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Pijat panggilan Bandung 24 Jam Buka Layanan Online | Service Spa Massage Ke Hotel / Apartemen / Penginapan Rumah / Wisma / Kos-Kosan | Tarif Harga Tukang / Jasa Terapis Murah Mulai Rp 250.000 – Rp 300.000 | Durasi 1 Jam – 2 Jam PLUS By Request Lama Pemijatan | Pilihan Terapis Wanita / Pria / Pasangan Suami Istri ( Pasutri ) / Tunanetra | Menu Capek Sensual Vitalitas Tradisional Refleksi Capek Lelah Full Boddy Lulur Kerokan/Kerik Scrub | Area Wilayah Pasteur Kota Bandung Barat / Selatan ++ Cimahi Buah Batu Pasteur | Hubungi Kontak 082320052929 Watshap


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A video by Arika Okrent pointing out that one generation’s despised jargon is another generation’s unremarkable vocabulary. Old-timey peevers look ridiculous! (Psst, so do modern-day ones.)

Try not to twitch!

#linguistics    #language    #english    #history    #speaking    #business    #dictionary    #writing    

So far, as a guy, I’ve never tried having a morning routine as I thought it was for girls and people who cared too much about themselves. YEAH, I KNOW, SLAP ME! But reading into how beneficial it can be for you and that time alone is essential to keep growing, I said to myself that I was gonna go deep into it this summer.

So I did. And I’m working on it. Here’s my morning routine.

  • Wake up at 03.30. Waking up so early in the damn morning might be a nightmare for most of you. By no means am I telling you to do it. I don’t want you falling asleep in public, okay? I usually wake up at 05.00 to help my parents at the bakery and figured if I really wanted to do this right, I would have to wake up even earlier. It’s been 2 weeks and it’s been going great so far. If I want to wake up so early, I also have to sleep early. Somehow, I’m fixing my 18 years of fucked up schedule
  • Workout. The first thing that I do after washing my face and brushing my teeth is working out. I usually do a 45-minute workout. After the first 5 minutes, all sleep I first had is gone. I’ve also noticed I’ve been sleeping deeper and am not doing many mistakes at work.
  • Review my day. The night before I usually adjust my to-do list for the day. So what I like doing is reviewing the list again and prepare myself mentally for the tasks I need to get done.
  • Read a motivational article. Flipboard and Pinterest are great apps to find motivational articles. I usually make a board specifically for this end. I have many interests and, as an imperfect human, I can’t perform 100% on all of them. So when I feel like I am not performing very well in one area, I like to read an article to get my motivation up. For example, if I see that I’m not eating well, I would read an article about veganism/ vegetarian and why it’s important and how it has helped others. Being vegan/ vegetarian doesn’t mean you are automatically healthy Or when I know I’m not paying enough attention to my studies, I would read an article about how to study smarter. Also, if you are working on a specific goal, having your own list of reasons to get you motivated is a super plus!!!
  • Shower and dress up! I’ve noticed that showering and changing into actual clothes, no pajamas, no gym shorts, no baggy sweatpants, actually helps me to start my day right. Even if I’m gonna stay at home I’m more likely to be productive because I feel ready to work, the day is right in front of me and I’m going to make the most out of it.

Are you considering your own morning routine? Well, here are some steps you can take that have helped me so far:

  • What do you want to accomplish with the morning routine? This can help you figure out what you are willing to do as a routine. Do you wanna workout? Have a set mind? Read a bit for yourself? Study? Write? Maybe you just wanna take care of yourself and pamper yourself with love by drinking a nice cuppa, watching the sunrise, taking care of your skin.
  • References. There are a bunch of articles and videos on YouTube about morning routines. Maybe even your favorite youtuber or blogger already have one. Go over it and give it a try. You don’t have to follow everything if you think it’s not going to work for you. The best thing? You can always mix routines! Have fun figuring it out.
  • Have a night routine too. Waking up in the morning is difficult for most of us. So having a night routine can be very helpful as it prepares our nights on what’s to come the next day. With this one, you can also look for inspiration in articles and videos.

I see there aren’t many business-related studyblrs, am I the only one out there? Let me know if you have recs or are one!

WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins: We appreciate how inconvenient it might be to have our websites unavailable. And hacked in the past. To understand how to repair your malware-infected WordPress website, follow our step-by-step The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide.

Engage a security specialist to remove malware on your behalf.  The easiest option to remove malware from your website is to hire a website security specialist. Delegating website cleanup to a professional, you have the peace of mind that you will not be confronted with technological issues that you are unfamiliar with.

Is your WordPress website malware-infected?  

There are numerous tactics and tips you can use to harden the security of your WordPress installation.

The next step is to implement a checking and monitoring system that tracks every activity on your website following backups. This includes file integrity monitoring, failed login attempts, and virus checks, among other things. Fortunately, all of this is possible using the most amazing free WordPress security plugin available, Sucuri Scanner. You must first download and install the free Sucuri security plugin. For additional information, see our step-by-step guide to WordPress plugin installation.

Hackers adore scanning WordPress. With millions of out-of-date installations, it’s the equivalent of bullying a small child at school. It’s simple and even enjoyable for some. Even if you maintain an up-to-date website, you may be shocked at the amount of information that can be pulled from a WordPress website. Information gathering is a critical phase in any intelligent attack. Earlier this year, the hacker who compromised a key government security contractor released a do-it-yourself hacking tutorial. Numerous phases detail the usage of numerous tools to gather data on the target.


Why Website Security is Important?

