

Inktober 2020 day 15

Prompt list by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

Inktober 2020 day 08

Emojitober prompt by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

I forgot again to put on the writes lol

A Letter From Death ~

Inktober 2020 day 06

Emojitober prompt by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

They are the Death Postman: they deliver letters and presents from the deads to their beloved ones alive.

Inktober 2020 - day 03

Prompt by Elentori:Emojitober

Today’s emojis:

She’s done her ghost costume by herself with an old blankett! She may seem creepy but she’s just cutting some cake slices hehe

Inktober 2020 day 02

This year i’m following Elentori’s prompt: emojitober! I find it so funny!

I have a new drawing pad so, i’m gonna do evry drawing with it for practice.

Have a nice day and, if you want, follow my blog ❤️

~artist in training

Inktober 2020: day 01

I follow the promt from Elentori:emojitober!

Today’s emojis:

Inktober 2020 day 26

I don’t like skulls so i decided to make something a little fantasy

-Prompt list by Elentori-

Inktober 2020 day 25

Prompt list by Elentori

Ugh it came out so ugly…i was out of time sorry rip
