


what a nice doll, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with it whatsoever 

laser-lance: Continue doodles of the Previous post.laser-lance: Continue doodles of the Previous post.laser-lance: Continue doodles of the Previous post.


Continue doodles of the Previous post.

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New Memories.



Whether you’re a friend, relative, partner or stranger, letting someone know you are there can make a huge difference.

ludovicusbavariaerex: Józef Rapacki (1871-1929), Rêverie - 1892


Józef Rapacki (1871-1929), Rêverie - 1892

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huariqueje:Evening Grötzingen (artist’s house)  -   Friedrich Kallmorgen , 1889German 1856-1924Oil o


Evening Grötzingen (artist’s house)  -   Friedrich Kallmorgen , 1889

German 1856-1924

Oil on canvas

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wtxch:Vanessa Stockard (Australian, b.1975)


Vanessa Stockard (Australian, b.1975)

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wtxch: Vanessa Stockard (Australian, b.1975)Satan Said, 2019Oil on Canvas


Vanessa Stockard (Australian, b.1975)

Satan Said, 2019

Oil on Canvas

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big-gay-apocalypse:Right now, I just want to get you someplace safe.big-gay-apocalypse:Right now, I just want to get you someplace safe.


Right now, I just want to get you someplace safe.

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How to get better sleep.

I have lots of difficulty sleeping so I like to do a lil bit of self care during my various restless nights.

  • Make some warm milk or soothing tea. (I prefer to heat up milk on the stove and add in lavender, honey, and vanilla)
  • Listen to ambient noise. (Rain, piano, lofi, or whatever else you find relaxing)
  • Find bedding that is the comfiest to you. (Silk bed sheets/pillow case and a huge puffy blanket is my preference)
  • Light a calming candle if you have one available. Incense works too. (My favorite scents are of the floral variety, rose in particular)
  • Manage whatever you’re stressing over, otherwise it will definitely keep you up. (My schoolwork stresses me out so I make a to-do list to feel like I have my shit together)
  • Read something in bed! While I generally prefer to watch tv instead of read, it can actually cause you to stay awake. (I’m currently reading “The Bell Jar” but anything works, including comics and manga)
  • Find little things that relieve pain or make your sleeping experience more pleasant! (I have an electric heating pad I sleep on top of)

That’s all for now! I have more ideas but these are the ones that came to mind first. Hope this helps fix ya fucked up sleep schedule!

Why The Rise Of Anti-Semitism (Oddly) Comforts Me As a child, I had a recurring dream that I was in

Why The Rise Of Anti-Semitism (Oddly) Comforts Me

As a child, I had a recurring dream that I was in the Holocaust. Twenty-five years later, much of it is hazy, except for the intense fear of trying to escape from pursuers who considered it a crime to be Jewish. I wondered if this was a common thing. “Do you think most Jews have ‘the Holocaust nightmare?’” I asked my husband the other night.

“Dunno,” he said, “I never did.”

“Oh,” I responded. “I guess it was just me.”

“My nightmares were about the Spanish Inquisition,” he interjected.

We both burst out laughing. (Laughter is the best medicine.)

Although I’m feeling more and more unease as I witness the rise of anti-Semitism around the world, there is something else I find myself feeling: comfort. Believe me, I too am baffled and even embarrassed by this emotion. Then again, maybe it’s not so hard to understand.

Read more: http://jewinthecity.com/2014/08/why-the-rise-of-anti-semitism-oddly-comforts-me/#ixzz3Ah0OfZ1x

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Offering Comfort Spell

One of the hardest situations to be in is when your friend, partner, family is hurting and you are unable to act to ameliorate that hurt. When my partner is in a dark place my heart feels pinched and every breath catches. I know that it is the same for her when I am in a dark place. This is a simple charm to send love and support to those you care about who are hurting.

You Will Need

1. One yellow candle (can substitute white)


[Recommended for this spell] If it is part of your practice, cast a circle. As you sit with your ingredients before you, centre yourself. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, the sensations of your body, and your connection to the earth.

This spell can be cast with the person you are directing your energies toward sitting across the candle flame from you or directed outward toward a person who is not present.


Sit comfortably on the floor with the yellow candle in safe holder in front of you. If the person who you are directing your comfort and energy to is present, have them sit on the opposite side of the candle from you.

Light the candle and sit quietly for a minute. Visualise your love, comfort, and energy as a golden light building inside your chest. As it expands, push it outward with your mind toward the person who you wish to comfort. Repeat the following with conviction:

Friend of mine with aching heart

Let this gift from me impart

You with peace, a fresh new start

May all your sorrow soon depart

Sit together in the light of your love and comfort for as long as you both need.


Yellow Candle: comfort, confidence, joy

This week was rough for a lot of us. I’m reposting this so it’s easy to find for everyone.