WordPress security issues on web servers are typically caused by two issues: unpatched software and exploitation of default settings. It is critical to identify security misconfiguration risks and vulnerabilities such as the following:
Web application upgrades that have been missed
Incorrect permissions on a file or directory
Numerous websites that use the same PHP process
Passwords that are not secure.

An out-of-date plugin is a frequent source of website performance issues and an entry point for hackers and harmful programs. As such, another critical safeguard is to keep your WordPress up to date. This section contains all of the core WordPress files, extensions, and themes that are adjusted for a reason and include vital security upgrades and bug fixes.

Defender security is a well-acclaimed security plugin for WordPress developed by wpmudev. The plugin safeguards your website in various ways, including by avoiding brute force assaults, SQL injections, cross-site scripting attacks, or XSS. The plugin takes care of everything necessary to harden your website’s security, allowing you to concentrate on more important matters, such as your business.

Yes, those bothersome messages reminding you to update your website to the latest version of WordPress are critical for security.  If you continue to use a version of WordPress from a previous version, hackers can use known security flaws to get access to your website. The remedy is straightforward: pay attention to notification messages and update your WordPress installation within a week after the release (but sooner would be even better). Unfortunately, no service updates WordPress for you due to the risk of causing damage to your website.

wordpress security best practices

The Role of WordPress Hosting

Your WordPress hosting provider is critical to the security of your WordPress website. A reputable shared hosting provider, such as Bluehost or Siteground, takes further precautions to safeguard its servers from typical attacks. This is how a reputable web hosting service protects your websites and data in the background. They check their network for suspicious behavior constantly.

This is one of the most critical WordPress security recommendations to follow to safeguard your business. A secure web hosting environment is critical for the security of your website. A reputable host protects your website with numerous layers of security and monitors it 24 hours a day for malware and assaults. The majority of newcomers make their first error by purchasing cheap hosting. They would rather have inexpensive hosting than excellent hosting. Essentially, cheap hosting lacks adequate security features and performance. In this manner, hackers may easily target and hijack your website.

Certain information pieces are “need to know,” and the same criteria apply in the case of security access. For instance, when creating WordPress user accounts, you can assign users who are not real administrators roles such as “editor”, “author”, or “contributor”.

The security of your WordPress site is contingent upon several factors, one of which is your web hosting provider. Indeed, your hosting provider is the most critical component of your website’s security and protection. As a result, you must work with an exceptional shared hosting company. We go above and above on a daily razor to ensure that our hosting infrastructure is secure and available when you need it.


WordPress Security in Easy Steps (No Coding)

If you’re following all of the advice we’ve given thus far, you’re in reasonably excellent shape. However, as is typically the case, there is additional work you can do to harden your WordPress security. Several of these processes may necessitate the use of programming expertise.

Numerous automated services exist to assist in identifying code bugs. To mention a few, there is Exakat, SonarSource, and phpstan, as well as a personal favorite of mine, coderisk.com, which provides an easy way to identify some of the most prominent security flaws in your code. This company analyses the public WordPress.org repository for all WordPress plugins. Their program can scan and identify hundreds of distinct sorts of security vulnerabilities based on various coding standards.

Hackers adore scanning WordPress. With millions of out-of-date installations, it’s the equivalent of bullying a small child at school. It’s simple and, for some, even enjoyable. Information gathering is a critical phase in any intelligent attack. Earlier this year, the hacker who compromised a key government security contractor released a do-it-yourself hacking tutorial. Numerous steps detail the use of numerous tools to gather information on the target.

Nowadays, a website is a necessary component of any organization. You must be present online, as this is where your customers are. When it comes to website hosting, there is no doubt that the most popular platform is WordPress. It’s simple to use, and you don’t need to be familiar with complex coding or changeable themes. WordPress users can enhance their experience even further by practicing proper online hygiene. You must safeguard your personal information. While you’re working on your website, there’s a chance you’ll enter the information you shouldn’t.

Install a WordPress Backup Solution – WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

If you continue to use out-of-date versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes, you expose yourself to significant security risks. Version updates frequently include fixes for code security issues. As a result, it is critical always to utilize the most recent version of any plugins or software installed on your WordPress website. As a result, you should establish a habit of backing up your data each time you log in and then running any available updates. Most users find updating their website a chore and postpone it, which puts their website at risk.

Codeguard is not often associated with security plugins, however, it is a WordPress website backup solution that is automated (with a built-in feature for easy restoration). However, it has a monitoring feature that monitors daily changes to your website and notifies you promptly if malware or other signals of criminal activity are detected. Similar backup solution providers, such as vault press or managewp’s easy administration dashboard, offer similar daily activity and virus scan monitoring services. WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

WordPress Database

The WordPress database is clean and well-organized upon initial installation. As a website develops in size, it gets increasingly unmanageable and can harm its performance. This is because the WordPress database holds all of your posts, pages, comments, categories, users, tags, custom fields, and other WordPress configuration information. It would be beneficial to clear up your database prior to it becoming unmanageable. WordPress database plugins include wp-optimize, wp-dbmanager, and wp database backup. Install and configure them to maximize the performance of your database.

Cleaning up a WordPress website may be highly time-consuming and complicated but very important to help keep out hackers. Our initial recommendation would be to consult a specialist. It is important to prevent hackers from installing trojans and backdoors to your website.  More on WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

Move Your WordPress Site to SSL/HTTPS – WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

Update: The Azure marketplace listing for the scalable WordPress template has been removed. WordPress is a lightweight content management system (CMS) that enables you to construct dynamic websites in a matter of minutes.  Each cloud hosting platform has its own set of best practices for maximizing platform performance. If you’re operating your WordPress site on a Lamp or Wamp stack and wondering how to transfer it quickly to Azure websites and take advantage of all the cloud has to offer, including auto-scaling, load balancing, and self-healing, then this article is for you.

