

I am doing my best to get back on the ball with all the goals that I have set for 2019 and journaling more is one of them.

I got an opportunity to go to Starbucks today and just sit and enjoy time by myself.

Every day I am going to try to journal something. Even if all I did was stay home lol. At least like track my emotions or something. I may write more later as the day goes on but I tend to like to journal around mid day ish.

Lately I’ve been feeling a lot of minimalist vibes and aesthetics. It makes my journal feel less hectic but I know that’ll probably change when I make my spread for March lol

Tonight I need to study… Like… Desperately. I’ve been falling behind a little bit lately but I have forgiven myself and move on.

I hope you all are having or had a fantastic day as well

ph by thecobbhaus

ph by ??????

it’s snowing!!! winter is here

ph by michaelmatti

Inktober 2020 day 08

Emojitober prompt by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

I forgot again to put on the writes lol
