

Usually I take someone else’s pictures and add my own story, it’s rare that I just post someone else’s stuff.  Well this video I couldn’t just take pictures from and make captions, it was so good on its own that I couldn’t improve it.  Okay, I probably could, if I was the director on set, stress the family relationship a bit more during the sex, cut down on some of the repeated sex-talk, but, still.  This is my favorite Easter-themed porn video ever and possibly in my top few porn videos ever, hot as fuck and funny to boot, from beginning to end.  “Bye Uncle Mitch."  So, to close off my day of April Fools and Easter captions, I’ll just share the video as is. 

#incest    #uncle niece    #oblivious    #easter    #holiday    #not my work    
If she wanted to be a little more clear, she could take the shorts off. 

If she wanted to be a little more clear, she could take the shorts off. 

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If your parents found out how your uncle got you into treble, he’ll soon B flat.

If your parents found out how your uncle got you into treble, he’ll soon B flat.

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Prompt #32

Someone who is in high power, having a personal baker for their sweet tooth - but finding it more and more difficult to contain their ever growing feelings for the baker. Spending more time with them and developing more of a friendship. Baker develops feelings for the other person but is worried that if they’re not platonic that they’ll lose their trust with person A. So they try to subtly flirt with person A (whether they know it or goes over their head is up to you).

Oblivious Libras united on my post-

It was the happiest moment of my life, though I didn’t know it // Orhan Pamuk.

It was the happiest moment of my life, though I didn’t know it // Orhan Pamuk.

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Warming up For ChroniweekDecided to try and post a full story here again. Let’s see if it works. Thi

Warming up For Chroniweek

Decided to try and post a full story here again. Let’s see if it works. This story is heavily inspired by @absqrst’sTumblr Makes The Man series, give it a read, it’s really good.
The story itself may or may not be inspired by real world events ;)

Josh sat his pudgy ass down in front of his laptop and cracked his knuckles. He hadn’t written a story in forever and was worried it wasn’t gonna turn out well. Originally he had started writing male transformation captions on Tumblr as a way to release some stress and horny energy, but as his follower numbers grew he wanted to put more work into the stories and they turned into work.

He just shrugged his slim shoulders and scratched his slight gut. He did have to write a story for the challenge he had proposed to the community and now was as good a time to start than any other. Josh chuckled at the thought of a Chronivac. He definitely knew what he’d do with a Chronivac, after all an important part of why he had started posting in the first place was to live out his fantasies of easy ways to get incredibly hunky in a matter of seconds and without putting in too much work. Which is why the Chronivac was his favorite story topic, it was so easy to make changes with it.

The first part was always the hardest for him, finding a picture for the story. After all he was a very picky guy, having really detailed ideas on what he wanted from the GIF or picture he wanted to go with the idea he had cooked up. This time however his search ended quickly. As soon as he loaded up his Tumblr feed the first picture he saw was perfect. Just what he had had in mind. Invigorated by that quick success he immediately started writing the story.

Josh loved stories where the character remained unaware of the changes and he guessed that as a start to get back into writing he should stick with what he liked. As with many of his stories he used his own unspecial self to set the tone for the character before the changes. He took his time describing the guy, from his slightly above average height to his skinny arms, slight moobs and flabby midsection. Josh wasn’t fat by any means, but he could go with dropping 20 pounds of fat, or substituting it with muscle for that matter.

The writer also took his dear time describing the pre-change situation around the soon to be hunk’s crotch area. He went into great detail about describing the college student’s average set of cock and balls, both the uncircumcised 5 inch cock that had a slight vein running along it’s left side, leading from his shaved crotch to the unusually thick head, covered by the foreskin and the balls, average sized testicles happily rolling around in their poorly shaved nutsack.

After finishing the description of the character’s legs, built from regular bike tours and size 11 feet Josh had some trouble settling on a name. Since he wasn’t from the US he always had a hard time coming up with a name, not wanting it to be too unusual but not too bland either. He chuckled a little bit and in his nice and smooth baritone, which more than once had led to people telling him he should be a voice actor, said to himself “I gave him pretty much my body. Fuck it, why not the name too.”