Importance Of A Vulnerability Scanner – WordPress Security Best Practices

The vulnerability scanner included with the plugin is effectively obsolete and no longer functional. This is not because we become sluggish and ceased updating it. That is because the lovely individuals who created the original data chose to remove it – they disapproved of us using it for you. This is an odd contrast to their stated objective of safeguarding WordPress sites.

It’s pretty simple to do these online scans: enter your website’s URLs, and their crawlers will search your site for known viruses and harmful code. The majority of WordPress security scanners are site-specific. This brings us to the following section, which describes how to clean malware from compromised WordPress sites.

200,000+ active installations

Additionally, the plugin features a robust firewall that stops known malware from exploiting known weaknesses in plugins. This plugin’s free version has the following features:

Scan for malware – manually scan for, detect, and eliminate backdoor scripts, database injections, and other security concerns.

The Article WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins was found on

This post WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins first appeared on
Walrus Video

How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?  Links from an SEO directory is no longer sufficient for ranking well with Google. Publishing engaging guest posts on relevant websites that link back to your website will go further than submitting to directories.

Some of the popular directories that have been around for a number of years are:

Small Business Search – Learn How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Why do these specific directories receive so much traffic?  They are the ones to whom the vast majority of webmasters submit their websites to. The majority of webmasters are submitting to these directories, and the SEO community frequently adopts this strategy,

This is still an effective method of generating traffic. Ranking with these directories is based on the quality and relevance of the content on the site.  The number of backlinks your site has is not as relevant as in the past.

Don’t forget to submit your website to directories as part of a bigger search engine optimization plan. You should be submitting to as many directories as possible. You should be judicious about the ones you choose to send your content to.

It’s also important to follow the guidelines that these directories use to determine whether or not your submission is appropriate. In order to achieve a high ranking, you must first develop a considerable number of links to your site.

How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Google Places

Google Places is one of the most user-friendly, which makes it an excellent place to advertise with Google AdWords. This means that it is an excellent method of obtaining a high position and even more search engine traffic.  Particularly for lengthier phrases that are not overly competitive with other keywords.

This is one of the more specialized directories  You can expect the majority of the traffic you receive to come from people who are seeking specific terms and phrases.  Most visitors to this site will be people who are specifically looking for the products you sell.

You should be submitting to Google Places on a regular basis, as well as to other directory sites.

These are the only directories where you have a better chance of a high ranking. How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

seo software

Obtaining a high rating on Google Places is a good indicator of obtaining a high ranking on Google in general.

Paid advertisements are the most cost-effective method of driving visitors to your website. If you are ready to pay per click, you can gain exposure for your website and increase its rankings.

Statistically speaking, people are more likely to visit a website that receives a high volume of traffic. It is also more likely to attract visitors who will eventually become customers.

In order to accomplish this, you must be cautious when it comes to submitting your website to directories. While doing so, however, you must also take steps to ensure that your name is listed in directories.

If you’re looking to improve search engine placement for specific terms? How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

By submitting to a large number of directories, you may increase your exposure, get listed, and attract visitors. However, you must ensure that you are visible to the search engines for those directories as well.

In order for search engines to find your site, it must be listed in as many directories as possible. The goal is to ensure that your site is visible to search engines and receives the appropriate amount of exposure. It is also the goal of search engines to have their results displayed to people. The more directories you submit, the more likely it is that your site will be displayed to users. The more the number of times your site is visited by users, the greater the likelihood that you will be visited by search engines as well. The goal of the submission procedure is also to get your website visited by search engine spiders.

One of the most popular things that people do on the Internet is checking out the backlinks that other sites have

A backlink is just a link to your website that is placed on another website by another webmaster. It can be placed anywhere on a page, in the footer of a page, or even incorporated within the website’s code. The backlink itself, the page it was on, and any other websites that have links to your website will all be displayed on a page that you will be brought to when you click on a backlink. Consequently, according to the search engines, “the greater the number of links you have, the better.”

Submissions to a large number of directories will increase your chances of receiving a link from one or more of those directories. Your very own footer on a highly trafficked website or a backlink on a page with only one or two pages could both be examples of this. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it contains a backlink.

As with every ranking factor, backlinks play a vital role in the search engine optimization process. As a result, you can submit to a large number of different directories, but keep in mind that backlinks are ranked depending on a number of different parameters. It takes anywhere from a few minutes to many hours to submit your site to thousands of other websites.

If you have lately accumulated a large number of backlinks, it is conceivable that you have been removed from the search engine’s list of directories to which you were sending your content.

It’s a lot more complex but essentially in 2021 the same principles still apply.  How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Quality Content:

The quality of the content you produce is of particular interest to Google. In an ideal environment, your material would be authoritative and relevant to the keywords for which you are attempting to rank; however, directories are now being used to accomplish this goal as well. Getting your website or blog included in directories is still significant, but their authority has been diminished slightly as a result of the fact that they are not as frequently used for SEO purposes. Is the content on your website of the highest possible quality?

The greater the popularity of your material, the greater the authority you have, and the greater the popularity of your content, the greater the number of links you will receive.  The very first step is to look for duplicate material on the website. Google will pick up on duplicate content, so you must examine each and every page. You must also ensure that you only have authoritative content on your website. It is simple to write content, but you must ensure that it is authoritative and has authority. The more you ensure that your content is authoritative and has authority, the faster and easier it will be to get results.


