
     pinegrove – visiting 

     pinegrove – visiting 

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     pinegrove – aphasia

     pinegrove – aphasia

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 Finally, some sunshine! I went to the park and enjoyed the warmth of the sun while finishing a smal

Finally, some sunshine! I went to the park and enjoyed the warmth of the sun while finishing a small tablecloth for the christmas sweets table. Also, I could show off this beautiful cardinal purse made by my aunt Lourdes!

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Cardinals (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Capricorn grows increasingly stressed out as they have important things to do and cannot afford to be trapped in a room. Capricorn’s wrath triggers Cancer’s anxiety, and Cancer soon begins to hyperventilate. Aries begins to get pissed off, because Cancer and Capricorn won’t calm tf down; this leads to yelling at them so that they’ll relax. This only causes Cancer to get offended and Capricorn to start yelling back at Aries. Just as they are about to start punching each other, Libra steps in. Libra hates any kind of conflict, so they silence everyone with their soothing voice. Libra mentions that they are all very good at leading, in different ways, and so they should work together to figure out how to escape. Within minutes of trying this out, they are miraculously outside again.

Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

Each passing minute only brings more tension among the group. They all have their own thoughts and ideas, but none of them want to listen to the others. Leo is being very showy and dramatic and keeps mentioning that they are all going to die in the room. Leo’s behavior is seen as obnoxious by Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus wants to smother Leo with their strong embrace, while Scorpio keeps fantasizing about shooting Leo. Aquarius is in a world of their own and not really paying attention to the conflict around them. As Aquarius begins to pray, an alien spaceship beams them outside.

Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

Virgo is having pretty bad anxiety, but Pisces is able to soothe them after awhile. No one really understands why they are here, but they assume that they are part of some new experiment. Pisces and Sagittarius are still high from their morning smoke, so they sit back and relax. Gemini and Sagittarius take turns joking around and lightening up the mood, until even Virgo can’t stop smiling. They never really think about how to get out or care that they are trapped. They all just go with the flow. Eventually, the experimenters feel bad for them and let them out.

