#chronic migraine




Hey everyone! I was just wondering if any of you had any advice for dealing with heat intolerance. I have a roadtrip to Yellowstone coming up and get really really sick in the hot and I get motion sickness and we’ll be in the car for hours at a time for days at a time I an environment that is much hotter than where I live. I’m kind of scared that I’m going to spend the entire time feeling nauseated

So I struggle with this a lot too and I’d love to hear how some other deal with it!

Personally I wear as little clothing as I can but I also use a metal hollow tube that I fill with ice or some other cold substance and then place between my breasts. It sounds and looks weird but it has saved me so many times. It cools my core super super fast. A wet bandanna also does wonders especially because to reset the cold, you just need to whip it around a little.

I keep forgetting to witch blogs it’s a problem

Hear yee, hear yee!

So@supernini235 was super super awesome and made a discord for us spoonies. She figured out the whole thing a lot faster than I did .

Feel free to join!



!!!!!!!!!!!!College Peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The price put on education is dumb as hell and I for one won’t let anyone else be scammed by their university bookstore!

If you message me your textbook ISBNs I can find you scans of your textbooks for 10 dollars a pop. AND I can offer you these textbooks without you giving up any information about yourself, because let’s be real the internet is a sketchy place. I can just send you a link to a google drive where you can access the PDFs and downloaded them without any fear of malware or viruses.

I just want to save y’all money. Personally, all my spending money goes towards my cat and food. I saved myself about 600 dollars. I want to do the same for y’all. Please feel free to share this around to anyone you know struggling to buy textbooks.

This isn’t a scam, this isn’t a hack of my account. To prove it, here is a picture of Tippy being adorable. TBH the internet can never have too much cat pictures

let me go home you fucking fucks

In the hospital like a cocking, dick faced fuck .

On a ward full of snoring old cocking dick face fucks

You can shove your paracetamol up your arse.

I want my dog.

Been reccommended to eliminate gluten from my diet to see if it affects my migraines. Does anyone have any gluten free tips? Any advice?

We feel like we have to project this image of disabled and chronically ill people being so brave. Like they’re such heroes because of everything they go through without complaining. And it’s true that we’re cool, but sometimes I’m sick of it. Sometimes I don’t want to be seen as someone brave or tough, even by myself. I cried for hours today because the pain just got so bad, and afterwards I found myself apologising to my family. Screw that. Why was that my first reaction? I want it to be okay for me to have days when I’ve had enough of it, to just cry and be sad and angry and frustrated because it’s not bloody fair. To not constantly worry that I’m a burden to everyone around me. Sure, I like making people smile, I think it’s good to be sunshine when you can’t find any, but I’m sick of insisting it’s not raining. I like to inspire people and do good where I can, but I am not your inspiration. That’s not my sole purpose. I didn’t choose this. I don’t owe it to anyone to turn this into some kind of origin story. Some days I just need to frickin survive and know it’s ok to not be ok and cry without apologising for it and be mad without feeling guilty because this is not my fault