You must conduct thorough research into the directories to which you intend to submit your work. How do you tell which directories are the most relevant when there are millions of them available online? Before you decide to submit, conduct thorough research. Check the directory comments to see if anyone else has previously submitted, examine the category to see if there is anything similar to your site, and so on.


Link popularity and authority are gained through links. The more authoritative a link is, the more authority the site to which it is linked will have. As the site links to your site, the links become more significant.

The link is by far the most important part of SEO, the more authority you have the higher your page rank will be

As you build your link profile, you will receive additional links in return. The greater the number of connections a site receives to your site, the more authority the site will have, and the greater the number of links you receive, the more authority you will have, and the more noticeable you will become.

Connect building is the most important factor in establishing authority; the more links you receive, the more authority you will have; the more sites that link to your site, the more visible you will be in the search engine results.

Targeted links – How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Try to target sites that are unique to your sites, such as those that are specific to your product, your location, or a particular style.

As a general rule, the more links a site has to your site, the better. This does not apply to every site, but it does apply to the vast majority of them.

Targeted links can make a significant difference in your search engine rankings, so narrow your attention to a certain area, target specific products, and include targeted anchors in your links.

Although targeted anchor text might help you rank higher in the search results, it should be relevant to your site and, preferably, include the keyphrase or niche you are targeting.

Internal Linking

Within your own website, inbound links are links that point to another page on your website; the better the quality of these links, the higher your page rank will be; it is important to keep your inbound links relevant to your site and to include the keyphrase or niche phrase that describes what your site is about; the better the quality of your inbound links, the higher your site will rank.

Are directories good for SEO?

Search engines are moving away from the assumption that directories such as Yahoo or DMOZ are indexing sites, and they are gaining a strong negative connotation among webmasters as a result of this shift in thinking.

How do I submit my website to a free directory?

You can submit your website to a free directory by filling out their online submission form or calling the phone number listed on the directory’s home page, which is available on their website. The offline directory submission technique is also available for those who wish to participate.

If you would like to submit your site into web directory on very old, good domains (from 2006) here is a shortlist you can use:








These directories are from 2006

The Article Are Directory Submissions Still Important in 2021? was found on

This post How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021? first appeared on
Walrus Video

Whoever said wisdom comes with age hasn’t met these kids.Smart kids’ life advice>>

Whoever said wisdom comes with age hasn’t met these kids.

Smart kids’ life advice>>

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090320 | Business law notes! Although it’s the second week of online classes and it’s slowly getting harder to stay motivated since I’m constantly home. How are you guys keeping yourselves motivated?

How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?  Links from an SEO directory is no longer sufficient for ranking well with Google. Publishing engaging guest posts on relevant websites that link back to your website will go further than submitting to directories.

Some of the popular directories that have been around for a number of years are:

Small Business Search – Learn How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Why do these specific directories receive so much traffic?  They are the ones to whom the vast majority of webmasters submit their websites to. The majority of webmasters are submitting to these directories, and the SEO community frequently adopts this strategy,

This is still an effective method of generating traffic. Ranking with these directories is based on the quality and relevance of the content on the site.  The number of backlinks your site has is not as relevant as in the past.

Don’t forget to submit your website to directories as part of a bigger search engine optimization plan. You should be submitting to as many directories as possible. You should be judicious about the ones you choose to send your content to.

It’s also important to follow the guidelines that these directories use to determine whether or not your submission is appropriate. In order to achieve a high ranking, you must first develop a considerable number of links to your site.

How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Google Places

Google Places is one of the most user-friendly, which makes it an excellent place to advertise with Google AdWords. This means that it is an excellent method of obtaining a high position and even more search engine traffic.  Particularly for lengthier phrases that are not overly competitive with other keywords.

This is one of the more specialized directories  You can expect the majority of the traffic you receive to come from people who are seeking specific terms and phrases.  Most visitors to this site will be people who are specifically looking for the products you sell.

You should be submitting to Google Places on a regular basis, as well as to other directory sites.

These are the only directories where you have a better chance of a high ranking. How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

seo software

Obtaining a high rating on Google Places is a good indicator of obtaining a high ranking on Google in general.

Paid advertisements are the most cost-effective method of driving visitors to your website. If you are ready to pay per click, you can gain exposure for your website and increase its rankings.

Statistically speaking, people are more likely to visit a website that receives a high volume of traffic. It is also more likely to attract visitors who will eventually become customers.

In order to accomplish this, you must be cautious when it comes to submitting your website to directories. While doing so, however, you must also take steps to ensure that your name is listed in directories.

If you’re looking to improve search engine placement for specific terms? How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

By submitting to a large number of directories, you may increase your exposure, get listed, and attract visitors. However, you must ensure that you are visible to the search engines for those directories as well.

In order for search engines to find your site, it must be listed in as many directories as possible. The goal is to ensure that your site is visible to search engines and receives the appropriate amount of exposure. It is also the goal of search engines to have their results displayed to people. The more directories you submit, the more likely it is that your site will be displayed to users. The more the number of times your site is visited by users, the greater the likelihood that you will be visited by search engines as well. The goal of the submission procedure is also to get your website visited by search engine spiders.

One of the most popular things that people do on the Internet is checking out the backlinks that other sites have

A backlink is just a link to your website that is placed on another website by another webmaster. It can be placed anywhere on a page, in the footer of a page, or even incorporated within the website’s code. The backlink itself, the page it was on, and any other websites that have links to your website will all be displayed on a page that you will be brought to when you click on a backlink. Consequently, according to the search engines, “the greater the number of links you have, the better.”

Submissions to a large number of directories will increase your chances of receiving a link from one or more of those directories. Your very own footer on a highly trafficked website or a backlink on a page with only one or two pages could both be examples of this. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it contains a backlink.