Finally after setting the mood and introducing the character of Story-Josh, Writer-Josh started sprinkling in some little details that he shared with the character, not that the readers would notice. He made Story-Josh a biology student like himself, an avid comic book and manga enthusiast (again, like himself) and also established a weird personality for the character (though it was hard getting his incredibly annoying personality to come out in the framework of a story to begin with).

Writer-Josh’s slim lips curled into a smile, finally it was time for the best part of the story, the transformations. He didn’t know where to start yet, having thought about the basic idea of the story first. He looked at the picture, again feeling reinvigorated with the defective Chronivac device idea.

The writer decided to start simple enough, just a small transformation to get the whole story going. As he typed a paragraph about the other Josh’s feet growing several sizes bigger than their normal size 11 he added little details, like the character feeling his feet suddenly be constrained by now far too small shoes he was wearing. Writer-Josh wiggled his toes, his usually baggy socks feeling increasingly tight around his feet by the moment. The feeling was weird, but as he finished the sentence about the shoes finally giving up he could feel his own socks burst, his meaty toes flexing at the feeling of freedom as the tatters around his now size 17 feet vanished, new socks not even bothering to form.

Now that he had a start the blogger continued upwards, giddily describing the transformation of Story-Josh’s legs bloating with thick powerful muscle, even bigger than the definition he already had before. Involuntarily Writer-Josh’s calf muscles flexed into a thick diamond shape, mirroring the behavior of the story character’s lower leg muscles. He continued with the thighs, taking his dear time describing how the already nicely shaped muscle jiggled and flexed, each jiggle adding a bit more size and definition to the growing tree trunk thighs. He knew exactly that a fellow writer would enjoy reading about the incredible definition of the legs, looking like they’d been carved out of marble, the separation between the individual muscles deepening and the insanely huge legs hardening with powerful brawn. The writer grunted, adjusting the way he was sitting to give his incredible legs some more room as he prepared for the next paragraph.

Just like one writer friend of his would enjoy the leg part, he knew that another friend of his would like reading about Story-Josh’s ass packing on muscle, after all the guy had called himself an “ass guy” when they were talking before. Writer-Josh giggled at Story-Josh’s behavior, surely he should notice the changes by now, no way one could gain such an incredibly powerful set of boulder-like ass cheeks without noticing anything. Again the writer had to adjust his sitting, the chair felt way softer than when he first sat down, his incredibly biteable ass squirming into the seat a bit more.

The blogger shifted his focus upwards, giving the other Josh washboard abs while he was at it, 8 deeply separated cinderblock muscles forcing themselves into existence around both of their midsections, their lower backs straightening, their posture improving. He didn’t wanna make the character too much taller but another inch or two couldn’t hurt, just to make the Story-Josh an even 6’4. Something around Writer-Josh’s back tickled for a second, his shirt clad back rubbing against the back of the chair as his height slightly increased. He scratched at the lower row of his abs absentmindedly, a slight breeze hitting it as the shirt was now a little too short to cover the tight muscle that made up his core completely.

Eagerly the writer rubbed his hands, the next part was always one of his favorites. Something about seeing a guy’s pigeon chest blow up into two massive smooth boulders of hard pec meat always turned him on. His fingers flew over the keyboard, typing up a storm about the character’s pecs growing with each breath, firm strong chest muscles coming into existence whenever he breathed in, his chest swelling but never losing its size when he breathed out. The blogger bounced his own growing chest in excitement, not even knowing that his shirt was struggling to stretch over the growing mass of chest meat more and more with each of his breaths, small tears appearing in the fabric with each flex.

As the writer continues with the character’s shoulders, his own shot out to the sides, rounding out into two huge cannonball delts, his shirt near breaking point, especially with the traps blooming to live against both Josh’s necks, the collar tearing to shreds. This proved to be the beginning of the end, with each word Josh wrote about the other Josh noticing how tight and uncomfortable his shirt was becoming, the real world guy felt more and more constricted. With one final flex of his prominent pec shelf the shirt disappeared, exploding into tatters of fabric around him, imitating what he had made the story character do. “Better.”, both of them grunted, their voices now deeper. No longer was the voice a smooth voice actor baritone, but a bass voice, dripping with masculinity and oozing dominance with every syllable. If anything he’d be a voice actor for porn now, just a word of him enough to make men and women alike grow horny and cum.

