

Inktober 2020 day 15

Prompt list by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

Inktober 2020 day 08

Emojitober prompt by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

I forgot again to put on the writes lol

A Letter From Death ~

Inktober 2020 day 06

Emojitober prompt by Elentori

Emojis of the day:

They are the Death Postman: they deliver letters and presents from the deads to their beloved ones alive.

Inktober 2020 day 26

I don’t like skulls so i decided to make something a little fantasy

-Prompt list by Elentori-

Inktober 2020 day 25

Prompt list by Elentori

Ugh it came out so ugly…i was out of time sorry rip