As with every ranking factor, backlinks play a vital role in the search engine optimization process. As a result, you can submit to a large number of different directories, but keep in mind that backlinks are ranked depending on a number of different parameters. It takes anywhere from a few minutes to many hours to submit your site to thousands of other websites.

If you have lately accumulated a large number of backlinks, it is conceivable that you have been removed from the search engine’s list of directories to which you were sending your content.

It’s a lot more complex but essentially in 2021 the same principles still apply.  How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Quality Content:

The quality of the content you produce is of particular interest to Google. In an ideal environment, your material would be authoritative and relevant to the keywords for which you are attempting to rank; however, directories are now being used to accomplish this goal as well. Getting your website or blog included in directories is still significant, but their authority has been diminished slightly as a result of the fact that they are not as frequently used for SEO purposes. Is the content on your website of the highest possible quality?

The greater the popularity of your material, the greater the authority you have, and the greater the popularity of your content, the greater the number of links you will receive.  The very first step is to look for duplicate material on the website. Google will pick up on duplicate content, so you must examine each and every page. You must also ensure that you only have authoritative content on your website. It is simple to write content, but you must ensure that it is authoritative and has authority. The more you ensure that your content is authoritative and has authority, the faster and easier it will be to get results.


You must conduct thorough research into the directories to which you intend to submit your work. How do you tell which directories are the most relevant when there are millions of them available online? Before you decide to submit, conduct thorough research. Check the directory comments to see if anyone else has previously submitted, examine the category to see if there is anything similar to your site, and so on.


Link popularity and authority are gained through links. The more authoritative a link is, the more authority the site to which it is linked will have. As the site links to your site, the links become more significant.

The link is by far the most important part of SEO, the more authority you have the higher your page rank will be

As you build your link profile, you will receive additional links in return. The greater the number of connections a site receives to your site, the more authority the site will have, and the greater the number of links you receive, the more authority you will have, and the more noticeable you will become.

Connect building is the most important factor in establishing authority; the more links you receive, the more authority you will have; the more sites that link to your site, the more visible you will be in the search engine results.

Targeted links – How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021?

Try to target sites that are unique to your sites, such as those that are specific to your product, your location, or a particular style.

As a general rule, the more links a site has to your site, the better. This does not apply to every site, but it does apply to the vast majority of them.

Targeted links can make a significant difference in your search engine rankings, so narrow your attention to a certain area, target specific products, and include targeted anchors in your links.

Although targeted anchor text might help you rank higher in the search results, it should be relevant to your site and, preferably, include the keyphrase or niche you are targeting.

Internal Linking

Within your own website, inbound links are links that point to another page on your website; the better the quality of these links, the higher your page rank will be; it is important to keep your inbound links relevant to your site and to include the keyphrase or niche phrase that describes what your site is about; the better the quality of your inbound links, the higher your site will rank.

Are directories good for SEO?

Search engines are moving away from the assumption that directories such as Yahoo or DMOZ are indexing sites, and they are gaining a strong negative connotation among webmasters as a result of this shift in thinking.

How do I submit my website to a free directory?

You can submit your website to a free directory by filling out their online submission form or calling the phone number listed on the directory’s home page, which is available on their website. The offline directory submission technique is also available for those who wish to participate.

If you would like to submit your site into web directory on very old, good domains (from 2006) here is a shortlist you can use:








These directories are from 2006

The Article Are Directory Submissions Still Important in 2021? was found on

This post How Do I Submit My Website To A Free Directory in 2021? first appeared on
Walrus Video

How To Hire The Right Georgetown Texas SEO Services Company

How To Hire The Best  SEO Services AgencyinGeorgetown Texas is a matter of choosing which SEO service will do the best job for the price.   Isn’t there a lot of talk about search engine optimization these days? However, what exactly does search engine optimization entail?

SEO services enable your business to achieve a high position in search engines, increasing the likelihood that your consumers will find you and do business with you. This includes a variety of additional services such as social media management, press releases, and, most importantly, optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) presence. Additionally, these services may include video marketing, content creation, testimonials, and graphic design.

You want an SEO company that understands how all of these pieces fit together, who your target audience is, and how to positively influence your local Georgetown Texas business.

Link Building Services For Georgetown Tx Businesses

Link building is another SEO service that Georgetown businesses may benefit from. Are you asking How To Hire The Best SEO Services Agency?  The answer is which company has a great track record or link building and ranking websites, especially, local websites. We love sharing content with other publishers and the result is beautiful backlinks to your website.

Georgetown TX SEO Services

3 Paths To Find Your Business Website – SEO Services Agency Tips

Discovering website content by organic search results

Natural search engine results are displayed on pages (SERPs). This occurs when someone conducts a search on for a term such as Georgetown Texas SEO Services and chooses from the results.  The top 3 search results get the most clicks.

To begin, it is vital to understand that users can access your website via only four distinct paths. To begin, customers can access your website by typing the address into their browser’s address bar. However, as business owners, we are aware that not everyone does.

Be found by way of discussions of your business on other websites

Your business may be discovered through a link in an article, a news release, a banner ad, a pay-per-click ad, a Facebook post or ad, or anywhere else. Establishing these links from other websites in bulk can take years and a great deal of effort.

Sponsored Advertisements can help people find your business

Paying for visitors with sponsored advertisements and banners such as Google AdWords or Facebook ads (PPC marketing). Carefully plan your advertising strategy so you don’t burn up funds unnecessarily.

What are Best SEO Practices and Techniques?