Writer-Josh continued his work, but found himself making more and more typos as his hands grew, calluses he hadn’t had since this one time he went to gym for some months appearing on his lengthening, strengthening fingers. His counterpart was going through a similar experience, his phone becoming smaller and smaller looking in his growing hands. He almost crushed it with his now paw size hands as his forearms turned into two ham sized clubs of muscle, veins criss crossing under the skin. Their upper arms looked ridiculous or a second, noodles stuck between the wide defined cannonball shoulders and strong forearms.

After readjusting his wristwatch, which was suddenly struggling and tight against his bulky lower arm, Writer-Josh finished the transformation of the story character, bloating the guy’s (and by extension his own) muscles. Where there had been toothpicks seconds before where now two massive, insanely strong upper arms, muscular biceps the size of oranges and meaty triceps with an insane horseshoe now making Josh and Josh hold out their arms at a slight angle, their lats making it hard to hold them too close to their body. As a finishing touch the blogger added a pencil thick vein running along the side of the character’s right biceps, that should make for a good detail after all.

Writer-Josh cracked his knuckles, time for the finishing touches. He started with the face. While both him and his story character weren’t ugly by any means, he took his dear time making the fictional guy drop dead gorgeous. As the transformation of Story-Josh continued, his jaw squared out, a lantern jaw pushing itself out of the fat melting off of his face. High cheekbones came into existence, giving him an appearance more than worthy of a male model. His thin lips became full and kissable, perfectly accentuating the strong manly nose he now sported. His already beautiful dark eyes became a little deeper and gained a more intense look as his brow gained a little more prominence. Overall the writer was content with the face he had created, but decided to add a thick designer stubble on the square jaw of his character for good measure. Writer-Josh smirked, not even feeling his face crack into the same shape he had just spent half an hour on for Story-Josh.

The last couple changes were small in nature, like the story character’s skin darkening a few shades to gain a healthy tan or any hair below his neck falling out, leaving the muscle to stand out and “pop” more. Writer-Josh had never been a big fan of hairy guys, making them the exception in his stories. He also made the character’s glasses disappear and added a new love for sports, especially football, blinking a couple of times as his vision and mind adjusted.

Mentally he face palmed himself, almost having posted the story already. He had forgotten the most important part. Tumblr and other sides would have laughed at him for sending out a muscle hunk and forgetting to change the most important part. Writer-Josh’s meaty biceps flexed as he really finished the transformation, giving the character a big old horsecock, a tower of flesh rising from his smooth crotch, accentuated by his cut Adonis belt. The beer can thick cock should have thick veins running along the entire footlong length, giving any and all people who looked at it really something to ogle at. He also decided to make the character circumcised, just so his apple sized mushroom shaped cock head would stand out more. He moaned as his own cock went through the exact same transformation, becoming the mirror image of what he had just described.

Still moaning slightly, and rearranging the contents of his suddenly tight underwear, he finished the description of the character’s new balls, full of virile cum and hanging low between his muscle thighs. Like the rest of his balls his egg sized balls were shaven smooth and at this moment started pumping absurd levels of testosterone into his system, leading to both the character and the writing taking on a more dominant attitude.

Writer-Josh took a sip of his tea. Now he really was finished. And he himself didn’t find the story too bad if he was being honest, definitely a good warm-up for his Chroniweek story. But as his roommate passed him he had an idea. Maybe he should add another character to the story. After all, his story counterpart could always use a willing cumdump to use his new farm animal sized dick on.

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Go Vikings!“Go Vikings!!” Nowadays you could read that sentence all around the building, posters and

Go Vikings!

“Go Vikings!!” Nowadays you could read that sentence all around the building, posters and banners plastering every meter of the hallways and even mostly of the exteriors. And what for? Only because the college’s football team, the Orsonville Vikings, were about to win the national championship. Sure that was impressive, but it’s not like all the other students were total losers. The best example for that was Lugh, the Vikings’ water boy. But of course that wasn’t his whole identity. Being the smart little ginger guy he was, he excelled in his chemistry classes. In fact Lugh was so smart that he had participated in the International Chemistry Championship and even scored among the top 3.

