesino humano
Y nos iremos lejos
Al matadero del tío

#japan #escritos #music #musica #japon #iphone #newyork #newyorkcity #rockefellercenter #message #mantra #vida #life #actos #libertad #liberty #freedom #greek #philosophy #Platon #wisdoms #peace #buddism
(at Rockefeller Center New York)

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This picture has the weirdest set of tags because I drew it as a sort of Terminator fanart and I use

This picture has the weirdest set of tags because I drew it as a sort of Terminator fanart and I used a photo of a temple in Chiang Mai as a reference.

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炎と不動明王Acala with Karura’s Fire明王様、火気は厳禁ですよA sign saying “no fires”


Acala with Karura’s Fire



A sign saying “no fires”

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Buddhist psychology teaches that these are all ways you cause yourself suffering:

1. Wanting to control everything (and everyone) around you and thinking that it’s possible to do so. When you relinquish the illusion of control, you ease your suffering.

2. Wishing that things and circumstances were the way you want them to be, rather than allowing them to be just as they are in reality. This kind of struggling and resisting hurts your mind, spirit and body.

3. Clinging to anything. You might be clinging to good things, wanting them to never change. You might be clinging to people, wanting them to never leave you. Or you might be clinging on to your ideas of how things should be. Clinging causes suffering.

4. Wishing that the past had been different than it was. You cannot change or undo an event that has already occurred, and the time you spend ruminating and longing for a different reality is painful.

5. Wishing that others were the way you want them to be, rather than allowing them to be exactly as they are. It’s a terrible burden to go through life wanting others to think, believe, act and speak the way you want them to. This desire often causes others to suffer too.

6. Not accepting yourself exactly as you are in any given moment. It’s OK to want to evolve and grow, but you can’t bring about true, lasting change unless you first learn to love and accept yourself just as you are.

~ Beth

Let everything happen to you,

Beauty and terror.

Just keep going,

No feeling is final.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Deja que todo te suceda,

Belleza y terror.

Solo continúa,

Ningún sentimiento es definitivo.