If I was searching “How To Hire The Best SEO Services Agency” I would want to find an SEO Agency that understands the current best practices to optimize a website.  Than make sure relevant content is served to people searching keywords they want to find content for.

SEO is a technique that focuses on the final approach of gaining visitors. Search engine optimization refers to the process of doing everything possible to appear on the first page of search results.  Preferably in the top three positions.

And how did this come to be the case? Mostly due to the fact that it is free. That instance, if you pay for adverts to increase traffic to your website, whether through Google AdWords or Facebook, it will cost you money, correct?

We’ve already shown that advertising on other platforms such as radio or television CAN bring traffic to your website.  However, these methods are not free.  And, as we all know, waiting for people to tell their friends and for their friends to remember and visit your site takes time.

FREE Organic Search Results Will Save Advertising Dollars

As a result, search engine optimization is a completely free approach to increasing website traffic, obtaining new customers, and closing sales.

After you’ve established your internet presence, you should start focusing on digital marketing. The most effective method is search engine optimization (SEO). The objective is to establish yourself as a trustworthy supplier and to accumulate a significant number of favorable reviews. By including keywords, clever phrases, and links into your website’s content, you can increase traffic and sales.

SEO services in Georgetown Texas may include blogging, website redesign, and on-page and off-page optimization. Increasing your local citations and asking for client feedback will surely be necessary.

If you provide SEO and business website development services to clients, you should have a process for seeking and following up on client assessments. Customer service has an effect on your business in this regard. An integrated marketing strategy is in place to follow up on these reviews.

Request A Complimentary SEO Services Agency Consultation.

If you live in Georgetown and are looking for SEO services, it is highly recommended that you visit with a representative from the agency in person for a complimentary consultation. The reality is that the majority of people are unfamiliar with the notion of SEO. Some may argue that the more backlinks your website obtains, the higher its rating will be. That is partially right, but not totally correct.

Effectively utilizing search engines is the most efficient approach for attracting traffic. When a searcher enters a phrase or keyword, search engines such as Google,Yahoo,BingorDuck Duck Go direct the searcher to your company website.

If the keyword is associated with your website, the search engine will direct the user there. The importance of improving search engine optimization has been recognized throughout time and is now considered a critical component of any digital marketing strategy.

Some suggestions for enhancing your SEO efforts 

Georgetown TX SEO services may also advise you to leverage local Georgetown information and how your business serves the community to help your site rank higher. Look for opportunities to participate in local events and promote them on social media.

You can learn even more about SEO right here – https://walrusvideo.com/what-is-seo-on-wordpress-wordpress-seo-plugins-explained

Make Sure To Use Image Tags – Another Big SEO Services Agency Tip

These tags describe the details of your image and assist Google image search in indexing your content photos. This also improves your search engine rankings. Even if the proper use of all of these SEO strategies does not help you stay far ahead of your competitors, there could be a number of other reasons for your decreased exposure.

How keyword-rich content relates to SEO for your company

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Have you ever wanted to know what SEO is but were too afraid to ask? SEO is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Optimization.” It is an umbrella term for all of the tactics you might employ to ensure that your website appears on the various search engine results pages (SERPs).

Search engine optimization is a lot of work that requires some knowledge of the Internet. Although SEO is a great way to get your website noticed and attract more customers and potential customers, it does take time and effort. First, read through a few blogs or comparable sources. Participate in a webinar. Inquire with other entrepreneurs and affiliates about their approaches to this crucial strategy.

Is it even worthwhile? Yes. To obtain an idea of how much a keyword is worth, use Google’s Term Planner to check what people are paying for AdWords adverts. Sure, some words are only a few cents per click, but others might cost up to $20. And why is this the case? Because that is the value of traffic. Sales are the same as traffic. That is the gist of the expression “location, location, location.” The more people who view your advertisements, the more likely they are to buy (assuming it is the right offer for the right people).

An SEO Agency Should Not Forget The Importance Of Localized Keywords

You will not achieve high results unless you use targeted keywords to structure your content around. This is suggested by the word themselves as well. The more search phrases you rank for in the SERPS, the more eyeballs will be drawn to your website, and so on.

Of obviously, you want them to be relevant keywords, buyer keywords, and so on. But what exactly does it mean? But it’s a topic for another day, and it’s one of the things that a search engine optimization business can assist you with optimizing your website.

Developing a high-quality responsive website that is focused on local outreach is a great place to start. Analyzing your social media marketing and other online activity may give you suggestions for cost-effective solutions for your small company. Learn how to create a blog, how to leverage mobile devices, and what other low-cost tactics you can take to improve your online presence and search engine optimization.

Making it easier for customers to get in touch with you by including your phone number and contact information, for example, can improve their overall experience on your website. Spend some time considering the navigation you utilize on your website as a result of your research. You’d be shocked at how much of a difference it can make in some situations.

Businesses should invest in a content management system that is simple to maintain and update. When it comes to meta tags and linking, you want someone that specializes in SEO and other forms of marketing to take care of it.

Georgetown Texas SEO services may be exactly what you’re looking for to help your small business succeed.

The Article How To Hire The Best SEO Services Agency First Appeared on https://gqcentral.co.uk/hiring-a-georgetown-texas-seo-services-agency/

This post How To Hire The Best SEO Services Agency first appeared on
Walrus Video

Best Identity Theft Protection 2021

Are you looking for the best identity theft protection in 2021 on the internet? You are never really alone. Every move you make is being monitored, and every detail of your personal life can be found by someone who wants it badly enough.

If that worries you, don’t worry – there are ways to protect yourself online! In this blog post, we’ll talk about 12 easy things you can do to secure your identity on the web and keep those pesky thieves at bay.