But Orsonville’s college was completely focused on their football team, ignoring all other accomplishments from students who didn’t have the skill to participate in the sport. Not like anyone could hold up with the team members. Every single one of them looked like someone had distilled the team name into human form, resulting in a roster of insanely tall, muscular men with golden blond hair and thick beards. And as the team’s waterboy Lugh knew that the team had another trait running for them, a trait that usually entered the room far before them. And no, that didn’t mean the insanely big pecs they all owned, giving them trouble to see their clown feet without having to bend over. It instead referred to the impressive set of genitals they all had. Big bloated bull nuts and cocks that would make true Viking’s hammers look tiny by comparison.

Lugh had just accepted it long ago. Having huge Viking looking guys in your school was just a side effect of living in Minnesota, where basically everyone looked like a Norse god made flesh. Everyone except Lugh. Even though his parents had named him after the Celtic warrior god of oaths, truth and law, he had always been tiny compared to his Viking classmates. He was just the stereotypical ginger twink you’d find everywhere. He had really hoped to break the spell when hitting puberty, maybe growing tall and brawny. But even though he had gone to the gym religiously and tried out a myriad of methods to fasten his growth, puberty had just passed him by, leaving Lugh with a short, skinny body. It was just unfair. Lugh had gone to the gym far more than anyone on the football team and while he hadn’t gained any muscle at all, the Vikings were just gaining mass like crazy, even though they were rarely seen seriously training at the gym. 

Deciding he needed a break from all the hype over the upcoming football game, the skinny ginger made his way towards the city’s public pool. he normally didn’t like showing off his unimpressive body, but since it was so early he figured that he’d be pretty much alone there. It was only a short way away from his flat and so barely 5 minutes after Lugh had left his thick chemistry books behind, he walked into the locker room of the pool, a sportsbag with his new blue swimming trunks strapped over his pigeon chest. But when he opened the door his hopes of some nice time at the pool died. 

The changing room was filled with team members of the Orsonville Vikings, most of them butt naked at this point and proudly strutting around so everyone could see their amazing bodies and insanely fat cocks. Some of the men had already squeezed their horsedicks into obscenely tight speedos, that did nothing to conceal their farm animal sized sets of genitals. Suddenly the thought of spending time at the pool didn’t seem so good anymore. Lugh didn’t want to have to look at these Norse gods show off their gods and make him look even paler than he already way in comparison. He didn’t want to feel even more inadequate than he already did. And he definitely didn’t want to pop a boner over these amazingly hot guys in public for everyone to see. Lugh had never told anyone, but he was gay and he especially had a thing for the brawny viking kind of guys, which made being around the team members incredibly difficult for him.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but given how some of the team members had already seen and greeted him it would look pretty weird if he left now, so Lugh chose the corner of the room that was the furthest away from the team members and started changing. He cursed his genes sometimes. Lugh had the feeling that since he was ginger he could never grow nearly as big as these guys with their viking heritage. Frustrated Lugh just uttered: “I wish I wouldn’t feel so inadequate next to these fucking Vikings.” and all of a sudden the world shifted as this wish became reality. Not just for Lugh and the team, but for the whole world.


Lugh had to bend his knees as he heaved his python of a dick into his new swimming trunks. With his bull nuts already taking up a lot of the space in there this was already a difficult task when his cock was completely soft, but stuffing his hammer in there when the tool was hardening was pretty nigh impossible. He tried to concentrate on fluffy kittens and over stuff to stop the thing from going completely steelpipe and after some more struggle to get the trunks to sit right he was ready to step out into the open.

Getting changed had been insanely difficult given that the Orsonville Vikings had been there too, the whole team of sexy vikings. It had taken Lugh all of his willpower to not pop a boner right the moment he had walked into the changing room full of twinks. It wasn’t rare for the college’s gymnastics team to go to the pool together, but Lugh had hoped he could evade them at this time. The massive ginger just had a thing for these little vikings, from their long blond locks to their lithe, small muscles. And of course there were the balloon asses that were at the center of the viking stereotype.

It was kinda funny how the clichees about Norse looking guys were all true. They all had amazing bubble butts, that felt awesome on Lugh’s fat elephant dick, all had plump lips and basically bottomless throats, that were essentially made to give amazing blowjobs to bigger men (meaning everyone) and of course they all had the perfect twink looks, that drove Lugh crazy.

Then again the massive ginger was one to talk about stereotypes, being one himself. Like all Celt guys he was as tall as a tree and built like a brick wall. And of course he had the fat shank of fuck meat that was slowly hardening down his right leg, threatening to rip the trunks to shreds. That was also why he had to buy a new pair like everytime he went to the pool, there was always some sexy twink there that made his monster harden.

As his horsecock began to harden, the members of the Orsonville Vikings that were lounging around the pool got hungry looks in their eyes. All of them knew firsthand that Lugh could put his tool to good use and all of them wanted him to show them again. The Celt just sighed. He had wanted to visit to get some time off from fucking the gymnasts, which was his task as the team’s water boy. he had also wanted to escape the hype for the next competition of the gymnastics team. They were insanely successful and or the whole college these competitions were pretty much the most important thing. Nobody even cared if someone else had success in other fields. Lugh was the perfect example for that. He had just won against countless other guys in a weightlifting competition, earning himself a national champion title and was a pretty successful amateur bodybuilder. 

The massive ginger just picked up two of the nearest athletes and threw him over his meaty shoulders. They wanted “Fragarach” and they’d get it. Lugh just chuckled to himself. His numerous fucks had nicknamed his footlong cumcannon after the sword of Celtic god whose name he had and he had to admit he kinda liked it. With his powerful baritone he exclaimed “Go Vikings!”, before carrying the two eager twinks to a more secluded area. He just hoped an hour of hard jackhammer pounding would be enough to satisfy each of them.

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Club OrientationIt was the first week and the two friends Jonas and Daniel wandered around the campu

Club Orientation

It was the first week and the two friends Jonas and Daniel wandered around the campus. There were a lot of people around, what considering it was club orientation day seemed only logical. Dozens of booths were set up all over the campus. Every club from the anime enthusiasts to the zoology enthusiasts were showcasing their activities and trying to attract new member. A few of them looked pretty fascinating to the two of them, for example the LARPing club, that fit in perfectly with both of their nerdy tendencies. It wasn’t like they were nerds, they just enjoyed some DnD and nerd stuff once in a while, as a change of pace to their biweekly gym sessions and financial classes.

Most of the time Daniel and Jonas felt attracted to the same booths, but from time to time. For example Jonas, whose family owned a farm, felt pretty drawn to the Animal Rights Protectors, while the nerdier Jonas took great interest in the Comic Book booth. One weird thing kinda caught the guys’ attention though. The two of them had been the only out gay guys in their hometown, not like a couple, but more like best friends. Soon after coming out together, they realized they liked the same thing, namely huge, muscular, manly guys. And that was the weird thing about the campus. Wherever the two guys looked, they saw a man who met their likes exactly.

There was a huge amount of muscular guys strolling around the area. Some looked more like the Viking or Celt stereotypes, with meaty brawn and an abundance of hair covering their built pecs, while other guys looked like they had just stepped out of a fitness shoot, with defined, cut physiques being flaunted by the shirtless studs. And they all gave the pair a grin and flex when they noticed the stares, leaving the two boys breathless.

After about an hour of roaming around the numerous booths, the friends came across a rather large booth that had a big banner above it proudly displaying “Physique Building Club”, which as Jonas knew was just another name for a bunch of amateur bodybuilders. But still he felt intrigued, probably by the two exceptionally big twins that stood there, and stepped closer. Immediately one of the twins headed over and gave the surprised Jonas a small box, nicely wrapped up with a red band. “Hey there, buddy.”, the guy said with his deep melodic baritone, “I’m Stan, one of the presidents of the PBC. We thought it would get us a lot of new members if we hand out presents.” Stan just gave him a smile that seemed to stretch up to both of his ears, leaving the still baffled Jonas all the more without words.