1. Use A Secure Browser For Online Identify Theft Protection

When you browse the internet without being monitored, your browser must have a security and privacy policy. Firefox or Brave are two great examples of browsers with these policies in place.

They both champion privacy and security; the only difference is that one of them offers ads in return for their service while the other doesn’t have any advertisements at all!

2. Use Strong Passwords

A strong password is made by mixing letters, numbers, and symbols. The stronger, the better!
Never use your name or a variation of it as a password; this includes nicknames, shortened versions (e.g., Rob for Robert), and family names with some additional characters thrown in on either end (e.g., three johnson#).

This makes you an easy target to guess passwords from social media profiles that are publically available.

Creating strong passwords should be the primary focus of protecting your online identity. When choosing a password, choose something that is not easily guessed.

Next, make sure to avoid using anything that would identify you. For example, do not use your name, address, phone number, or employer.

Finally, to protect yourself from online security breaches, create your password, a mix of letters and numbers with uppercase and lowercase. One way to help protect your identity online is never to share your password with anyone. Additionally, it might be necessary to change your passwords a few times each year.

3. Look for Encryption – Top Identify Theft Tip

If a site is not encrypted, it will be difficult for you to find the encryption information. Generally speaking, if your browser has an “s” in front of the URL in the bar at the top (i.e., s://), that means your connection is secure, and all data sent between browsers and servers are encrypted.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re safe from attackers or hackers on public Wi-Fi networks like coffee shops – just that third parties can’t easily access any data being transferred while you’re using them without their key or password.

The symbol lock at the left of your browser lets you know that you are on a secure website. These two security settings mean that the site owner will not see any of your information. This protects your name, phone number, address, and other sensitive information with a password-protected account.

4. Install Security Suites To Protect Your Identity

It’s best if you had a security suite to protect yourself. You might not be able to stop someone from stealing information and data if you don’t have one. In addition, you can block harmful software when you are online. This includes spyware, viruses, and phishing scams.

One of the popular security suites is Norton Antivirus. I know some other good ones, too, like McAfee Virus Protection, Ad-Aware Pro Security, and AVG Internet Security.

Our Recommendation For Best Identity Theft Protection 2021

IDSeal Guardian is your first line of defense against cyberthreats. It provides a 24/7 seal that defends you from threats to your device, identity, and confidentiality, as well as web browsing privacy concerns. With IDSeal Guardian’s VPN protection, antivirus solutions, and secure cloud backup features, all while keeping personal info safe with encryption. Feel confident knowing they’re not being traced or tracked on the internet by scammers who want nothing; more than access to it!  This is an excellent way to protect your personal information online.

Don’t forget to read up on this topic for more comprehensive information here

There are many security suites available for purchase; some will take time to install and configure. If you have a Windows PC, the first step is to update your antivirus software, including anti-malware protection. Most models come with an update service that will check every few hours or days, whether it was the last run.

Mac Computer

If you’re not sure whether these are necessary on a Mac computer, in particular, click on “About This Mac” from the Apple menu at the top left of the screen and use System Report under Software Update to access all current settings.

There’s also Maintenance: Perform Preventative Maintenance and Security Updates where updates can be installed manually – including Sophos Home Premium (free).

After updating your antivirus software, it’s time to update all other installed apps and programs. This includes any security updates available and those with general stability improvements or enhanced functionality since they were last updated.

The next step is for Mac users to install anti-malware protection on their computers through Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (free) but doesn’t provide the protection needed in real-time.

5. Turn on Web Browser Blacklisting for Identity Theft Protection

If you want to protect your identity, one of the first things that need to be done is turn on web browser blacklisting.

The main reason for the lack of online security is the use of unprotected internet browsers. Most web browsers include security features to protect your information and blacklist certain websites. To date, this feature allows you to set a list of criteria for the sites you wish to visit and filter out all sites that are not on the list.

6. Avoid Phishing Scams & Protect Your Identity

Phishing scams use many different methods to capture your personal information and steal your identity. For anyone interested in staying on top of current scams, it’s essential to keep up with the knowledge.

To avoid a phishing scam, never open emails or attachments from senders you don’t recognize and only click on secure links. Also, keep in mind that people often ask for personal information, money, or other such items when online. Avoid these requests as they may be a plot to obtain your identity.

7. Get Private Data Protection

An additional way to protect your information when you share it online is with private data protection. This type of security suite protects data in email, private messages on websites like Facebook or Twitter. Unfortunately, a wealth of confidential information can be found through hacking these platforms, and a security suite will alleviate those threats.

8. Password-Protect Your Wireless Router

When you give your wireless router a password, the internet connection on this device becomes more secure. However, having no password on your wireless network makes it easy for hackers to get unauthorized access.

For a hacker with experience committing cybercrimes, this could be their dream come true. One more way to make it more challenging for hackers to get your data is to install password encryption on the wireless router.

9. Hide Your Personal Information – Big Time Identity Protection Tip

The internet is a wondrous place, but it’s easy to make mistakes that leave you vulnerable. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for keeping yourself safe online. One way to minimize risk when browsing the web on your computer or mobile device is by configuring your web browser correctly.  This way information such as cookies cannot be shared without warning from one website accessed through another site in which they were stored.

To do this, To protect your privacy, you will need to set default settings in your browser and avoid revealing personal information.

10. Protect Your Credit Card Info Online

Another way to configure your browser is to allow cookies when required but not otherwise. For example, many websites store a small amount of information on your computer, like which sites you visit and what you do there.

Some of them are trustworthy, but many dishonest people also collect information about browsers that will accept their cookies. To limit the number of places where this can happen by only allowing cookies for sites that require it.