He didn’t know why, but when Jonas walked back to his friend, he hid the small box in his pocket, not wanting Daniel to see it. Apparently while Jonas had spoken to Stan, Daniel had decided to sign up for a tennis club, a sport which didn’t really peak Jonas’ interest. And so without having signed up for any club at all the nerdier of the two followed after his friend back to their shared flat. Jonas quickly went to his room and locked the door behind him. He pulled the box out of his pocket and almost ceremoniously opened the small package. 

He nearly burst out in laughter upon seeing the contents however. Inside the nice little box was a shiny, bright red piece of clothing that from his regular viewing of contests he immediately recognized as a posing strap and a high quality one at that. But then again, despite the ridiculousness of the thought, he dropped his pants, prepared to try the posing trunks on. Surely they would look totally out of place on his average body. Not like he was bony or anything, his regular gym sessions made sure of that, but he didn’t have the mass to look good with only this on. Yet he proceeded undressing, since he had always wondered deep within, what it would feel like wearing these things. Finally he had had undressed completely, his nude body on full display. Jonas wasn’t bad looking, kinda handsome in fact and with his proud 6 inches of cock he had made a good top for his previous sex partners, but somehow he had always wished to be bigger.

With these thoughts in mind he pulled the posing trunks up his legs. Once they sat around his nice package and bubble butt, Jonas was surprised to see that nothing had happened. He didn’t know what he had expected, but the fact that nothing at all had changed with the posers had been kinda disappointing.

Jonas stepped in front of his mirror and took his form in. He was surprised by how much the tiny piece of fabric concealed his cockbulge, but then again he didn’t have anything extraordinary down there, so that was kinda expected. After some minutes of looking at himself from pretty much all possible angles, Jonas decided he might as well try to flex and so he brought his arms up into a double biceps pose. But as soon as his arms were in position, the world around him began to crumble and barely able to remain standing, Jonas blacked out.


With a shudder Jonas opened his eyes again. What had just happened? He looked around his room in confusion and saw the calming familiar stuff he was used to. Posters of excercise instructions and famous competitive bodybuilders were plastered all over the walls and several trophies decorated the room even more. With a pleased smile Jonas looked at his arms. The massive 20 inch guns he had been working so hard for were still there, showing off the incredible vascularity he was so proud off.

He gave his massive biceps another quick flex and rolled his wide shoulders before standing up again. What had he been doing again? Absentmindedly he rubbed his impressively defined abs and plump pillow pecs, letting out a slight moan as he brushed over his quarter-sized nipple and walked over to his mirror. He looked at the beefy muscles he had built over the years. His legs, looking like they had been cut out of marble, and his diamond like calves really looked ready for the competition coming up next week, just like the rest of his masterpiece of a body, but he’d put in some more work on his lats. Even though they already complimented his cannonball shoulders well, he was really striving for that wing like look.

As he inspected his body, all of a sudden he heard a knock coming from the door. It was his boyfriend Daniel. While Jonas was bigger than most guys on the campus, standing at roughly 6'6 and being built like a god, Daniel wasn’t unimpressive either, even though other than Jonas. He may have been pretty short compared to his boyfriend, being only 5'8 in height, but his gymnast training had given him tight lean muscles. The most outstanding feature about the smaller man however wasn’t his athletic build, or his amazing sapphire blue eyes and boyish features, but the plump yet incredibly tight bubble butt he had trained for since becoming a couple with Jonas. The two globes were currently fighting for space in Daniel’s favourite jockstrap, the twink being fully aware, that Jonas wouldn’t be able to resist.

“Your poses are looking amazing, babe. And with your package being presented so fabulously I bet the judges won’t have a choice but giving you first place.”, Daniel cooed as he moved through the room, over to his bodybuilding top. Jonas just looked down, having a little trouble to see something past his pecs, and grabbed the humongous bulge that was barely held back by his farm animal sized genitals. Even though moat guys in the PBC were built and had some decent cock meat, Jonas knew that he was among the biggest members of his club, in all departments. The only guys bigger than him in dick size category were his best friend Stan and his twin brother, but even these two couldn’t compare to his brawn. “Maybe you should show me what that thing is capable of, babe. You haven’t showed me in a while.”, Daniel interrupted Jonas’ train of thought and wiggled his fat bubble butt. The bigger man just chuckled. Daniel knew full well that Jonas could put his 10 incher to good use, he had just showcased that this very morning.

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