11. Enable Cookies on Your Web Browser When You need To

To protect your information, it’s crucial that you only allow cookies on certain pages. For example, if you’re logging into a site or entering an email address for the first time (e.g., while creating an account), then set those sites to enable “Always.” However, once they are logged in and their cookie is set, sites should disable “Always” and only will allow it when required.

With your home computer, you’re vulnerable to a whole range of threats, such as malware and viruses. One way malicious strangers get the information they shouldn’t is by using cookies. Of course, most cookies will be harmless, but only allow them when the website requires it.

12. Always verify domain names – One more protection Tip

To avoid becoming a victim to one of the most common phishing strategies, always verify domain names before entering any personal data.

One way scammers will try and steal your password is by replicating the website you trust on a similar domain name with just one letter different from what it should be.  For example, if you click an email link that directs you to your online bank’s site but has a slightly different address. For instance (Lloyd’s and Lloyd’s bank), One letter different.


To get the Best Identity Theft Protection in 2021, you need to keep your information safe in a digital world by choosing the best identity theft protection. I hope this article about the best identity theft protection in 2021  helps you find out how to use this information effectively so that no one can steal from your life!

You don’t have to be a cybersecurity expert to create an identity safe from hackers: all it takes, some simple steps and a little common sense.

  1. 1. We recommend using a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols to create your password for the various sites you use.
  2. 2. Deactivating unused accounts – If there are old social media or email account that you no longer use, it’s best to deactivate them so they can’t be hacked into by someone else who might have access to either one of those platforms.
  3. 3. Paying attention to public Wi-Fi networks – It’s essential to keep an eye out for malicious software and enter personal information such as credit card data.
  4. 4. Not sharing photos without permission.
  5. 5. Being very careful about what you download from unknown sources.
  6. 6. Avoid giving away too much info in chat rooms.
  7. 7. Using a VPN  the advantages of Virtual Private Networking
  8. 8. Best CyberSecurity 2021

The Article Best Identity Theft Protection 2021-Stop Identity Theft Now was found here https://limitsofstrategy.com/best-identity-theft-protection-2021-stop-identity-theft-now/

This post Best Identity Theft Protection 2021-Stop Identity Theft Now first appeared on
Walrus Video

The laptops have had a huge impact on how they operate. We can take equipment with us almost everywhere we go, but the big question is how long the battery last. Especially the best laptop for business, the question of longevity paste is a very broad question and there are great leaders on the

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The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley brings together researchers, community stakeholders, policymakers, and communicators to identify and challenge the barriers to an inclusive, just, and sustainable society in order to create transformative change. The Haas Institute serves as a vibrant network of researchers and partners advancing research and policy related to marginalized communities, touching all who benefit from a truly diverse, fair, and inclusive society. The Haas Institute General and Law Summer Fellowships are fourteen weeks part-time paid internships (pay rate based on educational degree or year in school) running from May 20 to August 21. Two separate fellowship programs are offered: General and Law.

The General Summer Fellowship Program 2015

The General Fellowship Program will take place May 20 to August 21, 2015. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students who are interested in social and racial justice are welcome to apply. Applications are due March 1, 2015. (Details below)

The Law Summer Fellowship Program 2015

The Law Summer Fellowship Program 2015 will take place May 20 to August 21, 2015. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students who are interested in social and racial justice are welcome to apply. Applications are due February 20, 2015. (Details below)

Applications submitted after the dateline or without a cover letter and writing sample will not be considered.

2015 General Summer Fellowship Program
Application dateline: March 1, 2015

The information below is for the General Fellowship program. We are also accepting applications for Summer Law Fellows.

The Opportunity

The Haas Institute Summer Fellowship is a 14-week part-time paid internship (pay rate based on educational degree or year in school) that runs from May 20 to August 21. All undergraduate, graduate, post-doc, and professional students  (domestic and international) are welcome to apply. International applicants must cover and arrange their own visa, travel, and accommodations expenses.


Summer fellows will work on a wide range of projects relating to marginalized groups, racial equity, and social cleavages such as race, LGBTQ, disability, religion, socio-economic disparities, new and emerging research on local and regional governments, and Global North/Global South relations. In particular, summer fellows are expected to assist and work on research and policy analysis; extensive statistical, data and financial analysis; literature reviews, bibliographic annotation; writing for reports, memos, discussion papers, journal articles and book chapters; planning and coordinating meetings, conferences, and other speaking engagements including preparation of presentations.


All summer fellows are expected to:

Work at the Haas Institute office on the UC Berkeley campus, or remotely based on project’s needs and individualized work plan;
Have a commitment to social and racial justice, and civil liberties;
Work approximately 20 hours per week for fourteen weeks (May 20 to August 21).
Minimum Qualifications

Bachelors, Masters, professionals or doctoral students (completed or in progress), or equivalent combination of education/experience;
Experience with Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
Self-starter with ability to initiate and complete work with limited supervision;
Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
Preferred Qualifications

Familiarity with data collection, data maintenance and institutional analysis;
Facility for writing and copyediting content that is geared for the Institute’s outreach efforts to stakeholders such as media, policymakers, partners, community organizations, and other audiences.
Knowledge of data science and data visualization;
Knowledge of financial data analysis.
To Apply

Please email your resume and cover letter, and a writing sample—no more than 5 pages (a single PDF file preferred) describing your experience and why you would be a good fit for this fellowship. Please send your application to the Haas Institute Summer Fellowship Program Committee at [email protected] before 5pm of March 1st, 2015.

Applications submitted after the dateline or without a cover letter will not be considered.

——Download Haas Institute General Fellowship Summer 2015 Information.



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